My far-left friends believe that it is ludicrous that our agencies spy on Americans. I'm so OLD I remember 1974 and Seymour Hersh.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
My far-left friends believe that it is ludicrous that our agencies spy on Americans. I'm so OLD I remember 1974 and Seymour Hersh.
Actually, as I said, I am SO OLD that I remember 1974, and the article Seymour Hersh wrote that hit the fan in 1974. The agencies had people who had infiltrated various organizations and, in some cases, were instigating demonstrations and violence.

So please do not say that it could not happen when it is well known now that there were government agents in the crowd on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. urging demonstrators to break into the Capitol building. Why do you believe that Nancy Pelosi vetoed, six times, that the Capitol Police had asked for reinforcements because of the huge crowd gathering?

Why do you think Democrats wanted extra fencing and closing off buildings and bringing in thousands of troops AFTER?


Explain how we are supposed to battle the surge of domestic terrorism in which Americans are supposed to oppose this terrorism and stand up for our republic. We are already seeing our American heroes of Jan. 6, who were injured and tortured fighting for our nation, vilified by domestic terrorists and then foreign operatives who led them.
My far-left friends believe that it is ludicrous that our agencies spy on Americans. I'm so OLD I remember 1974 and Seymour Hersh.
Actually, as I said, I am SO OLD that I remember 1974, and the article Seymour Hersh wrote that hit the fan in 1974. The agencies had people who had infiltrated various organizations and, in some cases, were instigating demonstrations and violence.

So please do not say that it could not happen when it is well known now that there were government agents in the crowd on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. urging demonstrators to break into the Capitol building. Why do you believe that Nancy Pelosi vetoed, six times, that the Capitol Police had asked for reinforcements because of the huge crowd gathering?

Why do you think Democrats wanted extra fencing and closing off buildings and bringing in thousands of troops AFTER?


Just because a Republican President spied on journalists, made enemies lists, broke into the Democratic HQ etc... doesn't mean that all Presidents do it.
Just because a Republican President spied on journalists, made enemies lists, broke into the Democratic HQ etc... doesn't mean that all Presidents do it.
Obama did it without breaking into a building.

But then, you are a partisan hack that does not care.

As far as the GOP, you can thrown "W" and the rest of the Biden supporters under the bus

I know I have.
Obama did it without breaking into a building.

But then, you are a partisan hack that does not care.

As far as the GOP, you can thrown "W" and the rest of the Biden supporters under the bus

I know I have.
Yet in 3 years and some change, if an "R" is next to their names on a ballot in November...guess who you'll be voting for.

Nothing is as funny to me as a Trump supporter claiming to have principles or values.
There is a difference between left and right on this? I am pretty sure both side of the same shitty stick are pro-Patriot Act, and Pro-NSA/CIA/DIA Surveillance.
The Trump rally on jan 6 was a gathering of some of the most violently angry whackadoodles in America. No need to go looking for excuses for them.
They were violent and wackadoodles but they pale in comparison to the violent nuts on the left in the form of ANTIFA/|BLM
My far-left friends believe that it is ludicrous that our agencies spy on Americans. I'm so OLD I remember 1974 and Seymour Hersh.
Actually, as I said, I am SO OLD that I remember 1974, and the article Seymour Hersh wrote that hit the fan in 1974. The agencies had people who had infiltrated various organizations and, in some cases, were instigating demonstrations and violence.

So please do not say that it could not happen when it is well known now that there were government agents in the crowd on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. urging demonstrators to break into the Capitol building. Why do you believe that Nancy Pelosi vetoed, six times, that the Capitol Police had asked for reinforcements because of the huge crowd gathering?

Why do you think Democrats wanted extra fencing and closing off buildings and bringing in thousands of troops AFTER?


You make a weak case. First, the govt was committing all those actions against the Left. And... what exactly did your imaginary "Deep State Swamp" do on Jan. 6? Pelosi didn't call for more troops... that' sit? I suspect she did not know what was about to go down, undestimating the level of evil present among Trumpolini and his minions. She won't make that mistake again!
There is a difference between left and right on this? I am pretty sure both side of the same shitty stick are pro-Patriot Act, and Pro-NSA/CIA/DIA Surveillance.
It depends on how far left and right you mean. Progressives want surveillance on the white-right and other terrorists. The far Left wants no surveillance since they are often its target. The white-right Trumpoids of course think no govt is legitimate, they can do what they want, nobody can tell them to drive 55!
They were violent and wackadoodles but they pale in comparison to the violent nuts on the left in the form of ANTIFA/|BLM
Your perspective is skewed, likely by white-right propaganda.

Antifa and BLM pose a minuscule threat to anyone. The white-right threatens our democracy and freedom with their attempted coup to install a perverted dictator and all that.

The vast majority of BLM affiliates are of civil-rights mentality. I know one of their major organizers. He is not a Communist, violent, or any of that. His coalition involves blacks, whites, Jews, Muslims, latinos, Asians...

It is the Trumpoids who threaten this country more than anyone.
Explain how we are supposed to battle the surge of domestic terrorism in which Americans are supposed to oppose this terrorism and stand up for our republic. We are already seeing our American heroes of Jan. 6, who were injured and tortured fighting for our nation, vilified by domestic terrorists and then foreign operatives who led them.
So suddenly their leaders were "foreign operatives", HAAAAAAAA!!! A preposterous lie, but humorous in that you are suggesting the whole pack of nutcases were tricked by foreign agents!

Wake up. The foreign influence at play here is that of Putin who owns Trumpolini.
It depends on how far left and right you mean. Progressives want surveillance on the white-right and other terrorists. The far Left wants no surveillance since they are often its target. The white-right Trumpoids of course think no govt is legitimate, they can do what they want, nobody can tell them to drive 55!
Man shut your dot head ass up.
Your perspective is skewed, likely by white-right propaganda.

Antifa and BLM pose a minuscule threat to anyone. The white-right threatens our democracy and freedom with their attempted coup to install a perverted dictator and all that.

The vast majority of BLM affiliates are of civil-rights mentality. I know one of their major organizers. He is not a Communist, violent, or any of that. His coalition involves blacks, whites, Jews, Muslims, latinos, Asians...

It is the Trumpoids who threaten this country more than anyone.
M y perspective is factual and correct. Yours is denial and rooted in hypocrisy.

BLM /ANTIFA did precisely what the MAGA rioters did in the capitol albeit in a diffetent location.
They violently suppress the freedom of speech and have harmed and kileld far more people than the Jan 6 riot.

The vast majority of BLM and their affiliates are treasonous racists who wish to violently overthrow government. They have nothing to do with civil rights as there are no more such battles to be fought.

Trump supporters threaten no one anymore and are has beens like trump themselves.

Those are facts not propoganda deal with them.

Your side is worse
My far-left friends believe that it is ludicrous that our agencies spy on Americans. I'm so OLD I remember 1974 and Seymour Hersh.
Actually, as I said, I am SO OLD that I remember 1974, and the article Seymour Hersh wrote that hit the fan in 1974. The agencies had people who had infiltrated various organizations and, in some cases, were instigating demonstrations and violence.

So please do not say that it could not happen when it is well known now that there were government agents in the crowd on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. urging demonstrators to break into the Capitol building. Why do you believe that Nancy Pelosi vetoed, six times, that the Capitol Police had asked for reinforcements because of the huge crowd gathering?

Why do you think Democrats wanted extra fencing and closing off buildings and bringing in thousands of troops AFTER?



Anyone who doesn't believe our government spies on its own people are closed minded fools.

Those are the same people who think the government protects our freedoms despite the fact in this nations entire history the only freedoms we have ever lost were taken from us by our own government.

Americans stand to lose more by our own government than we do outside forces.
You make a weak case. First, the govt was committing all those actions against the Left. And... what exactly did your imaginary "Deep State Swamp" do on Jan. 6? Pelosi didn't call for more troops... that' sit? I suspect she did not know what was about to go down, undestimating the level of evil present among Trumpolini and his minions. She won't make that mistake again!
Why are you claiming that Nancy Pelosi is ignorant? Numerous requests were made, by the PROFESSIONALS, for far more troops to control the crowd.

Nancy and the Sgt. at Arms repeatedly refused. What would be the Democrat's motivation? They would have a massive riot in Washington, which they could point to and detract from the "Summer of Love" in numerous Democrat-run cities.

I absolutely do not believe the Democrats wanted anyone to buy, but remember, these are the folks repeatedly calling for violence and even providing bricks in strategic locations.

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