My Healthcare Premiums going up 44.5%

how much do you think these bills would have risen without obama care

or do you think they would have stayed the same?

With true reform, they would reflect actual cost of service with a formula for profit margin. The system is so corrupted and over burdened, there is nothing fair minded about what is reflected in our medical bills.

I must respectfully disagree. True reform would incorporate the following:

- Removal of state barriers to competition
- Tort reform to rid the system of malpractice blackmail
- Reform of the tax code so that health insurance is decoupled from employment

"Profit Controls" are just as toxic as "Wage & Price Controls".

Umm you left out informing consumers of Doctors performance records so they can make an informed choice of doctors.
In 2008, U.S. health care spending was about $7,681 per resident and accounted for 16.2% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP); this is among the highest of all industrialized countries. Total health care expenditures grew at an annual rate of 4.4 percent in 2008, a slower rate than recent years, yet still outpacing inflation and the growth in national income.
Since 1999, family premiums for employer-sponsored health coverage have increased by 131 percent, placing increasing cost burdens on employers and workers.
Government programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, account for a significant share of health care spending, but they have increased at a slower rate than private insurance. Medicare per capita spending has grown at a slightly lower rate, on average, than private health insurance spending, at about 6.8 vs. 7.1% annually respectively between 1998 and 2008. [3] Medicaid expenditures, similarly, have grown at slower rate than private spending, though enrollment in the program has increased during the current economic recession, which may result in increased Medicaid spending figures soon.

U.S. Health Care Costs: Background Brief -, Health Policy Education from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

This Report is from March 2010. How is that reflective on the new Law?????

Yep even without the new law HC costs raised 131% over 10-11 years.
and private insurances costs went uf more than Medicare costs did.
Just got the summary of my healthcare package.

In 2011 my premiums will go up 44.5%

Office visit co-pays up 25%

Prescription co-pays up 50%

And these co-pays will no longer count toward my annual deductable[sic], which is also increasing 25%.



FUCK YOU!!! :evil:

no seriously, fuck you.

you want to work in the field you do, shut up and pay up.

don't like it? get another job. stop having children. stop whining. toughen up. :evil:

Get cheaper coverage. It's the market.
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In 2008, U.S. health care spending was about $7,681 per resident and accounted for 16.2% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP); this is among the highest of all industrialized countries. Total health care expenditures grew at an annual rate of 4.4 percent in 2008, a slower rate than recent years, yet still outpacing inflation and the growth in national income.
Since 1999, family premiums for employer-sponsored health coverage have increased by 131 percent, placing increasing cost burdens on employers and workers.
Government programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, account for a significant share of health care spending, but they have increased at a slower rate than private insurance. Medicare per capita spending has grown at a slightly lower rate, on average, than private health insurance spending, at about 6.8 vs. 7.1% annually respectively between 1998 and 2008. [3] Medicaid expenditures, similarly, have grown at slower rate than private spending, though enrollment in the program has increased during the current economic recession, which may result in increased Medicaid spending figures soon.

U.S. Health Care Costs: Background Brief -, Health Policy Education from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

This Report is from March 2010. How is that reflective on the new Law?????

Yep even without the new law HC costs raised 131% over 10-11 years.
and private insurances costs went uf more than Medicare costs did.

Medicare doesn't go up because the Government won't pay, regardless of expense of providing the service. The result is that we pay more to cover the deficit that Medicare creates, but you know that.
Just got the summary of my healthcare package.

In 2011 my premiums will go up 44.5%

Office visit co-pays up 25%

Prescription co-pays up 50%

And these co-pays will no longer count toward my annual deductable[sic], which is also increasing 25%.



FUCK YOU!!! :evil:

no seriously, fuck you.

you want to work in the field you do, shut up and pay up.

don't like it? get another job. stop having children. stop whining. toughen up. :evil:

Get cheaper coverage. It's the market.

Never Question Fearless Leader! :lol: :lol: :lol:
how much do you think these bills would have risen without obama care

or do you think they would have stayed the same?

Historically, about 5% per year.

I'm not talking chump change here bones. I've done the math and all in I'm looking at roughly a $2,000 - $2,500 per year increase.

actually HC premiums have been rising near a steady rate of 18%-20% annually. not 5%.

his employer stop paying part (a subsidy) or he is now self employed. what a dope. Too bad he didn't get a job with union protection.

With true reform, they would reflect actual cost of service with a formula for profit margin. The system is so corrupted and over burdened, there is nothing fair minded about what is reflected in our medical bills.

I must respectfully disagree. True reform would incorporate the following:

- Removal of state barriers to competition
- Tort reform to rid the system of malpractice blackmail
- Reform of the tax code so that health insurance is decoupled from employment

"Profit Controls" are just as toxic as "Wage & Price Controls".

Umm you left out informing consumers of Doctors performance records so they can make an informed choice of doctors.

I'm fine with that as long as it is done by an independent professional organization that does not receive government money...or manage the billing codes used for Medicare.
Historically, about 5% per year.

I'm not talking chump change here bones. I've done the math and all in I'm looking at roughly a $2,000 - $2,500 per year increase.

actually HC premiums have been rising near a steady rate of 18%-20% annually. not 5%.

his employer stop paying part (a subsidy) or he is now self employed. what a dope. Too bad he didn't get a job with union protection.


Never Question the Union's Either!!! They will take you down!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
how much do you think these bills would have risen without obama care

or do you think they would have stayed the same?

Historically, about 5% per year.

I'm not talking chump change here bones. I've done the math and all in I'm looking at roughly a $2,000 - $2,500 per year increase.

$2,000 a year IS chump change, especially for a chump like you. what a whiner you've become. freedom isn't free and neither is health care. Insurance companies need to make a profit too.
This Report is from March 2010. How is that reflective on the new Law?????

Yep even without the new law HC costs raised 131% over 10-11 years.
and private insurances costs went uf more than Medicare costs did.

Medicare doesn't go up because the Government won't pay, regardless of expense of providing the service. The result is that we pay more to cover the deficit that Medicare creates, but you know that.

got you, try and deflect yet again.
actually HC premiums have been rising near a steady rate of 18%-20% annually. not 5%.

his employer stop paying part (a subsidy) or he is now self employed. what a dope. Too bad he didn't get a job with union protection.


Never Question the Union's Either!!! They will take you down!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, mani was with Obama early on. He voted for change. Now he has to pay chump change and he whines?

geesh, man up mani. man up.

see the post about insurance companies profits, and see if you think they should still profit from health care premiums.
I must respectfully disagree. True reform would incorporate the following:

- Removal of state barriers to competition
- Tort reform to rid the system of malpractice blackmail
- Reform of the tax code so that health insurance is decoupled from employment

"Profit Controls" are just as toxic as "Wage & Price Controls".

Umm you left out informing consumers of Doctors performance records so they can make an informed choice of doctors.

I'm fine with that as long as it is done by an independent professional organization that does not receive government money...or manage the billing codes used for Medicare.

Yep and 50% of the panel should not be doctors.
It's not a coincidence that private sector health care has increased in price as government funded health care has increased as a ratio of all health care.
his employer stop paying part (a subsidy) or he is now self employed. what a dope. Too bad he didn't get a job with union protection.


Never Question the Union's Either!!! They will take you down!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, mani was with Obama early on. He voted for change. Now he has to pay chump change and he whines?

geesh, man up mani. man up.


I think Mani saw the light. You are a convert Mani, Right??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Mani, don't feel so bad, I voted for Jessi Jackson once. :lol:
you know one way to bring health costs under control?

take the regulation of medical people away from the protects bad doctors...
now how do i feel about torte reform? i am not for that so much, i have seen medical accidents result in major financial issues..even one that sounds like jokes...lets take the woman who got burned by the coffee at the drive thru....people want to pan her blah blah blah but they dont realize the facts the suit was based on...

there is a reason old people use to say.....hospitals will kill you

Never Question the Union's Either!!! They will take you down!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, mani was with Obama early on. He voted for change. Now he has to pay chump change and he whines?

geesh, man up mani. man up.


I think Mani saw the light. You are a convert Mani, Right??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Mani, don't feel so bad, I voted for Jessi Jackson once. :lol:

there's a chance he might run away and join a Tea Party. :eek:
see the post about insurance companies profits, and see if you think they should still profit from health care premiums.

FRONTLINE: sick around the world: interviews: pascal couchepin | PBS

Now, see, that's striking for an American, because we would certainly say everyone is entitled to an education, everyone is entitled to legal protection if you get in trouble with the law, but we don't say that everyone is entitled to health care.

Why? Because it is a profound need for people to be sure that, if they are struck by a stroke of destiny, they can have a good health system.

... So if you ask the people of Switzerland, is everyone entitled to decent health care, the Swiss would say?

Everybody has a right to health care.


FRONTLINE: sick around the world: five capitalist democracies & how they do it | PBS

Percentage of GDP spent on health care:

Average monthly family premium: $750, paid entirely by consumers; there are government subsidies for low-income citizens.

Co-payments: 10 percent of the cost of services, up to $420 per year.
manifold must have been getting a bargain...his insurance for a family of 4 (if his math is correct) is about $7225 per year in 2011...about what I have been paying for the last twelve years.


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