My Jewish Friend


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.

His case is based upon harassment rather than tardiness.

In essence they created a hostile work environment. As long as he can document that happening they will settle.

As far as hypocrisy goes that is a given. Never yet met a conservative that wasn't willing to go to court over a frivolous matter. Usually costs them way more than they end up settling for.

So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.

His case is based upon harassment rather than tardiness.

In essence they created a hostile work environment. As long as he can document that happening they will settle.

As far as hypocrisy goes that is a given. Never yet met a conservative that wasn't willing to go to court over a frivolous matter. Usually costs them way more than they end up settling for.

He says 2 other employees heard the woman say it but will they testify to that?
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.

His case is based upon harassment rather than tardiness.

In essence they created a hostile work environment. As long as he can document that happening they will settle.

As far as hypocrisy goes that is a given. Never yet met a conservative that wasn't willing to go to court over a frivolous matter. Usually costs them way more than they end up settling for.

He says 2 other employees heard the woman say it but will they testify to that?


They won't if their jobs are threatened but that would be further evidence of a hostile work environment.
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.

His case is based upon harassment rather than tardiness.

In essence they created a hostile work environment. As long as he can document that happening they will settle.

As far as hypocrisy goes that is a given. Never yet met a conservative that wasn't willing to go to court over a frivolous matter. Usually costs them way more than they end up settling for.

He says 2 other employees heard the woman say it but will they testify to that?


They won't if their jobs are threatened but that would be further evidence of a hostile work environment.
I was depositioned or whatever they call it when the fat Jewish girl at my former workplace sued. Not for being Jewish but for sexual harrassment, which was a joke.

Anyways, she wasn't the only one who sued. This other older woman sued because she was passed up for a management position. She was clearly qualified but does the small business owner have to hire her just because she has the most years of experience? Clearly she is/was difficult to work with. Just look how fast she sued. Her and another old broad sued either for age or because they were women. Probably both.

But of course that would be the end of your career if you testified in favor of the former employee. What do you owe them? Are they going to give you a piece of their settlement? If I wanted to keep working there, I'd deny the incident ever happened.

But then if another employee confirms it did happen, you're a liar. Is that against the law? I would say I'm bill clinton and I just don't recall.
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.

His case is based upon harassment rather than tardiness.

In essence they created a hostile work environment. As long as he can document that happening they will settle.

As far as hypocrisy goes that is a given. Never yet met a conservative that wasn't willing to go to court over a frivolous matter. Usually costs them way more than they end up settling for.

He says 2 other employees heard the woman say it but will they testify to that?


They won't if their jobs are threatened but that would be further evidence of a hostile work environment.
I was depositioned or whatever they call it when the fat Jewish girl at my former workplace sued. Not for being Jewish but for sexual harrassment, which was a joke.

Anyways, she wasn't the only one who sued. This other older woman sued because she was passed up for a management position. She was clearly qualified but does the small business owner have to hire her just because she has the most years of experience? Clearly she is/was difficult to work with. Just look how fast she sued. Her and another old broad sued either for age or because they were women. Probably both.

But of course that would be the end of your career if you testified in favor of the former employee. What do you owe them? Are they going to give you a piece of their settlement? If I wanted to keep working there, I'd deny the incident ever happened.

But then if another employee confirms it did happen, you're a liar. Is that against the law? I would say I'm bill clinton and I just don't recall.

Which is why most employees never sue and corporations get away with this appalling behavior.

In the few instances where they do have a case the corporations settle so there won't be any case law either.
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.

His case is based upon harassment rather than tardiness.

In essence they created a hostile work environment. As long as he can document that happening they will settle.

As far as hypocrisy goes that is a given. Never yet met a conservative that wasn't willing to go to court over a frivolous matter. Usually costs them way more than they end up settling for.


That initial post was sent by a " Catholic" who was taught very well by his " fathers" yet the Racist Bigot accuses Jews of hatred? The poster should be concerned about the killing ,raping and beheading of Christians in the ME .
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.

I think the comment by the woman training your friend's son was appalling. Nevertheless, I have learned to remain silent when someone with power over me expresses an attitude I dislike.

When I was younger I would have responded the way your friend's son responded. I would have been fired too. That is how I learned to remain silent.

I do not admire President Calvin Coolidge. Nevertheless, he made two statements I reluctantly agree with. "No man ever listened himself out of a job," and "I have never gotten into trouble for something I did not say."

The way I would respond not to a statement like the woman training your friend's son is that I would remain silent. That indicates disapproval If the woman had any sensitivity she would know that.
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.

I think the comment by the woman training your friend's son was appalling. Nevertheless, I have learned to remain silent when someone with power over me expresses an attitude I dislike.

When I was younger I would have responded the way your friend's son responded. I would have been fired too. That is how I learned to remain silent.

I do not admire President Calvin Coolidge. Nevertheless, he made two statements I reluctantly agree with. "No man ever listened himself out of a job," and "I have never gotten into trouble for something I did not say."

The way I would respond not to a statement like the woman training your friend's son is that I would remain silent. That indicates disapproval If the woman had any sensitivity she would know that.

People like that women are usually insensitive to silent disapproval.
The employment situation in the United States is unjust. Unless you work for the government, or have a strong union (and I recommend both options if they are open to you) you can be fired without cause and without warning. If your boss does not like you, and if he can replace you, he will probably fire you, even if you are working hard, and everyone else likes you and thinks you are doing a good job.

One time a boss told me, "You are intelligent, you work hard, and you are doing a good job. Unfortunately, we do not have anything in common. As far as I am concerned that is a problem. When I come to work I want to talk about last night's ball game, or a recent fishing trip I went on. I can't talk to you about those things, because you are not interested."

He was right. I was not interested. When I came to work I wanted to talk about a book I was reading, a magazine article I had read, or a television documentary I had watched. He was not interested in that. This was not a termination interview. I had already gotten a bad job review for picayune reasons. When the company decided to lay people off, I was one of those laid off.

The most important single factor in a job is a good relationship with your immediate supervisor. If you and your boss genuinely like and respect each other you are way ahead of the game. If your boss does not like you for any reason, you are in trouble. A boss who does not like you will ignore your accomplishments, exaggerate the significance of your mistakes, and place you in situations where it is likely that you will make mistakes.

Fortunately, most bosses are reasonably fair. If you come to work on time, are conscientious, and polite you will probably do all right. Be a good listener. Observe the behavior of others. Smile. Be careful about what you say.

The unfairness of American capitalism is something to think about before deciding to vote Republican. It is not something to try to change on your job, unless you are independently wealthy, and do not need to have a job.
The employment situation in the United States is unjust. Unless you work for the government, or have a strong union (and I recommend both options if they are open to you) you can be fired without cause and without warning. If your boss does not like you, and if he can replace you, he will probably fire you, even if you are working hard, and everyone else likes you and thinks you are doing a good job.

One time a boss told me, "You are intelligent, you work hard, and you are doing a good job. Unfortunately, we do not have anything in common. As far as I am concerned that is a problem. When I come to work I want to talk about last night's ball game, or a recent fishing trip I went on. I can't talk to you about those things, because you are not interested."

He was right. I was not interested. When I came to work I wanted to talk about a book I was reading, a magazine article I had read, or a television documentary I had watched. He was not interested in that. This was not a termination interview. I had already gotten a bad job review for picayune reasons. When the company decided to lay people off, I was one of those laid off.

The most important single factor in a job is a good relationship with your immediate supervisor. If you and your boss genuinely like and respect each other you are way ahead of the game. If your boss does not like you for any reason, you are in trouble. A boss who does not like you will ignore your accomplishments, exaggerate the significance of your mistakes, and place you in situations where it is likely that you will make mistakes.

Fortunately, most bosses are reasonably fair. If you come to work on time, are conscientious, and polite you will probably do all right. Be a good listener. Observe the behavior of others. Smile. Be careful about what you say.

The unfairness of American capitalism is something to think about before deciding to vote Republican. It is not something to try to change on your job, unless you are independently wealthy, and do not need to have a job.

Been there, done that!

PA is in the process of passing a law that will give employees the opportunity to expose those kinds of bosses in the future.

Yes, they do need to be exposed because "playing favorites" is a form of discrimination.

Corporations cannot force you to be "friends" with your boss. They can only expect that you do what you are paid to do. If you go above and beyond you should be rewarded accordingly.

All to often those kinds of bosses withhold those rewards unfairly and give them to those who are less talented but are better at "brown nosing".
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.

His case is based upon harassment rather than tardiness.

In essence they created a hostile work environment. As long as he can document that happening they will settle.

As far as hypocrisy goes that is a given. Never yet met a conservative that wasn't willing to go to court over a frivolous matter. Usually costs them way more than they end up settling for.


That initial post was sent by a " Catholic" who was taught very well by his " fathers" yet the Racist Bigot accuses Jews of hatred? The poster should be concerned about the killing ,raping and beheading of Christians in the ME .
1. I'm an athiest.
2. Don't go to the middle East.
3. I don't hate Jews or blacks or anyone. I hate the way they act.
4. I make fun of Christians and Islam too. I'm an equal opportunity offender
So my friends son gets a job and they send him to training. The woman training him starts to complain about how annoying and cheap Jewish clients are. He says, "are you aware my father is Jewish?". She says, "I'm sorry but that's been my observation..." Two days later he got fired or "let go". They said he was late a couple times.

First of all, if he was late a couple times, he better not sue them because when you first start at a company you are on probation for 90 days usually. If he was late 2 times on the first week, he should have been fired.

BUT, if he wasn't late, they are going to have to settle.

Anyways, I think it's funny my conservative Jewish Republican friend is breaking all the conservative commandments. At will employers, right to work states, freedom for a business to hire or fire anyone they want for any reason they want, being late to work, frivolous lawsuits. This is why I think conservatives are such fucking hypocrites and completely lack empathy.

I think the comment by the woman training your friend's son was appalling. Nevertheless, I have learned to remain silent when someone with power over me expresses an attitude I dislike.

When I was younger I would have responded the way your friend's son responded. I would have been fired too. That is how I learned to remain silent.

I do not admire President Calvin Coolidge. Nevertheless, he made two statements I reluctantly agree with. "No man ever listened himself out of a job," and "I have never gotten into trouble for something I did not say."

The way I would respond not to a statement like the woman training your friend's son is that I would remain silent. That indicates disapproval If the woman had any sensitivity she would know that.
Funny you say no one ever got in trouble being quiet. Leave it to me to break your rule of thumb. The secretary at my new job doesn't seem to like me so I just avoid her and ignore her. One day she walks by and says good morning and I just kept working and she turned around and said fine! Don't say good morning and I went and apologized to her and asked if we could start over again because I didn't think she liked me and it's certainly not the case that I do not like her I just don't want to start any trouble. Anyways hopefully we're good now.
Employers love to hire and then fire people so that they can get sued and their unemployment insurance rates go up. Must not be so greedy after all!

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