my own UFO video


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Dec 26, 2024
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up camping in the woods, very remote and not long after sundown just looking over at this ridge and a all of light appeared
had my phone so I pulled it out to take a video, it was just sitting there and then zip, straight up
no noise and it was dead silent
kid you not a few days later same time and place another ball of light but this one zoomed horizontal along the ring and gone
I did not have my phone with me

bottom left corner, I was trying to keep my phone steady
tried my best to hold it, it was not really moving. all I can say it was summer, I was in the mountains camping and just happen to catch it.
it was large, bright and round
distance could have been a few miles or a few thousand but the range was not that far away
nothing zooms mach 2 and makes zero noise, that is above the sound barrier so I don't know
up camping in the woods, very remote and not long after sundown just looking over at this ridge and a all of light appeared
had my phone so I pulled it out to take a video, it was just sitting there and then zip, straight up
no noise and it was dead silent
kid you not a few days later same time and place another ball of light but this one zoomed horizontal along the ring and gone
I did not have my phone with me

bottom left corner, I was trying to keep my phone steady

You saw a star and moved your phone.
You saw a star and moved your phone.
not even close, no star is that close and that bright, not even venus right now. nope phone was steady, I don't have any shakes and the ridge was a few thousand yards from my view. sorry I did not use a range finder in the day if I knew a ball of light would appear there
we are talking the middle of nowhere, no choppers, planes etc so what could it be?

last I checked stars don't have and on/off switch, this object was not there and then just there.

my theory, it was brewing up some form of energy so it could take off at mach 4 yet be totally silent

As Ozzy stated, I saw what I saw with my own two eyes ;)
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I'll take you at your word, but it is difficult to tell without a frame of reference whether it moved or your camera moved.

Being that the dot wavers from side to side making an S-shape when it shoots up and a real UFO would have shot up in a straight line or curved trajectory, the circumstantial evidence is that it was the camera that was moved (down) by hand and not the UFO up.

And why was the UFO kept in the lower left corner and not centered unless the filmer expected it to zip upward?

I'm calling likely fake on this one.
Being that the dot wavers from side to side making an S-shape when it shoots up and a real UFO would have shot up in a straight line or curved trajectory, the circumstantial evidence is that it was the camera that was moved (down) by hand and not the UFO up.

And why was the UFO kept in the lower left corner and not centered unless the filmer expected it to zip upward?

I'm calling likely fake on this one.

Confirmed. It's a fake. I found a background light source that zipped up with the UFO when it shot up.
We also do not have a size reference, so it could have been a little firefly.

Here are three frames of the video showing the "object" in relation to another light source. The light source could be a star or a ground light, it does not matter.

Screen Shot 2025-01-29 at 12.09.34 AM.webp
Screen Shot 2025-01-29 at 12.09.52 AM.webp
Screen Shot 2025-01-29 at 12.10.08 AM.webp

1). The object appears to have moved slightly downward in relation to the other light, but holds the same distance apart.

2). The object is bright enough that this low in the sky, it should show some prismatic dispersion caused by the atmosphere (blue above, red below) if it were a star or planet far away going through the atmosphere.

3). So the object was low in the sky but likely not that far away, maybe a few miles.

4). When the object darts up, the other light source goes up with it. Further, the path up wavers randomly.

CONCLUSION: Likely an explainable light source like a distant plane flying toward the observer. Camera was dropped downward at the end causing light to appear to zip up.
Here are three frames of the video showing the "object" in relation to another light source. The light source could be a star or a ground light, it does not matter.

View attachment 1072068View attachment 1072069View attachment 1072070

1). The object appears to have moved slightly downward in relation to the other light, but holds the same distance apart.

2). The object is bright enough that this low in the sky, it should show some prismatic dispersion caused by the atmosphere (blue above, red below) if it were a star or planet far away going through the atmosphere.

3). So the object was low in the sky but likely not that far away, maybe a few miles.

4). When the object darts up, the other light source goes up with it. Further, the path up wavers randomly.

CONCLUSION: Likely an explainable light source like a distant plane flying toward the observer. Camera was dropped downward at the end causing light to appear to zip up.
good theory but as I stated I was way up in the mountain, no planes, no nothing and I don't know what that faint object was on the right, there are zero lights, in fact it was a really dark night
nothing moves from a standstill to mach 4, just nothing that we know of
and nope that was not any cell tower, this area has no service
I bought my phone to take pictures, not call anybody

thought I read they released all the UFO papers and thousands of military are on record stating they witnessed something that does not make sense and they can't explain it

if you believe in god and he is a creator why would he stop with humans after creating dinosaurs? multiple galaxies have been found, trillions of stars but only earth can support life?

The math does not add up

did picasso stop at one painting and say, yeah that's great..........I am done?

that faint dot you are seeing on the right likely a distant star, like light years away

it did not move, I stop filming when the bright object was gone, that simple
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good theory but as I stated I was way up in the mountain, no planes, no nothing and I don't know what that faint object was on the right, there are zero lights,
The video recorded another light source. Maybe you just did not see it. My pictures show that.

nothing moves from a standstill to mach 4, just nothing that we know of
You don't know it moved at Mach 4, how could you know that? The only reason why I am arguing this here is because I have personally witnessed UFOs making instantaneous and fantastic jumps in speed, etc., myself, as a trained observer, and I know it was no optical illusion.

I cannot prove anything, I am simply telling you that circumstantially, the evidence in your video does not support your story because the other light source moved up with the UFO when it disappeared suggesting that it was the camera that moved and not the UFO.

Anyone can confirm that themself.
nope phone was steady, I don't have any shakes
It was shaky enough and obviously hand held. The best way to do this is to brace the camera against a tree, a house or a railing or something solid to damp out the jiggles.

last I checked stars don't have and on/off switch, this object was not there and then just there.
A plane turning toward the viewer or coming out from behind a cloud or other obstruction can appear out of nowhere.
The simple fact is that you captured a bright distant light then moved the camera until it went off frame.
Maybe what you saw was real, but even if the frame showed foreground detail for reference, it is too easy to fake this stuff to take the video as anything more than one more strange occurrence.

Even UFO video turned in by the USAF was later discounted. In the video, it appears that the oval shaped object changes orientation, but this has been proven just an optical artifact of the camera. Still, the pilot saw something that he could not explain.
up camping in the woods, very remote and not long after sundown just looking over at this ridge and a all of light appeared
had my phone so I pulled it out to take a video, it was just sitting there and then zip, straight up
no noise and it was dead silent
kid you not a few days later same time and place another ball of light but this one zoomed horizontal along the ring and gone
I did not have my phone with me

bottom left corner, I was trying to keep my phone steady

Not as good as my UFO proof ...

It was shaky enough and obviously hand held. The best way to do this is to brace the camera against a tree, a house or a railing or something solid to damp out the jiggles.

A plane turning toward the viewer or coming out from behind a cloud or other obstruction can appear out of nowhere.
The simple fact is that you captured a bright distant light then moved the camera until it went off frame.
Maybe what you saw was real, but even if the frame showed foreground detail for reference, it is too easy to fake this stuff to take the video as anything more than one more strange occurrence.

Even UFO video turned in by the USAF was later discounted. In the video, it appears that the oval shaped object changes orientation, but this has been proven just an optical artifact of the camera. Still, the pilot saw something that he could not explain.
it was not a pro camera, it was just my phone I had in my back pocket and I had to act fast, the whole thing happened in 10 seconds or something.
there are no light sources in the middle of nowhere, maybe it was a faint distant star but that's it, no homes, no towers, nothing but trees

watched many times myself, that faint dot does not move up that much, more than likely I moved my phone up to catch how high it would go, the star was just constant. once the object was gone I stopped recording.
trying to whip out your phone at night is not the most easy task when you are in a hurry

not sure what else I can add besides the fact 3 night later same time and place, same bright ball but this time it zoomed off to the right and went poof and I did not have my phone with me to record

this was in a remote area in montana, I was there for a week and did not see a single person but I did hear some wolves howling and it was spooky, not a howl but a shriek
it was not a pro camera, it was just my phone I had in my back pocket and I had to act fast, the whole thing happened in 10 seconds or something.
there are no light sources in the middle of nowhere, maybe it was a faint distant star but that's it, no homes, no towers, nothing but trees

watched many times myself, that faint dot does not move up that much, more than likely I moved my phone up to catch how high it would go, the star was just constant. once the object was gone I stopped recording.
trying to whip out your phone at night is not the most easy task when you are in a hurry

not sure what else I can add besides the fact 3 night later same time and place, same bright ball but this time it zoomed off to the right and went poof and I did not have my phone with me to record

this was in a remote area in montana, I was there for a week and did not see a single person but I did hear some wolves howling and it was spooky, not a howl but a shriek

I understand all that. All I'm saying is that the video is not substantial enough to support nor prove the story.
If it makes you feel any better, of the many sightings of UFOs I witnessed directly, both naked eye and with visual aid, and the many reputable accounts of other experiences I collected, here is a couple of my best, clearest photos I took of a UFO through a large telescope afocally, holding a digital camera up to the eyepiece in 2004 as it kept changing position in the evening twilight.

Screen Shot 2025-01-29 at 10.13.15 AM.webp
Screen Shot 2025-01-29 at 10.13.37 AM.webp

It proves nothing, I cannot say what it was, and for all intents and purposes, it could have been anything.
good theory but as I stated I was way up in the mountain, no planes, no nothing and I don't know what that faint object was on the right, there are zero lights, in fact it was a really dark night
nothing moves from a standstill to mach 4, just nothing that we know of
and nope that was not any cell tower, this area has no service
I bought my phone to take pictures, not call anybody

thought I read they released all the UFO papers and thousands of military are on record stating they witnessed something that does not make sense and they can't explain it

if you believe in god and he is a creator why would he stop with humans after creating dinosaurs? multiple galaxies have been found, trillions of stars but only earth can support life?

The math does not add up

did picasso stop at one painting and say, yeah that's great..........I am done?

that faint dot you are seeing on the right likely a distant star, like light years away

it did not move, I stop filming when the bright object was gone, that simple
How do you know what Mach 4 looks like?
How do you know what Mach 4 looks like?
math, any standing object that can go a thousand miles or more in a second is mach something which breaks the sound barrier creating a boom, I did not hear anything at all, dead silence
math, any standing object that can go a thousand miles or more in a second is mach something which breaks the sound barrier creating a boom, I did not hear anything at all, dead silence

I saw something do that as well in the late 60s. It appeared miles up, still, it was dead quiet at night and I should have heard something.
Forgetting the fact that nothing can make instantaneous jumps in speed, go from 0 to Mach 4 instantly, no pilot could withstand that, the fact that these things make no sound, no sonic boom, a great deal can be extrapolated from that alone.

Obviously, these things are not ordinary objects in our atmosphere displacing gas around them and are moving by some other means, either they are not hard, solid, physical objects like a metal jet, or they are "jumping" from position to position rather than traveling through space in any ordinary way like a rocket, perhaps inter-dimensionally, or by some other science we do not understand, perhaps by some sort of time dilation where to them, they travel normally, but to an outsider like us, they appear to be in one space at a given time then reappear elsewhere in space at another time.

Problem is that you may see it, take a picture of it, but you cannot prove it anymore than the mite crawling on a rock in my garden can prove or understand your cellphone.

We are way out of our league, worse off than a stone age man to us, and we have no hope of competing nor defending.

If these things are real, they have us by the balls and can do with us what they want. Perhaps they already are.
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