my own UFO video

nothing moves from a standstill to mach 4, just nothing that we know of
That's right. But the motion was cause by your phone moving at Mach .00001.

Again, no frame of reference. You pulled Mach 4 out of your ass.
You don't know that. You have no frame of reference.

If you go outside right now, you can see Venus plain as ever.
yes you can because it's our closest planet and bright due to the atmosphere, what it does not do is take off and then go poof now does it?

any object from a standstill to thousands of feet in a second, do the math
I understand all that. All I'm saying is that the video is not substantial enough to support nor prove the story.
If it makes you feel any better, of the many sightings of UFOs I witnessed directly, both naked eye and with visual aid, and the many reputable accounts of other experiences I collected, here is a couple of my best, clearest photos I took of a UFO through a large telescope afocally, holding a digital camera up to the eyepiece in 2004 as it kept changing position in the evening twilight.

View attachment 1072132View attachment 1072133

It proves nothing, I cannot say what it was, and for all intents and purposes, it could have been anything.
That shape is caused by what is known as "bokeh" in a lens.
math, any standing object that can go a thousand miles or more in a second is mach something which breaks the sound barrier creating a boom, I did not hear anything at all, dead silence
And you know it moved a thousand miles, how?
Isn't it amazing that after nearly a century, all these UFO photos are all blurry?

The damned things must have some kind of visual warping shield or something.

Not only that, they know how to avoid being seeing by scientists and only by schmucks.
How do you know what Mach 4 looks like?

Personal experience ...

And you know it moved a thousand miles, how?
a guess judging by distance/speed
I get you don't believe and that is fine and need to debunk it

I was in the woods, dark and quite, had my phone on me and was just starring off

suddenly on a ridge a round bright ball of light, course I was like WTF is that?

pulled out phone, hit record and watched it for about 5 seconds or so and it was gone

if you have any theory go for it
  • Mach 4 Calculation:
    • In meters per second: 4 * 340.29 m/s = 1,361.16 m/s
    • In feet per second: 4 * 1,116 ft/s = 4,464 ft/s
    • In miles per hour: 4 * 767.269 mph = 3,069.076 mph
    • In kilometers per hour: 4 * 1,234.8 km/h = 4,939.2 km/h
  • Mach 4 Calculation:
    • In meters per second: 4 * 340.29 m/s = 1,361.16 m/s
    • In feet per second: 4 * 1,116 ft/s = 4,464 ft/s
    • In miles per hour: 4 * 767.269 mph = 3,069.076 mph
    • In kilometers per hour: 4 * 1,234.8 km/h = 4,939.2 km/h

ok maybe a thousand, who knows maybe it is, by the time the light hits earth after they blow up could be a thousand years, we won't be here

Yeah, the Milky Way is only about 100,000 LY across and the Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.5 million LY away.
Yeah, the Milky Way is only about 100,000 LY across and the Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.5 million LY away.
excuse me for not knowing that off the top of my head.......damn
sorry I even made this post, I thought people would be interested, not get grilled as a fake
I'd delete if If I could
The smoke was for accuracy of my comment that it disappeared. Most people would understand that. There are no aliens, just your overactive imagination. Why would any technologically advanced creatures bother with us? We're pond scum compared to their so-called abilities.
The Aliens care about us Humans because the Aliens created us Humans. God created our Souls and the Aliens created our physical bodies.
he is just joking.
hard to tell on net which is why emojis are so handy so you can show your intent

funny I actually took and AP class in astronomy in 9/10th, we talked mostly about sagan and hubbard before he turned his book into a cult

can't say I remember any of it, many moons ago
Yeah ... I'm not sure about that ...

The Cultists rely on the idea of "Creation" and they then personalise Creation by giving it a name ---" God" is a popular choice .

It never occurs to them that the very concept of Universe precludes the idea of any possible further Creation .
Because if it were possible, then the first so called Universe could only have been a part- Universe .
Which of course is itself an Oxymoron .
You are now literally in the land of Nonsense .

That is why Cultists revert to the idea of Faith to somehow solve all of their problems .
And of course it does not . That route simply Deflects and avoids confronting the impossible dilemma they are in .

If these unthinking Cultists talked in terms of altered Energy states , they might then make a more rational narrative .
Along the lines of Universe "thinking" itself into be able to do certain things -- obviously energy transformation being one matter , and then --- the difficult one to swallow -- also being Self Aware .

But it's a waste of time continuing because the Sheeple will already be fast asleep .
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