My perspective of how to raise children and stop racism.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2017
First of all if mankind is ever to eradicate racism, they must first admit it exists in ALL COLORS. I am white and yes it is still very much alive in SOME of the white community but not all and don't think for a moment I don't call them out when it happens. And judging from scenes I've seen on the news, many blacks are extremely racist but I know for a fact not all of them are either because I have many black friends and coworkers that with the exception of their skin color are no different than my white ones. People are just people plain and simple. And humans need to feel they fit in, that they are respected and are given the same opportunities for themselves and their children that everyone else receives. That's the bottom line. When that's stripped away all goes to hell. Racism truly is like a cancer in society that rots it to the core.

But that said, disturbingly I recently had a very lengthy discussion elsewhere on this forum with African Americans who claim there is no such thing as black racism. This while making some of the most racist statements in virtually every one of their posts that they themselves would be livid if the opposite were true and whites said the same against blacks. No matter how hard I tried to remind them of that double standard, they kept coming back with that same mindset in their following posts. So the racism runs so deep in those particular posters that sadly I believe it's too late for them. But we as society can change that if we teach our children from a young age not to think that way.

Many times I've witnessed black people stating they had to have the race talk with their children. So how did that go exactly? I mean did they teach them to hate by blaming everything on other races or did they say something to the effect of;

Racism exists all throughout society in all races and colors and therefore you will encounter this but in no way should you add to the problem and become racist as well. Everyone no matter who they are or what color their skin deserves the same respect and has the same opportunities to succeed. Don't let anyone cripple you by telling you that's not so. And the keys to success are;

1. A good education so you become financially sound and therefore never have to beg for handouts.

2. Having integrity meaning you never have to lie, steal, or stab anyone in the back to get where you want to go. If you can't achieve the level of success you desire, then be grateful for what you have. Not hurting others to get ahead will in the end make you feel better about yourself and help you sleep better at night knowing you lived your life as a worthwhile human being.

3. Don't trash other human beings, be kind and treat them the same way you would like to be treated which will help you gain respect throughout the community.

4. Quit crippling your children and teaching them to hate society by claiming others are to blame for their lack of success. All through your child's formative years, keep stressing the importance of a good education. and stay tuned in holding them accountable for not cracking the school books and bringing home good grades that will help them succeed and achieve their goals. Get involved with their homework assignments.

If for some reason college isn't possible although I don't know why it wouldn't be, given the fact everyone can get grants these days, then at least have them go on line where there are many free courses. Everyone can learn computer code, Html, Javascript, web development and so many other courses for FREE on line these days so there's really no excuse anymore for not getting a good education. But again, stop with the hateful rhetoric giving them excuses to fail instead of pushing them to succeed.

If society is to ever move forward and eradicate racism, it needs to begin with the lessons that are taught at home.
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You're expecting blacks to have common sense and want to work hard to get ahead instead of complaining about how all the racists are again them? :lmao:
Racism will never cease to exist. It is human nature to compete with others and some take that so far that it turns into oppression & superiority complexes.
First of all if mankind is ever to eradicate racism, they must first admit it exists in ALL COLORS. I am white and yes it is still very much alive in SOME of the white community but not all and don't think for a moment I don't call them out when it happens. And judging from scenes I've seen on the news, many blacks are extremely racist but I know for a fact not all of them are either because I have many black friends and coworkers that with the exception of their skin color are no different than my white ones. People are just people plain and simple. And humans need to feel they fit in, that they are respected and are given the same opportunities for themselves and their children that everyone else receives. That's the bottom line. When that's stripped away all goes to hell. Racism truly is like a cancer in society that rots it to the core.

But that said, disturbingly I recently had a very lengthy discussion elsewhere on this forum with African Americans who claim there is no such thing as black racism. This while making some of the most racist statements in virtually every one of their posts that they themselves would be livid if the opposite were true and whites said the same against blacks. No matter how hard I tried to remind them of that double standard, they kept coming back with that same mindset in their following posts. So the racism runs so deep in those particular posters that sadly I believe it's too late for them. But we as society can change that if we teach our children from a young age not to think that way.

Many times I've witnessed black people stating they had to have the race talk with their children. So how did that go exactly? I mean did they teach them to hate by blaming everything on other races or did they say something to the effect of;

Racism exists all throughout society in all races and colors and therefore you will encounter this but in no way should you add to the problem and become racist as well. Everyone no matter who they are or what color their skin deserves the same respect and has the same opportunities to succeed. Don't let anyone cripple you by telling you that's not so. And the keys to success are;

1. A good education so you become financially sound and therefore never have to beg for handouts.

2. Having integrity meaning you never have to lie, steal, or stab anyone in the back to get where you want to go. If you can't achieve the level of success you desire, then be grateful for what you have. Not hurting others to get ahead will in the end make you feel better about yourself and help you sleep better at night knowing you lived your life as a worthwhile human being.

3. Don't trash other human beings, be kind and treat them the same way you would like to be treated which will help you gain respect throughout the community.

4. Quit crippling your children and teaching them to hate society by claiming others are to blame for their lack of success. All through your child's formative years, keep stressing the importance of a good education. and stay tuned in holding them accountable for not cracking the school books and bringing home good grades that will help them succeed and achieve their goals. Get involved with their homework assignments.

If for some reason college isn't possible although I don't know why it wouldn't be, given the fact everyone can get grants these days, then at least have them go on line where there are many free courses. Everyone can learn computer code, Html, Javascript, web development and so many other courses for FREE on line these days so there's really no excuse anymore for not getting a good education. But again, stop with the hateful rhetoric basically giving them excuses to fail instead of pushing them to succeed.

So basically if society is to ever move forward and eradicate racism, it needs to begin with the lessons taught at home.

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