My Pillow guy sued for 1.3 billion dollars

Wow that is a lot of zeroes in there. $1,300,000,000 dollar lawsuit. This may just bury Lindell.
I'm crying a river. Ha Ha Ha

Lying is not a profitable endeavor. trump will get his also. Domini

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.
You’re ignorant. They are suing because Lindell has money. This is 100% about money not reputation. You are a very dishonest person. I mean that sincerely.
They are suing because Mikey lied and defamed the company over and over.. Now...trump's boy will need to pay. As will all who follow trump's lies.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.
You’re ignorant. They are suing because Lindell has money. This is 100% about money not reputation. You are a very dishonest person. I mean that sincerely.
I suspect Lindell put a target on his own back by publicly backing false claims or at least claims he could not support in court by lawyers wishing to keep their licenses.
Again, you do not seem like the business survival type. I am sure they could have found some homeless nut-ball to sue as this story was sold to the masses. If you are going to win, it is much better to sue the one doing the most public damage and with the most money. Suing some poor moneyless person is a waste of resources, time and money. All a rich person has to do to avoid is the conscious decision to not make false disprovable claims against somebody or some business with the resources to defend themselves. Get a clue, Azog.

This gives Lindell free press and additional sales as hardcore GOP members will buy his product. He can bury this in courts for years and the SCOTUS leans right. He knows that he is doing. I am a lot smarter than you. Although frankly that isn't saying much.

"I want them to sue me," Lindell told CBS in January. "Please. Because I have all the evidence, 100 percent."
That is one of the big mistakes. Not all publicity if good publicity. That is why distribution outlet customers are dropping him like a hot rock. They do not want their good name associated with his fanaticism. Doubt the Supreme Court is going to underwrite libel. The have had plenty of opportunity in the past. Not a matter of left right, as they pretty much follow the law and legal precedent. I don't think he has the goods any more than the X-trump lawyer Kraken chick. I would recommend you watch the outcome before jumping on and taking out ads with the same assertions. Then again, maybe you think yourself smarter and better educated in law.
I do not disagree with you but $1.3Bn is excessive and is there for show because they want to settle and sign an NDA. Whether true or made up the optics look bad for Dominion as future potential clients may shy away to avoid controversy.
If they win a judgement, it will be worth more than "pillow guy's" weight in gold, and the best advertising possible. They should go for it. They might even own a pillow factory.
If they win, he will file Chapter 11 and they will get nothing. He can keep this in court for years and cost Dominion a lot of money as few will want to do business with a Company in litigation. I do this for a living...not legal matters but debt/equity/M&A consultancy. Having a law suit around is the best way to repel banks and any other lenders. Banks hate uncertainty. So you once again show your true ignorance. The reason the monies are so crazy at $1.3Bn is because they know they will never get that but will settle for a lot less, force a signed NDA and for Lindell to shut his mouth forever. That is their goal. Not to sit in court for years and accumulate legal fees.
Sounds like a plan that will work to their advantage in every way. Whether there is an NDA will be up to Dominion when determining how much they are willing to settle for. Lesser amounts than the face value are very common. Would probably settle for a hundred Million Dollar$ and an admission by "Pillow Head" that he was wrong, has complete faith in Dominion accuracy, integrity and product, and regrets his politically motivated attacks.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.
You’re ignorant. They are suing because Lindell has money. This is 100% about money not reputation. You are a very dishonest person. I mean that sincerely.
I suspect Lindell put a target on his own back by publicly backing false claims or at least claims he could not support in court by lawyers wishing to keep their licenses.
Again, you do not seem like the business survival type. I am sure they could have found some homeless nut-ball to sue as this story was sold to the masses. If you are going to win, it is much better to sue the one doing the most public damage and with the most money. Suing some poor moneyless person is a waste of resources, time and money. All a rich person has to do to avoid is the conscious decision to not make false disprovable claims against somebody or some business with the resources to defend themselves. Get a clue, Azog.

This gives Lindell free press and additional sales as hardcore GOP members will buy his product. He can bury this in courts for years and the SCOTUS leans right. He knows that he is doing. I am a lot smarter than you. Although frankly that isn't saying much.

"I want them to sue me," Lindell told CBS in January. "Please. Because I have all the evidence, 100 percent."
That is one of the big mistakes. Not all publicity if good publicity. That is why distribution outlet customers are dropping him like a hot rock. They do not want their good name associated with his fanaticism. Doubt the Supreme Court is going to underwrite libel. The have had plenty of opportunity in the past. Not a matter of left right, as they pretty much follow the law and legal precedent. I don't think he has the goods any more than the X-trump lawyer Kraken chick. I would recommend you watch the outcome before jumping on and taking out ads with the same assertions. Then again, maybe you think yourself smarter and better educated in law.
I do not disagree with you but $1.3Bn is excessive and is there for show because they want to settle and sign an NDA. Whether true or made up the optics look bad for Dominion as future potential clients may shy away to avoid controversy.
If they win a judgement, it will be worth more than "pillow guy's" weight in gold, and the best advertising possible. They should go for it. They might even own a pillow factory.
If they win, he will file Chapter 11 and they will get nothing. He can keep this in court for years and cost Dominion a lot of money as few will want to do business with a Company in litigation. I do this for a living...not legal matters but debt/equity/M&A consultancy. Having a law suit around is the best way to repel banks and any other lenders. Banks hate uncertainty. So you once again show your true ignorance. The reason the monies are so crazy at $1.3Bn is because they know they will never get that but will settle for a lot less, force a signed NDA and for Lindell to shut his mouth forever. That is their goal. Not to sit in court for years and accumulate legal fees.
Why on Earth would Lindell do any of that when he can expose Dominion committing fraud?
I already explained it. You have to prove this in court and proving fraud unless it is cut and dry is not very easy. Legal costs will mount and damage both brands. This is why so many suits get settled and NDAs get signed. Dominion also has to prove $1.3Bn in damages. You cannot just sue because your feelings are hurt. Lindell can say it is frivolous and attack them that way and again both parties lose. You also have to hope you have a favorable judge and then appeals happen and it sits in courts for years while your reputation is damaged. Don't know about pillows but Dominion will have a hard time finding customers when they are entangled in a law suit. Why? Because they need to be around to support their machines and if they are sued then they may not be so a potential client would go elsewhere. I had a client about 10 years ago, before I had my own enterprise and they provided parts for Rolls Royce cars. Three owners got into a shareholder lawsuit and RR dropped them for a competitor due to uncertainty and all three got hosed. Lawsuits almost always settle because of impacts such as this.

Again, will you leave this board forever if this is settled? Yes or no?
You're completely deranged, ShortBus. :cuckoo:

Why should I leave this board forever if the settle?
You are calling me deranged because I said they would. You're so confident they won't why not put your money where your mouth is? Truth be told you lost this argument. You know I am right and they likely will settle. Instead of admitting it, you turn to ad hominems. Why? You're fat and ugly and suffer from severe OCD.
Let's not forget the delicious irony that just a few years ago, Trump was saying (to much delight of his supporters) how he was going to sue everyone and make libel an easier thing to prove.
Wow that is a lot of zeroes in there. $1,300,000,000 dollar lawsuit. This may just bury Lindell.
I'm crying a river. Ha Ha Ha

Lying is not a profitable endeavor. trump will get his also. Domini

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.
You’re ignorant. They are suing because Lindell has money. This is 100% about money not reputation. You are a very dishonest person. I mean that sincerely.
They are suing because Mikey lied and defamed the company over and over.. Now...trump's boy will need to pay. As will all who follow trump's lies.
If they settle, will you leave this board forever. Yes or no?

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.
You’re ignorant. They are suing because Lindell has money. This is 100% about money not reputation. You are a very dishonest person. I mean that sincerely.
I suspect Lindell put a target on his own back by publicly backing false claims or at least claims he could not support in court by lawyers wishing to keep their licenses.
Again, you do not seem like the business survival type. I am sure they could have found some homeless nut-ball to sue as this story was sold to the masses. If you are going to win, it is much better to sue the one doing the most public damage and with the most money. Suing some poor moneyless person is a waste of resources, time and money. All a rich person has to do to avoid is the conscious decision to not make false disprovable claims against somebody or some business with the resources to defend themselves. Get a clue, Azog.

This gives Lindell free press and additional sales as hardcore GOP members will buy his product. He can bury this in courts for years and the SCOTUS leans right. He knows that he is doing. I am a lot smarter than you. Although frankly that isn't saying much.

"I want them to sue me," Lindell told CBS in January. "Please. Because I have all the evidence, 100 percent."
That is one of the big mistakes. Not all publicity if good publicity. That is why distribution outlet customers are dropping him like a hot rock. They do not want their good name associated with his fanaticism. Doubt the Supreme Court is going to underwrite libel. The have had plenty of opportunity in the past. Not a matter of left right, as they pretty much follow the law and legal precedent. I don't think he has the goods any more than the X-trump lawyer Kraken chick. I would recommend you watch the outcome before jumping on and taking out ads with the same assertions. Then again, maybe you think yourself smarter and better educated in law.
I do not disagree with you but $1.3Bn is excessive and is there for show because they want to settle and sign an NDA. Whether true or made up the optics look bad for Dominion as future potential clients may shy away to avoid controversy.
If they win a judgement, it will be worth more than "pillow guy's" weight in gold, and the best advertising possible. They should go for it. They might even own a pillow factory.
If they win, he will file Chapter 11 and they will get nothing. He can keep this in court for years and cost Dominion a lot of money as few will want to do business with a Company in litigation. I do this for a living...not legal matters but debt/equity/M&A consultancy. Having a law suit around is the best way to repel banks and any other lenders. Banks hate uncertainty. So you once again show your true ignorance. The reason the monies are so crazy at $1.3Bn is because they know they will never get that but will settle for a lot less, force a signed NDA and for Lindell to shut his mouth forever. That is their goal. Not to sit in court for years and accumulate legal fees.
Sounds like a plan that will work to their advantage in every way. Whether there is an NDA will be up to Dominion when determining how much they are willing to settle for. Lesser amounts than the face value are very common. Would probably settle for a hundred Million Dollar$ and an admission by "Pillow Head" that he was wrong, has complete faith in Dominion accuracy, integrity and product, and regrets his politically motivated attacks.
They would settle for $1mil and for him to shut his mouth but he is highly religious and those are the most dangerous opponents. This could drag out for years and millions in legal costs. Stay tuned...Below would never ever happen. Wow, you are really stupid. If thats the case then he has to pay the full $1.3Bn as he would admit he was lying. White, honestly and I would say this to your face. You are very dumb.

as complete faith in Dominion accuracy, integrity and product, and regrets his politically motivated attacks.
$100 bucks says that between the new Pillow coming from David Hogg and this Dominion lawsuit, Mike Lindell is about to be buried and broke within 2 years.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.
You’re ignorant. They are suing because Lindell has money. This is 100% about money not reputation. You are a very dishonest person. I mean that sincerely.
I suspect Lindell put a target on his own back by publicly backing false claims or at least claims he could not support in court by lawyers wishing to keep their licenses.
Again, you do not seem like the business survival type. I am sure they could have found some homeless nut-ball to sue as this story was sold to the masses. If you are going to win, it is much better to sue the one doing the most public damage and with the most money. Suing some poor moneyless person is a waste of resources, time and money. All a rich person has to do to avoid is the conscious decision to not make false disprovable claims against somebody or some business with the resources to defend themselves. Get a clue, Azog.

This gives Lindell free press and additional sales as hardcore GOP members will buy his product. He can bury this in courts for years and the SCOTUS leans right. He knows that he is doing. I am a lot smarter than you. Although frankly that isn't saying much.

"I want them to sue me," Lindell told CBS in January. "Please. Because I have all the evidence, 100 percent."
That is one of the big mistakes. Not all publicity if good publicity. That is why distribution outlet customers are dropping him like a hot rock. They do not want their good name associated with his fanaticism. Doubt the Supreme Court is going to underwrite libel. The have had plenty of opportunity in the past. Not a matter of left right, as they pretty much follow the law and legal precedent. I don't think he has the goods any more than the X-trump lawyer Kraken chick. I would recommend you watch the outcome before jumping on and taking out ads with the same assertions. Then again, maybe you think yourself smarter and better educated in law.
I do not disagree with you but $1.3Bn is excessive and is there for show because they want to settle and sign an NDA. Whether true or made up the optics look bad for Dominion as future potential clients may shy away to avoid controversy.
If they win a judgement, it will be worth more than "pillow guy's" weight in gold, and the best advertising possible. They should go for it. They might even own a pillow factory.
If they win, he will file Chapter 11 and they will get nothing. He can keep this in court for years and cost Dominion a lot of money as few will want to do business with a Company in litigation. I do this for a living...not legal matters but debt/equity/M&A consultancy. Having a law suit around is the best way to repel banks and any other lenders. Banks hate uncertainty. So you once again show your true ignorance. The reason the monies are so crazy at $1.3Bn is because they know they will never get that but will settle for a lot less, force a signed NDA and for Lindell to shut his mouth forever. That is their goal. Not to sit in court for years and accumulate legal fees.
Why on Earth would Lindell do any of that when he can expose Dominion committing fraud?
I already explained it. You have to prove this in court and proving fraud unless it is cut and dry is not very easy. Legal costs will mount and damage both brands. This is why so many suits get settled and NDAs get signed. Dominion also has to prove $1.3Bn in damages. You cannot just sue because your feelings are hurt. Lindell can say it is frivolous and attack them that way and again both parties lose. You also have to hope you have a favorable judge and then appeals happen and it sits in courts for years while your reputation is damaged. Don't know about pillows but Dominion will have a hard time finding customers when they are entangled in a law suit. Why? Because they need to be around to support their machines and if they are sued then they may not be so a potential client would go elsewhere. I had a client about 10 years ago, before I had my own enterprise and they provided parts for Rolls Royce cars. Three owners got into a shareholder lawsuit and RR dropped them for a competitor due to uncertainty and all three got hosed. Lawsuits almost always settle because of impacts such as this.

Again, will you leave this board forever if this is settled? Yes or no?
You're completely deranged, ShortBus. :cuckoo:

Why should I leave this board forever if the settle?
You are calling me deranged because I said they would. You're so confident they won't why not put your money where your mouth is? Truth be told you lost this argument. You know I am right and they likely will settle. Instead of admitting it, you turn to ad hominems. Why? You're fat and ugly and suffer from severe OCD.
You are deranged. Case in point -- I never once said they won't settle. In fact, I'm confident they will. But not for the reasons you state but for the reason I stated.

Dominion didn't commit fraud. There's been zero evidence produced that they did and most of what the rights been saying of them are just outright lies, like claiming they're involved in Venezuelan elections. Like claiming they sent data to a server in Germany. Like claiming they use fractional or weighted voting.

Lindell HAS to settle because he will otherwise lose everything since he can't prove they committed the fraud he claims the committed.
Nope, they will never COLLECT. They can't show a billion dollars in damages. This is all about scaring people away from challenging the machines or software before anything real is found out about them, by trying to bankrupt their detractors with legal fees.
Watching the process of you cultists making stuff up, in real time, to keep yourselves insulated from reality is fascinating. This place is like a petrie dish for watching functioning adults lose their fucking minds.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.
You’re ignorant. They are suing because Lindell has money. This is 100% about money not reputation. You are a very dishonest person. I mean that sincerely.
I suspect Lindell put a target on his own back by publicly backing false claims or at least claims he could not support in court by lawyers wishing to keep their licenses.
Again, you do not seem like the business survival type. I am sure they could have found some homeless nut-ball to sue as this story was sold to the masses. If you are going to win, it is much better to sue the one doing the most public damage and with the most money. Suing some poor moneyless person is a waste of resources, time and money. All a rich person has to do to avoid is the conscious decision to not make false disprovable claims against somebody or some business with the resources to defend themselves. Get a clue, Azog.

This gives Lindell free press and additional sales as hardcore GOP members will buy his product. He can bury this in courts for years and the SCOTUS leans right. He knows that he is doing. I am a lot smarter than you. Although frankly that isn't saying much.

"I want them to sue me," Lindell told CBS in January. "Please. Because I have all the evidence, 100 percent."
That is one of the big mistakes. Not all publicity if good publicity. That is why distribution outlet customers are dropping him like a hot rock. They do not want their good name associated with his fanaticism. Doubt the Supreme Court is going to underwrite libel. The have had plenty of opportunity in the past. Not a matter of left right, as they pretty much follow the law and legal precedent. I don't think he has the goods any more than the X-trump lawyer Kraken chick. I would recommend you watch the outcome before jumping on and taking out ads with the same assertions. Then again, maybe you think yourself smarter and better educated in law.
I do not disagree with you but $1.3Bn is excessive and is there for show because they want to settle and sign an NDA. Whether true or made up the optics look bad for Dominion as future potential clients may shy away to avoid controversy.
If they win a judgement, it will be worth more than "pillow guy's" weight in gold, and the best advertising possible. They should go for it. They might even own a pillow factory.
If they win, he will file Chapter 11 and they will get nothing. He can keep this in court for years and cost Dominion a lot of money as few will want to do business with a Company in litigation. I do this for a living...not legal matters but debt/equity/M&A consultancy. Having a law suit around is the best way to repel banks and any other lenders. Banks hate uncertainty. So you once again show your true ignorance. The reason the monies are so crazy at $1.3Bn is because they know they will never get that but will settle for a lot less, force a signed NDA and for Lindell to shut his mouth forever. That is their goal. Not to sit in court for years and accumulate legal fees.
Why on Earth would Lindell do any of that when he can expose Dominion committing fraud?
I already explained it. You have to prove this in court and proving fraud unless it is cut and dry is not very easy. Legal costs will mount and damage both brands. This is why so many suits get settled and NDAs get signed. Dominion also has to prove $1.3Bn in damages. You cannot just sue because your feelings are hurt. Lindell can say it is frivolous and attack them that way and again both parties lose. You also have to hope you have a favorable judge and then appeals happen and it sits in courts for years while your reputation is damaged. Don't know about pillows but Dominion will have a hard time finding customers when they are entangled in a law suit. Why? Because they need to be around to support their machines and if they are sued then they may not be so a potential client would go elsewhere. I had a client about 10 years ago, before I had my own enterprise and they provided parts for Rolls Royce cars. Three owners got into a shareholder lawsuit and RR dropped them for a competitor due to uncertainty and all three got hosed. Lawsuits almost always settle because of impacts such as this.

Again, will you leave this board forever if this is settled? Yes or no?
You're completely deranged, ShortBus. :cuckoo:

Why should I leave this board forever if the settle?
You are calling me deranged because I said they would. You're so confident they won't why not put your money where your mouth is? Truth be told you lost this argument. You know I am right and they likely will settle. Instead of admitting it, you turn to ad hominems. Why? You're fat and ugly and suffer from severe OCD.
You are deranged. Case in point -- I never once said they won't settle. In fact, I'm confident they will. But not for the reasons you state but for the reason I stated.

Dominion didn't commit fraud. There's been zero evidence produced that they did and most of what the rights been saying of them are just outright lies, like claiming they're involved in Venezuelan elections. Like claiming they sent data to a server in Germany. Like claiming they use fractional or weighted voting.

Lindell HAS to settle because he will otherwise lose everything since he can't prove they committed the fraud he claims the committed.
If Dominion is 100% right then why would they settle? See it through til the end and collect your $1.3Bn....

As far as evidence we will have to wait and see. Lindell is a religious zealot and statistically there have been some anomalies so this could drag out for years and neither party wants that.

My statement was: Dominion is doing this for money and will likely settle. You went on your usual OCD ridden ad hominem attack only to come back and agree with me.

Why? You're a coward. Next time you come at me do so with your membership board on the line or debate civilly. Got it? I mean shit. You're already fat and ugly but now a coward? Wow. Sad. And you still suffer from severed OCD.
$100 bucks says that between the new Pillow coming from David Hogg and this Dominion lawsuit, Mike Lindell is about to be buried and broke within 2 years.
$100 says your avatar is deeply disturbing. David Hogg. LOL
Huh? What's disturbing about his avatar, ShortBus?
If you can't tell you have issues. If you can't tell that the OP was parody then you also have issued, OCD. Why don't you take your meds?

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.
You’re ignorant. They are suing because Lindell has money. This is 100% about money not reputation. You are a very dishonest person. I mean that sincerely.
I suspect Lindell put a target on his own back by publicly backing false claims or at least claims he could not support in court by lawyers wishing to keep their licenses.
Again, you do not seem like the business survival type. I am sure they could have found some homeless nut-ball to sue as this story was sold to the masses. If you are going to win, it is much better to sue the one doing the most public damage and with the most money. Suing some poor moneyless person is a waste of resources, time and money. All a rich person has to do to avoid is the conscious decision to not make false disprovable claims against somebody or some business with the resources to defend themselves. Get a clue, Azog.

This gives Lindell free press and additional sales as hardcore GOP members will buy his product. He can bury this in courts for years and the SCOTUS leans right. He knows that he is doing. I am a lot smarter than you. Although frankly that isn't saying much.

"I want them to sue me," Lindell told CBS in January. "Please. Because I have all the evidence, 100 percent."
That is one of the big mistakes. Not all publicity if good publicity. That is why distribution outlet customers are dropping him like a hot rock. They do not want their good name associated with his fanaticism. Doubt the Supreme Court is going to underwrite libel. The have had plenty of opportunity in the past. Not a matter of left right, as they pretty much follow the law and legal precedent. I don't think he has the goods any more than the X-trump lawyer Kraken chick. I would recommend you watch the outcome before jumping on and taking out ads with the same assertions. Then again, maybe you think yourself smarter and better educated in law.
I do not disagree with you but $1.3Bn is excessive and is there for show because they want to settle and sign an NDA. Whether true or made up the optics look bad for Dominion as future potential clients may shy away to avoid controversy.
If they win a judgement, it will be worth more than "pillow guy's" weight in gold, and the best advertising possible. They should go for it. They might even own a pillow factory.
If they win, he will file Chapter 11 and they will get nothing. He can keep this in court for years and cost Dominion a lot of money as few will want to do business with a Company in litigation. I do this for a living...not legal matters but debt/equity/M&A consultancy. Having a law suit around is the best way to repel banks and any other lenders. Banks hate uncertainty. So you once again show your true ignorance. The reason the monies are so crazy at $1.3Bn is because they know they will never get that but will settle for a lot less, force a signed NDA and for Lindell to shut his mouth forever. That is their goal. Not to sit in court for years and accumulate legal fees.
Sounds like a plan that will work to their advantage in every way. Whether there is an NDA will be up to Dominion when determining how much they are willing to settle for. Lesser amounts than the face value are very common. Would probably settle for a hundred Million Dollar$ and an admission by "Pillow Head" that he was wrong, has complete faith in Dominion accuracy, integrity and product, and regrets his politically motivated attacks.
They would settle for $1mil and for him to shut his mouth but he is highly religious and those are the most dangerous opponents. This could drag out for years and millions in legal costs. Stay tuned...Below would never ever happen. Wow, you are really stupid. If thats the case then he has to pay the full $1.3Bn as he would admit he was lying. White, honestly and I would say this to your face. You are very dumb.

as complete faith in Dominion accuracy, integrity and product, and regrets his politically motivated attacks.
Pillow Dude will pay his lawyer big money. Dominion most likely covered by percentage against fees and lawyers basically paid by Pillow Dude. You are not correct about it only being about the money. It is about vindication of Dominion. To the victor go the spoils. I suspect Pillow Guy will pay big and eat crow. If you ever get sued (again) you should represent yourself. You don't seem to sharp on the legal side to me. I doubt your business experience, and basic business law intelligence. From experience and the year of business law I took in college, you theories do not add up. You are duller than I thought.
If Dominion is 100% right then why would they settle? See it through til the end and collect your $1.3Bn....

Mike Lindell does not have 1.3 billion dollars, bro. lol. They'd have to settle. He would have to close his company. It would be a lot like the Hulk Hogan v. Gawker fight that got them out of business

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.

I remember reading on other threads that Trumpers expressed that Dominion would never sue.

They were usual.

My Pillow guys was just begging to get sued, now he has.

Dominion is moving up the ladder.

The Orange Scurge is now in their sights.
Only party that benefits = lawyers. People like you are the real scurge.
Dominion benefits. They will get to keep on manufacturing and marketing there product, v free of the fall accusations on "Pillow Head" and be repaid for their effort to protect their good name against false claims in the marketplace, damaging to their business reputation.
All right wing disinformation campaigns are the loser. Might have to stick to truth (heaven forbid) or just pick on little guys that cannot cost effectively hire good legal representation and counter-attack.
Being denied free use of false claims against corporations and individuals will be devastating to their ability to mass market their false message.
Dude, you sound more and more like a leftist daily. Get some help. So should Tom Brady have sued ESPN who falsely accused him of cheating and deflating footballs with no proof whatsoever and had to back pedal? I just hate lawsuits in general unless absolutely necessary. The optics around the election look bad. I am not saying anything nefarious happened as we dont have proof. Same as I don't vilify Cuomo here because to me EVERYONE should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I thought that was where you came from as well but realize now you're just a leftist sycophant.
Are you suggesting Dominion should have rolled over like a dog and given up their good name in the marketplace, sacrificing a good business model, market share and continued existence. Is that what you would have done if some political hack said your pizzas contained feces a key ingredient to enhabce their unique flavor? Maybe you are not suited to business survival.
You’re ignorant. They are suing because Lindell has money. This is 100% about money not reputation. You are a very dishonest person. I mean that sincerely.
I suspect Lindell put a target on his own back by publicly backing false claims or at least claims he could not support in court by lawyers wishing to keep their licenses.
Again, you do not seem like the business survival type. I am sure they could have found some homeless nut-ball to sue as this story was sold to the masses. If you are going to win, it is much better to sue the one doing the most public damage and with the most money. Suing some poor moneyless person is a waste of resources, time and money. All a rich person has to do to avoid is the conscious decision to not make false disprovable claims against somebody or some business with the resources to defend themselves. Get a clue, Azog.

This gives Lindell free press and additional sales as hardcore GOP members will buy his product. He can bury this in courts for years and the SCOTUS leans right. He knows that he is doing. I am a lot smarter than you. Although frankly that isn't saying much.

"I want them to sue me," Lindell told CBS in January. "Please. Because I have all the evidence, 100 percent."
That is one of the big mistakes. Not all publicity if good publicity. That is why distribution outlet customers are dropping him like a hot rock. They do not want their good name associated with his fanaticism. Doubt the Supreme Court is going to underwrite libel. The have had plenty of opportunity in the past. Not a matter of left right, as they pretty much follow the law and legal precedent. I don't think he has the goods any more than the X-trump lawyer Kraken chick. I would recommend you watch the outcome before jumping on and taking out ads with the same assertions. Then again, maybe you think yourself smarter and better educated in law.
I do not disagree with you but $1.3Bn is excessive and is there for show because they want to settle and sign an NDA. Whether true or made up the optics look bad for Dominion as future potential clients may shy away to avoid controversy.
If they win a judgement, it will be worth more than "pillow guy's" weight in gold, and the best advertising possible. They should go for it. They might even own a pillow factory.
If they win, he will file Chapter 11 and they will get nothing. He can keep this in court for years and cost Dominion a lot of money as few will want to do business with a Company in litigation. I do this for a living...not legal matters but debt/equity/M&A consultancy. Having a law suit around is the best way to repel banks and any other lenders. Banks hate uncertainty. So you once again show your true ignorance. The reason the monies are so crazy at $1.3Bn is because they know they will never get that but will settle for a lot less, force a signed NDA and for Lindell to shut his mouth forever. That is their goal. Not to sit in court for years and accumulate legal fees.
Sounds like a plan that will work to their advantage in every way. Whether there is an NDA will be up to Dominion when determining how much they are willing to settle for. Lesser amounts than the face value are very common. Would probably settle for a hundred Million Dollar$ and an admission by "Pillow Head" that he was wrong, has complete faith in Dominion accuracy, integrity and product, and regrets his politically motivated attacks.
They would settle for $1mil and for him to shut his mouth but he is highly religious and those are the most dangerous opponents. This could drag out for years and millions in legal costs. Stay tuned...Below would never ever happen. Wow, you are really stupid. If thats the case then he has to pay the full $1.3Bn as he would admit he was lying. White, honestly and I would say this to your face. You are very dumb.

as complete faith in Dominion accuracy, integrity and product, and regrets his politically motivated attacks.
Pillow Dude will pay his lawyer big money. Dominion most likely covered by percentage against fees and lawyers basically paid by Pillow Dude. You are not correct about it only being about the money. It is about vindication of Dominion. To the victor go the spoils. I suspect Pillow Guy will pay big and eat crow. If you ever get sued (again) you should represent yourself. You don't seem to sharp on the legal side to me. I doubt your business experience, and basic business law intelligence. From experience and the year of business law I took in college, you theories do not add up. You are duller than I thought.
How do they not add up? Be specific. The fact that you thought is a start. Keep trying.
If Dominion is 100% right then why would they settle? See it through til the end and collect your $1.3Bn....

Mike Lindell does not have 1.3 billion dollars, bro. lol. They'd have to settle. He would have to close his company. It would be a lot like the Hulk Hogan v. Gawker fight that got them out of business
EXACTLY. The lawsuit is frivolous and designed to settle and to shut him up via an NDA. He would file Chapter 11 like Owens Corning did with the asbestos lawsuits. Won't come to that. Your avatar remains deeply disturbing.

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