So What Has Mike Lindell Been Up To??

I give you evidence you ignore it. Same shit different day. 🫤
Give it to the police.....

That is how these people got arrested for voter fraud....


Or do you think they got arrested because someone made some random posts on message boards?

On a related note, I see you folks have a very loose association with how evidence works...
Sorry, I couldn't step into your twisted imagination, which is the only place such a thing exists.

Whine louder. Somebody might start paying attention to you.
No, you’re wrong again. It exists in reality…

Look up oleandrin


"Mike Lindell’s pillows will have just a little less stuffing in them pretty soon thanks to his legal shenanigans. After Dominion Voting Systems sued him for defamation in DC federal court, Lindell and his company filed a counterclaim against Dominion and its direct competitor, Smartmatic, alleging civil RICO and defamation. US District Judge Patrick Schlitz declined Lindell’s invitation to punish Dominion Voting Systems for the tort of suing Mike Lindell, at which point Smartmatic warned that it was going to request Rule 11 sanctions against Lindell and his lawyers. Last week Judge Carl J. Nichols had enough. He not only granted Smartmatic’s motion to dismiss, but he also agreed to sanction Lindell, his company, and his lawyers Douglas A. Daniels and Heath A. Novosad, both of whom have already withdrawn from the case.

The court invited Smartmatic to make its case for damages, and on Friday, the Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff, LLP attorneys did just that. “Smartmatic seeks an award of at least $546,156 for reasonable legal fees for 1168.6 hours of work investigating, researching, and drafting several complex motions, but they hasten to add that if Judge Nichols wants to make an example of this pillow pumping bozo with his $2 billion RICO LOL-suit, they’ll gladly take the whole amount. If Smartmatic is getting sanctions and fees from Lindell and his attorneys, then you can bet your bottom dollar Dominion is going to ask for a whole lot more than $546,000 when this preposterous clusterfuckery finally comes to an end."

You would think by now, there would be at least one felony conviction made in connection to Biden's theft of the 2020 election...if not a conviction, at least an arrest...or something...anything.....And we know that arrests can be made in connection with voter fraud..all you have to do is present evidence to law enforcement and then actions are taken....that is how these folks were arrested...
View attachment 652653
"Ketcik was one of three Villages residents, along with Joan Halstead and John Rider, who were arrested on double voting charges back in December. Halstead is also a registered Republican, and is accused of voting in Florida and absentee in New York. Ketcik, Halstead, and Rider all expressed support for had all expressed support for Trump."


That brings the number of people charged with election fraud during the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin to 10, including seven in Fond du Lac County. Three of the five people charged cast ballots in the 2020 election.

Why not just follow the same chain of evidence procedures that were followed in these other voter fraud arrests?? Just present the evidence to the cops.....I don't know why Mike Lindell didn't just do that....instead, he is getting his ass handed to him over and over again by the very folks he claims stole the election.....but I am sure the evidence is coming soon....some day....or maybe all the evidence you really need is just to believe....your faith is evidence is enough...maybe the belief the 2020 election was stolen can be a brand new religion.....and tax-exempt too....

So he's not yet back on his knees and the crack?
No, you’re wrong again. It exists in reality…

Look up oleandrin

Thanks for sharing your opinion, which you dutifully downloaded directly to your brain from the NYT and the Daily Beast.

Thanks for sharing your opinion, which you dutifully downloaded directly to your brain from the NYT and the Daily Beast.

It’s not an opinion it is an accounting of what actually happened. Do you need to hear it from Chuckies mouth? Because I remember watching plenty of interviews of him spreading that BS. There was a pretty popular scuff he had with Anderson Cooper about it. Do you need me to post the link for you after I finish wiping your ass?
It’s not an opinion it is an accounting of what actually happened. Do you need to hear it from Chuckies mouth? Because I remember watching plenty of interviews of him spreading that BS. There was a pretty popular scuff he had with Anderson Cooper about it. Do you need me to post the link for you after I finish wiping your ass?
OhPleaseJustQuit are you clear now on reality?! What fake news sources do you tune into anyways?!

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