My Questions for Joe Biden

The question is...

Will Trump last through the debate, or will he angrily storm out like he does in his press conferences when he gets a question he doesn’t like?
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made himself largely unavailable to questions from reporters since before his nomination. In contrast, President Trump has made himself available numerous times per day to reporters and their often hostile and confrontational questions.

This is why the moderator of the first debate, Chris Wallace of Fox News, should ask Biden the most questions. Not that Wallace needs any help from me, but here are some things I would ask.

Mr. Biden, why would you raise taxes when the president's tax cuts stimulated the economy and created millions of new jobs before the pandemic?

Follow-up: The federal government is approaching $27 trillion in debt. Your spending plans have been estimated to add $11 trillion to the debt. Even if your tax increases passed by Congress, it would not be nearly enough to cover what you plan to spend. Where is the money coming from and if from a foreign power, like China, doesn't that put us in hock to a hostile state?

BJ -
Assuming that Biden does show up, not sure that he can answer more than 1 question and a follow up but if so -
After five decades in DC accomplishing zero, why do you think you will cure cancer if we elect you President?
The question is...

Will Trump last through the debate, or will he angrily storm out like he does in his press conferences when he gets a question he doesn’t like?

My God you're clueless.

Trump just owns fake news. He let them know that if they talk over him and don't let him speak he'll end the press conference. Then they get mad at each other for not letting them get in more questions. It works. They have gotten so much better about it. And storm out? He says thank you and leaves. They ask him the most vicious questions and he never leaves. It's clearly and specifically when they won't let HIM talk at HIS press conference.

I can't believe you're that totally unaware of what's going on. You just don't know anything unless Democrats tell you to think it
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The question is...

Will Trump last through the debate, or will he angrily storm out like he does in his press conferences when he gets a question he doesn’t like?

My God you're clueless.

Trump just owns fake news. He let them know that if they talk over him and don't let him speak he'll end the press conference. Then they get mad at each other for not letting them get in more questions. It works. They have gotten so much better about it. And storm out? He says thank you and leaves. They ask him the most vicious questions and he never leaves. It's clearly and specifically when they won't let HIM talk at HIS press conference.

I can't believe you're that totally unaware of what's going on. You just don't know anything unless Democrats tell you to think it

It's just trolling.
You have stated your Catholic faith has deeply influenced you, but your church's teachings, and the statements by several popes, have opposed abortion, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, which you reportedly favor. How can one be a faithful Catholic and disregard such fundamental principles of one's church? And isn't the right to life the most basic right of all

Questioning a person's faith is a dangerous, dangerous road to travel...
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You have stated your Catholic faith has deeply influenced you, but your church's teachings, and the statements by several popes, have opposed abortion, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, which you reportedly favor. How can one be a faithful Catholic and disregard such fundamental principles of one's church? And isn't the right to life the most basic right of all

Questioning a person's faith is a dangerous, dangerous road to travel...

Democrat's faith is in government and there can be only one God
I'd like to see Biden support a flat tax, which is the only truly fair way to tax people...
You have stated your Catholic faith has deeply influenced you, but your church's teachings, and the statements by several popes, have opposed abortion, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, which you reportedly favor. How can one be a faithful Catholic and disregard such fundamental principles of one's church? And isn't the right to life the most basic right of all

Questioning a person's faith is a dangerous, dangerous road to travel...

Democrat's faith is in government and there can be only one God
The left hates religion, yet they are the most devout people I know. They have faith in their prophets and accept without question what they are told over the pulpit. They have dogma. They have symbolic rituals and they shame those who don’t participate. They have commandments and punish those who sin against them. And they really hate heretics.

But Catholics can’t be in government anymore. Well, I suppose they can, but only if their Catholicism comes 2nd to the Church of the Perpetually Woke.

Also, new commandment this week... interracial adoption is now bad. Adjust your scriptures accordingly and prepare for your ritual virtue signaling.
You have stated your Catholic faith has deeply influenced you, but your church's teachings, and the statements by several popes, have opposed abortion, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, which you reportedly favor. How can one be a faithful Catholic and disregard such fundamental principles of one's church? And isn't the right to life the most basic right of all

Questioning a person's faith is a dangerous, dangerous road to travel...

Democrat's faith is in government and there can be only one God

That's not even a response, but thanks...
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made himself largely unavailable to questions from reporters since before his nomination. In contrast, President Trump has made himself available numerous times per day to reporters and their often hostile and confrontational questions.

This is why the moderator of the first debate, Chris Wallace of Fox News, should ask Biden the most questions. Not that Wallace needs any help from me, but here are some things I would ask.

Mr. Biden, why would you raise taxes when the president's tax cuts stimulated the economy and created millions of new jobs before the pandemic?

Because we are nearing 30 trillion in debt. If tax cuts would address the debt it wouldn't still be rising at a record pace. Are we a country that is going to simply ignore it's debt?
Yes, and the dems using the wuhan virus as a means to get money is putting us further and further in debt.
You have stated your Catholic faith has deeply influenced you, but your church's teachings, and the statements by several popes, have opposed abortion, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, which you reportedly favor. How can one be a faithful Catholic and disregard such fundamental principles of one's church? And isn't the right to life the most basic right of all

Questioning a person's faith is a dangerous, dangerous road to travel...

Democrat's faith is in government and there can be only one God

That's not even a response, but thanks...
Well, a response would be if a Catholic goes against the doctrine of the faith, they are Protestant, not Catholic. (Protestant derived from the word Protest)
You have stated your Catholic faith has deeply influenced you, but your church's teachings, and the statements by several popes, have opposed abortion, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, which you reportedly favor. How can one be a faithful Catholic and disregard such fundamental principles of one's church? And isn't the right to life the most basic right of all

Questioning a person's faith is a dangerous, dangerous road to travel...

Democrat's faith is in government and there can be only one God

That's not even a response, but thanks...
Well, a response would be if a Catholic goes against the doctrine of the faith, they are Protestant, not Catholic. (Protestant derived from the word Protest)

It is mostly that simple.
Your running mate, Kamala Harris, is regarded as the most liberal member of the Senate. How can voters be sure that she and her fellow liberals won't be the driving force behind policies should you win the election?
Harris is not the most Liberal and actually was one of the most centrist in the last year...

So the rest of the question in null and void..
Exactly, but cons have been duped by their media just as libs are by their media. Wingers. Ugh!

Harris is exactly like O. An elitist, corporatist, warmonger, and opportunist. She’ll make a wonderful potus if you like those things.

There is two candidates
One is a Billionaire who has paid only $750 a year in the last two years while in court defending a $75m tax refund... We are pretty sure he evaded inheritance tax and is President of US.

The other was born to a used car salesman in Scranton... Biden was a Republican but left them over the corruption he saw during Nixon... Across the aisle Biden is respected and a decent human being and tough opponent, internationally he is a heavy weight and is considered one best senators in foreign affairs.

Gipper, I can understand you not having either one as top of your list... But you seem reasonable... Trump among all the things he has done he shown to be incompetent and his support from GOP has been Mitch's obsession at judges. Now the judges are a good deal to the right of the US people as a whole. That is a price that will be paid later.

Thats my pitch for Biden, what is your thinking, I am curious....

This is the most butt stupid shit ever. Trump should ignore his accountants and pay MORE in taxes than he has to.

A standard you applied to Democrats NEVER. Get that shit out of here, dumb ass

Biden needs s to hit Trump HARD on the need to cut tax exemptions for the wealthy.

Make Trump admit he will never change them

Biden won't change them either. His campaign would go broke without leftist billionaires, and leftist billionaires aren't paying those taxes
Sorry pal
But he is already repealing Trumps tax cuts on Billionaires
You have stated your Catholic faith has deeply influenced you, but your church's teachings, and the statements by several popes, have opposed abortion, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, which you reportedly favor. How can one be a faithful Catholic and disregard such fundamental principles of one's church? And isn't the right to life the most basic right of all

Questioning a person's faith is a dangerous, dangerous road to travel...

Democrat's faith is in government and there can be only one God

That's not even a response, but thanks...

It's a direct response. You talked about faith. I literally mean government is their religion.

I great up in a pacifist left church, the church of the Brethren. That church is more regional, and so as an adult I have gone mostly to the Quaker churches. I married a conservative Christian and have gone to many conservatives churches. We moved around the country and joined one of each wherever we lived and traded off week by week. That system has worked pretty well for us. I couldn't take a conservative church very week and she wants me to go to church with her. So we both accept the deal.

What I learned

- Despite the left's rhetoric, conservative churches just don't talk about politics in the service. They specifically don't want leftists to stop coming. They care. And they don't think the service is a place for politics. And in major church events, politics is just not discussed directly or indirectly.

- In left churches, politics is common and open, including in the service. Though the service is different in Quaker churches, but it comes up all the time. I've heard many times the hatred for Trump.

Leftist Christians clearly prioritize government over God. That is my experience. I meant it literally when I said there can be only one God
Your running mate, Kamala Harris, is regarded as the most liberal member of the Senate. How can voters be sure that she and her fellow liberals won't be the driving force behind policies should you win the election?
Harris is not the most Liberal and actually was one of the most centrist in the last year...

So the rest of the question in null and void..
Exactly, but cons have been duped by their media just as libs are by their media. Wingers. Ugh!

Harris is exactly like O. An elitist, corporatist, warmonger, and opportunist. She’ll make a wonderful potus if you like those things.

There is two candidates
One is a Billionaire who has paid only $750 a year in the last two years while in court defending a $75m tax refund... We are pretty sure he evaded inheritance tax and is President of US.

The other was born to a used car salesman in Scranton... Biden was a Republican but left them over the corruption he saw during Nixon... Across the aisle Biden is respected and a decent human being and tough opponent, internationally he is a heavy weight and is considered one best senators in foreign affairs.

Gipper, I can understand you not having either one as top of your list... But you seem reasonable... Trump among all the things he has done he shown to be incompetent and his support from GOP has been Mitch's obsession at judges. Now the judges are a good deal to the right of the US people as a whole. That is a price that will be paid later.

Thats my pitch for Biden, what is your thinking, I am curious....

This is the most butt stupid shit ever. Trump should ignore his accountants and pay MORE in taxes than he has to.

A standard you applied to Democrats NEVER. Get that shit out of here, dumb ass

Biden needs s to hit Trump HARD on the need to cut tax exemptions for the wealthy.

Make Trump admit he will never change them

Biden won't change them either. His campaign would go broke without leftist billionaires, and leftist billionaires aren't paying those taxes
Sorry pal
But he is already repealing Trumps tax cuts on Billionaires

That doesn't address what we're talking about RW. Let them know the medication is wearing off
My question for Joe Biden is: how many months did your physician give your life after his diagnosis of your dementia. We need to know, because your Communist VP Harris will be made President the day you die at which time she will weaken the Constitution to prepare the nation's fall from being a nation of free people to being one of enslaved apparatchiks.
Leftist Christians clearly prioritize government over God. That is my experience.

I think they simply want to keep God away from governing. I know plenty of Christians who believe that religion should play a greater role in politics...

I meant it literally when I said there can be only one God

If elected, would you commit to regular testing to assure the public you do not have any mental acuity problems?

Of course, As President I would submit to a regular physicals...

Actually I will have 3 mile run tomorrow and I invite my opponent to join me... Mr. President would you like to join me for a 3 mile run at noon tomorrow? Anyone in the press can join us as well if we social distance... Come on let's all have a 3 mile run. Let's make it a charity run, Mr President is you run it, we will give 1 million to COVID charity...
Yeah? And what happens when Trump shows up for the run and Biden pees himself given he calls a lid almost daily by 9:45 am?

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