My Questions for Joe Biden

Your running mate, Kamala Harris, is regarded as the most liberal member of the Senate. How can voters be sure that she and her fellow liberals won't be the driving force behind policies should you win the election?
Your running mate, Kamala Harris, is regarded as the most liberal member of the Senate. How can voters be sure that she and her fellow liberals won't be the driving force behind policies should you win the election?

OK, now I know you're just messing with everyone. Wallace would never again be asked to host a debate if he asked a question like this. :)
Trump is more liberal than Kamala Harris is. :)
You have stated your Catholic faith has deeply influenced you, but your church's teachings, and the statements by several popes, have opposed abortion, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, which you reportedly favor. How can one be a faithful Catholic and disregard such fundamental principles of one's church? And isn't the right to life the most basic right of all

Easy answer:
As the Pope has said he disagrees with by opponents administration and personal way of life I feel I give an alternative closer to Catholic teaching...
Your running mate, Kamala Harris, is regarded as the most liberal member of the Senate. How can voters be sure that she and her fellow liberals won't be the driving force behind policies should you win the election?

OK, now I know you're just messing with everyone. Wallace would never again be asked to host a debate if he asked a question like this. :)
Trump is more liberal than Kamala Harris is. :)

Yet he has governed very Conservatively
Are there any government programs or agencies you would eliminate?

Well you accused of him trying to get rid of the Police...

He will get rid of the Build the Wall program, the Voter Frand Commitee...

But the main saving is to get rid of the Trump family who were hired as advisors... That will be the start..
You have stated your Catholic faith has deeply influenced you, but your church's teachings, and the statements by several popes, have opposed abortion, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, which you reportedly favor. How can one be a faithful Catholic and disregard such fundamental principles of one's church? And isn't the right to life the most basic right of all

Easy answer:
As the Pope has said he disagrees with by opponents administration and personal way of life I feel I give an alternative closer to Catholic teaching...

I think that actual Catholics have had buyers remorse since the Marxist Pope was installed.
Are there any government programs or agencies you would eliminate?

Well you accused of him trying to get rid of the Police...

He will get rid of the Build the Wall program, the Voter Frand Commitee...

But the main saving is to get rid of the Trump family who were hired as advisors... That will be the start..

Regarding the Police - I simply repeated his message.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made himself largely unavailable to questions from reporters since before his nomination. In contrast, President Trump has made himself available numerous times per day to reporters and their often hostile and confrontational questions.

This is why the moderator of the first debate, Chris Wallace of Fox News, should ask Biden the most questions. Not that Wallace needs any help from me, but here are some things I would ask.

Mr. Biden, why would you raise taxes when the president's tax cuts stimulated the economy and created millions of new jobs before the pandemic?

Because we are nearing 30 trillion in debt. If tax cuts would address the debt it wouldn't still be rising at a record pace. Are we a country that is going to simply ignore it's debt?
You keep promoting programs using compassion for everything under the sun. Tell us how we will cut the debt down? I believed in balancing the budget and now not so much. The government can do things to balance it though. And most people will not like it.
My question to Trump

Why does the taxpayer pay $70,000 for this haircut?

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It appears from press reports that you were aware at some level about your son, Hunter, and his dealings with Burisma in Ukraine and with China while you were vice president. Explain how he could make so much money in so short a time if he was not peddling his name and influence for personal gain. Your campaign has said a Senate report on this is part of "right-wing" and "long debunked" stories. But did he or did he not make millions of dollars from these ventures? Yes, or no?.
If elected, would you commit to regular testing to assure the public you do not have any mental acuity problems?

Of course, As President I would submit to a regular physicals...

Actually I will have 3 mile run tomorrow and I invite my opponent to join me... Mr. President would you like to join me for a 3 mile run at noon tomorrow? Anyone in the press can join us as well if we social distance... Come on let's all have a 3 mile run. Let's make it a charity run, Mr President is you run it, we will give 1 million to COVID charity...
It appears from press reports that you were aware at some level about your son, Hunter, and his dealings with Burisma in Ukraine and with China while you were vice president. Explain how he could make so much money in so short a time if he was not peddling his name and influence for personal gain. Your campaign has said a Senate report on this is part of "right-wing" and "long debunked" stories. But did he or did he not make millions of dollars from these ventures? Yes, or no?.
No laws were broken and after over five years, the Trump Justice Department has declined to prosecute
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has made himself largely unavailable to questions from reporters since before his nomination. In contrast, President Trump has made himself available numerous times per day to reporters and their often hostile and confrontational questions.

This is why the moderator of the first debate, Chris Wallace of Fox News, should ask Biden the most questions. Not that Wallace needs any help from me, but here are some things I would ask.

Mr. Biden, why would you raise taxes when the president's tax cuts stimulated the economy and created millions of new jobs before the pandemic?

Because we are nearing 30 trillion in debt. If tax cuts would address the debt it wouldn't still be rising at a record pace. Are we a country that is going to simply ignore it's debt?
You keep promoting programs using compassion for everything under the sun. Tell us how we will cut the debt down? I believed in balancing the budget and now not so much. The government can do things to balance it though. And most people will not like it.

I do. Take Sanders college program. He advocated a small tax on stock trades to fund higher education. All that does it make people pay for their education down the road. Once they start making decent money they will be invested in the markets also where they then pay into the program. No added debt here.

People complain and moan about the cost of "free" health care even though they know that is being dishonest. We pay for health care now and will continue to pay for it in the same ways. It's just that all will be covered.

Now to get our budget in line we need to quit bribing other countries with millions of dollars and end our billions of dollar wars while raising taxes on the upper incomes.

We need to quit handing out billions to corporations and we need to actually hold people accountable for waste and fraud they oversee.
I think once you get passed what is your name you have pretty well exhausted his ability to answer coherently
If elected, would you commit to regular testing to assure the public you do not have any mental acuity problems?

Of course, As President I would submit to a regular physicals...

Actually I will have 3 mile run tomorrow and I invite my opponent to join me... Mr. President would you like to join me for a 3 mile run at noon tomorrow? Anyone in the press can join us as well if we social distance... Come on let's all have a 3 mile run. Let's make it a charity run, Mr President is you run it, we will give 1 million to COVID charity...

Our President would run. Actually, he is one of the worlds fastest runners. He knows more about running than the Olympians.

Unfortnately, he has a doctors note that says he has Bone Spurs
If elected, would you commit to regular testing to assure the public you do not have any mental acuity problems?

Of course, As President I would submit to a regular physicals...

Actually I will have 3 mile run tomorrow and I invite my opponent to join me... Mr. President would you like to join me for a 3 mile run at noon tomorrow? Anyone in the press can join us as well if we social distance... Come on let's all have a 3 mile run. Let's make it a charity run, Mr President is you run it, we will give 1 million to COVID charity...

That would be Super Fantastic!

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