My speech at an Islamic School- championing diversity and Liberal values


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

This is a video of me providing a speech to youngsters at the Islamic school that I used to work at about seven or eight years ago. This video is from before my accident so I could walk properly in the above video. You might not hear me well, so turn up the volume. I am not an expert at public speaking. But I had a lot of fun with the speech it was a wonderful thing.

Iā€™m incredibly proud of the video and the speech I gave. Here I was speaking in front of many immigrants from Pakistan, India, Palestine, Bangladesh, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen.

At the end of the speech I was givin a thunderous applause from the audience. What a great feeling that was.

There are some Democrats who have never even been around this type of immigrant community. Others have, and if so, I want to hear their story.

Iā€™m a proud Democrat and back in 2016 I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2020 I voted for Mr. Trump because of how far left the Democrats went and how against the working class they went

You can see in the speechā€¦I spoke very proudly of the Roman empire, The Crusaders, Richard the Lionheart, and Saladin ā€¦. I spoke at length about John F Kennedy, in front of African-American students and immigrants about how John F Kennedy said thereā€™s no room for race in America. And we should all be proud of where we come from. Whether were white, whether weā€™re black, etc.

You just donā€™t hear this type of speech from anyone today on the left. Almost anyone. I think there are exceptions, of course like Robert F Kennedy Junior. But for the most part, the Democrats are towing a racist agenda. Itā€™s deplorable what the Democrats are doing today. But there are those voices From the Democrat party and from American Democrats all over the country who are saying weā€™re going to stand up for true Democrat values.

Tons and tons of Muslims are now turning to support Donald Trump and other Republicans. Even in Dearborn Michigan huge numbers of Muslims are opposing Elon Omar.
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Well at least they did not toss you off the roof. ;)
Or string-up their gay classmates from the derrick of a mobile construction crane...

Lakhota Unkotare

Hope you guys can join this discussion.

Because of diversity and liberalismā€¦. Democrats are not talking about that. They are racists and they are destroying the middle class. So we need to bring back the Democrat party RFK all the way.

We should definitely bring in Muslim immigrants because they bring with them honor and tradition. Christianity is on the downfall in America. Itā€™s very disturbing. Christianity is on the decline in the west, but it is on the rise in South America and Africa. Praise be to God. So we can learn a lot here in America from the Muslims.

We should also bring in Christian immigrants from South America and Africa because we need to revitalize Christian traditions in America.

bodecea ā€”ā€” where are you man. You claim to be a Democrat you say you stand up for the Democrat values. Where are you dude.

Bodecea u Keep laughing at peoples posts ..u put up a picture of Trump in your avatar ..

Donald Trump the man who brought together Israel and Muslim majority countries like the united Arab Emiratiā€˜s.

Moonglow surada what have you done for liberal values. All Iā€™ve ever seen you do is personal attacks and racism. So maybe you can show what youā€™re worth.
Andrew Tate is a Muslim and he is a man among cowards when it comes to those on social media and the politicians in America. Thereā€™s not a lot of people like him and heā€™s a Muslim. Heā€™s telling young men to work out be kind to others be honorable.

You know we got a bunch of con artists in the US government. They talk a big game about being healthy and what not and they are completely out of shape they are immoral. We have a few good people in politics obviously Bobby Kennedy, and a few others but itā€™s few and far between.


Hey brother, letā€™s see what type of American you are here
What discussion? It's just you shrieking blind hatred at liberals again, and faking accusations of racism.

If you want honest discussion, then next time don't lead off with that kind of sleaze and lies. Since you did, no decent person will bother with you.
Is there one post you can make on topic without personal attacks

You keep on responding to my threads. You canā€™t help yourself. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
Says the guy who keeps squealing that all liberals are racists.

"Fuck right off, hypocrite" is going to be the response you get from every decent person.
Again with you the constant nonstop personal attacks. You keep posting in my threads šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

You are racist for supporting BLM. And for being unable to have any kind of constructive dialogue ever. I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like to be you.

Apparently youā€™ve done nothing for a liberal causes because you wonā€™t even talk about the topic. I donā€™t even imagine what itā€™s like to be you thereā€™s no constructive post from you itā€™s all garbage. Ur like 1srelluc

Keep posting on my threads šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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