My speech at an Islamic School- championing diversity and Liberal values

Andrew Tate is a Muslim and he is a man among cowards when it comes to those on social media and the politicians in America. There’s not a lot of people like him and he’s a Muslim. He’s telling young men to work out be kind to others be honorable.

You know we got a bunch of con artists in the US government. They talk a big game about being healthy and what not and they are completely out of shape they are immoral. We have a few good people in politics obviously Bobby Kennedy, and a few others but it’s few and far between.


Hey brother, let’s see what type of American you are here
Closet alert!
That’s all I ask for for whether or not they like it Islam or not.

dealing with the POS trolls in this thread like mamooth 😂😂😂
The problem is your arguments are nonsensical. RFK Junior is a vaccination conspiracy nut we don't need them. Anti science and off the planet are GOP base themes. besides that he is just a regular old Democrat like Biden or basically any of them- tolerance and intelligence and fairness as opposed to GOP giveaway to the rich big money propaganda distractions and lies...
I've done those things. You're a racist scumbag.
What have you done? What do you mean by those things. What are you talking about?

You live on an island the majority of African-Americans and Africans disagree with you. You just have a scumbag trash attitude.

So you’re never interested in having a conversation. you support BLM therefore You’re racist.

And you always launch these unprovoked personal attacks thinking that you can talk to people like they’re not men.

Again, look at your avatar. You have no respect for the black and white people who built this country. It’s always you always you and far left wingers making unprovoked personal attacks.

Let me know when you’re ready for a conversation

It’s a very simple formula. Most Democrats are racist because they took a knee is supported the George Floyd protest/ riots. They support the heinous idea that homeless white people are privileged.

And you’re probably brainwashed about George Floyd a man who held the gun to a pregnant lady stomach. Far more white people have bad experiences with cops compared to Black people. This is such a basic common sense. Most cops are good cops and occasionally a police officer is going to have a bad experience with a civilian. Wake the hell up.

RFK Junior is out there helping the working class which is what we need. Your mind in the mind of IM2 has been poisoned. All y’all ever do is literally make things up and lie about other posters, scumbag trash attitude that you people like francoHFW Unkotare have. All of you are guilty of watching unprovoked personal attacks. It’s disgusting. And none of you say a damn thing about Black people or Indians, who owned slaves. Give us all a break.

Peace peace and love to all… I have nothing but love for all my fellow Americans but when I see racist Democrats saying anti American things that make no sense…. I’m gonna call them out
The problem is your arguments are nonsensical. RFK Junior is a vaccination conspiracy nut we don't need them. Anti science and off the planet are GOP base themes. besides that he is just a regular old Democrat like Biden or basically any of them- tolerance and intelligence and fairness as opposed to GOP giveaway to the rich big money propaganda distractions and lies...

So what have you done for a liberal values and diversity. Have you gone to the inner cities to donate to the poor? Have you ever worked at the inner city school?

You just can’t help yourself huh? Hitting the fake news button on a video of me giving a speech in front of the school. What the hell are you are mad. Who the hell do you think you are?

Your uninformed about RFK Junior he supports traditional vaccines, just not experimental ones

Go ahead keep hitting the disagree button even though I have never done it to you.

What do you think about Islam? I only very briefly mentioned RFK Junior.
I think I might have to go back to putting some of these far left wing psychopaths and ignore. It’s a constant theme. A posters name is not even mentioned or if it is mentioned it’s done so in a non-bias fashion, and then they come in and start launching unprovoked personal attacks. Wow.


You can’t take it huh brother. You see me a proud, white man who has the respect of Africans and African-Americans. There is nothing you can do about it. Don’t come down to the east side of Buffalo with your BLM racism. And your trash attitude.

Peace and love to all

You’re completely in capable of holding a civilized conversation you’re on ignore. You just think you can keep on hitting that disagree button laughing at peoples posts. When they don’t do it to you. Well you did it to yourself man.

Guess what now I don’t have to see you hitting that disagreed button or any of that trash. And I guarantee just like it was before you can’t help yourself you’re going to keep posting in my threads

So what have you done for a liberal values and diversity. Have you gone to the inner cities to donate to the poor? Have you ever worked at the inner city school?

You just can’t help yourself huh? Hitting the fake news button on a video of me giving a speech in front of the school. What the hell are you are mad. Who the hell do you think you are?

Your uninformed about RFK Junior he supports traditional vaccines, just not experimental ones

Go ahead keep hitting the disagree button even though I have never done it to you.

What do you think about Islam? I only very briefly mentioned RFK Junior.
I'm glad you found yourself some work but your whole argument is ridiculous. All you do is provoke. BLM was proven to have nothing to do with the late night riots that were produced by gangster wannabes and criminals not BLM, brainwashed by GOPBS Hater Dupe. Your speech is lovely and I'm glad you finally figured all that out LOL
Meh, perhaps you would be happier blowing your own horn elsewhere because nobody here seems to like you very much.

But hey, I can do something about not seeing anymore of your self-absorbed drivel.....Bye.

You can’t take it huh brother. You see me a proud, white man who has the respect of Africans and African-Americans. There is nothing you can do about it. Don’t come down to the east side of Buffalo with your BLM racism. And your trash attitude.

Peace and love to all
Your heart's in the right place but I don't agree that the democrats don't work for the children. More child hood poverty in the red states. One example below.
Your heart's in the right place but I don't agree that the democrats don't work for the children. More child hood poverty in the red states. One example below.
thanks..I’ve always said that both Democrats and Republicans are dropping the ball. But what makes things worse is the constant racism from Democrats. Their support of BLM. The idea that white homeless people are privileged that just add fuel to the fire when it comes to the poverty in the south.

interesting to see how fellow Democrats act in this thread none of these people have said anything about the original topic. None of them have talked about what they have done for inner-city communities.

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