my staff....god help em....


Left Coast Isolationist
Oct 28, 2004
"memo tothree of my staff"

just finished up preparing the sketches for tomorrow morning's meeting for project abc

I was able to address all the concerns per your meeting notes from the 7th, unfortunately I lost 3 units....68 to 65 and lost 13k of retail but I picked up 33 parking spaces.....hope he is happy.

XXX as the director of the studio

YYYY as the design director for the company

ZZZ as the assistant project manager for the project....

you would think i would get an adequate explanation from each of you as to why you three did no drawings between YYYY and ZZZZ meeting with the client and the city on the 7th and when they were due on the 19th and in particular why no drawings were done between the 7th and the day I returned from vacation on the 12th at which point I asked each of you and emailed each of you about the status of the sketches due on the 19th and got dead silence.

the 19th came and went with no explanation and it was not until I called a meeting with my partners and you all on the 20th did I get any kind of response which even then was silence and I had the project handed back to me to do .... no apology .... no explanation .... no I am sorry .... no offer to help out .... nothing. here clay clean up my mess.

additionally, I have yet to receive an adequate explanation of why the last project missed the deadline by a month and a half .... this one blows my mind as you all were sent weekly status reports that it wasn't done .... and y'all said you were taking care of it.

until I get an adequate explanation, something other than silence or "I don't know" from each of you .... I can not assign any further projects for you all to be in charge of, as, no matter how many e-mails I send each of you, meetings I hold with each of you, or memos I send each of you or times I ask each of you .... for some reason .... the drawings simply do not get done .... I simply can no longer trust that the projects i assign you will get done ....

when each of you can present to me a system that will restore my trust let me know .... until then .... I will make and clean up my own messes ....
Shattered said:
LMAO!! Have anyone in mind? :thup:
Can't be myself, GunnyL or Pegwinn. We are too busy fighting all enemies, foriegn and domestic.
CSM said:
Can't be myself, GunnyL or Pegwinn. We are too busy fighting all enemies, foriegn and domestic.

I happen to know Gunny's multi-talented... He can kick 4 sets of different asses from two places at the same time. :D
manu1959 said:
"memo tothree of my staff"

just finished up preparing the sketches for tomorrow morning's meeting for project abc

I was able to address all the concerns per your meeting notes from the 7th, unfortunately I lost 3 units....68 to 65 and lost 13k of retail but I picked up 33 parking spaces.....hope he is happy.

XXX as the director of the studio

YYYY as the design director for the company

ZZZ as the assistant project manager for the project....

you would think i would get an adequate explanation from each of you as to why you three did no drawings between YYYY and ZZZZ meeting with the client and the city on the 7th and when they were due on the 19th and in particular why no drawings were done between the 7th and the day I returned from vacation on the 12th at which point I asked each of you and emailed each of you about the status of the sketches due on the 19th and got dead silence.

the 19th came and went with no explanation and it was not until I called a meeting with my partners and you all on the 20th did I get any kind of response which even then was silence and I had the project handed back to me to do .... no apology .... no explanation .... no I am sorry .... no offer to help out .... nothing. here clay clean up my mess.

additionally, I have yet to receive an adequate explanation of why the last project missed the deadline by a month and a half .... this one blows my mind as you all were sent weekly status reports that it wasn't done .... and y'all said you were taking care of it.

until I get an adequate explanation, something other than silence or "I don't know" from each of you .... I can not assign any further projects for you all to be in charge of, as, no matter how many e-mails I send each of you, meetings I hold with each of you, or memos I send each of you or times I ask each of you .... for some reason .... the drawings simply do not get done .... I simply can no longer trust that the projects i assign you will get done ....

when each of you can present to me a system that will restore my trust let me know .... until then .... I will make and clean up my own messes ....

You doing their work for them is not going to solve the problem.
heres what you do. pick the biggest shitbag of the bunch, then fire him in front of everyone. then let it sink in for everyone else that your serious about then getting their workload finished
Johnney said:
heres what you do. pick the biggest shitbag of the bunch, then fire him in front of everyone. then let it sink in for everyone else that your serious about then getting their workload finished
Couldn't have said it better myself.
thanks, but it seems that that may be one of the only solutions for that bunch. seems they dont take it seriously.
Johnney said:
heres what you do. pick the biggest shitbag of the bunch, then fire him in front of everyone. then let it sink in for everyone else that your serious about then getting their workload finished

That works surprisingly well, doesn't it? :mm:
Abbey Normal said:
That works surprisingly well, doesn't it? :mm:
one would think. when your bread and butter is on the line you would think production would improve.
MissileMan said:
You doing their work for them is not going to solve the problem.

Why would you continue to pay three people for work that you are doing yourself? Hire people that will actually do the work and get rid of the parasites.
no1tovote4 said:
Why would you continue to pay three people for work that you are doing yourself? Hire people that will actually do the work and get rid of the parasites.
if thats the case... i wanna work for you too :laugh:
I don't know anything about Manu's job, but, it could be that he doesn't own the firm, and is at least temporarily stuck with a lousy staff assigned to him. In other words, he may not have hire/fire power.

Manu- what's the scoop?
as some of you may know...i am an architect .... we live to design builidngs .... egos are huge ... go watch the fountainhead .... anyway to be given a project to design is a big deal to a young architect .... to have that taken away ....well ... i might as well take away you alls abilty to post here .....

also i don't like to fire is too allows them to blame allows them to desert the problem.... it allows them to move on with their lives....

a long drawn out torture until they self eject is leagally much safer plus if they suddenly get it ... then all the better ....
Abbey Normal said:
I don't know anything about Manu's job, but, it could be that he doesn't own the firm, and is at least temporarily stuck with a lousy staff assigned to him. In other words, he may not have hire/fire power.

Manu- what's the scoop?

i have the power to nuke any of them or not give them any work

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