My take on Rush Limbaugh - and one of the reasons I am like I am, politically- YMMV

Rush was just a voice on the radio while mainstream glitzy news shows are nothing but propaganda spewed by partisan hacks.
You could not afford it? What do you watch now?
Occasionally a movie on netflix or amazon prime and I have a Roku my youngest son gave me last Christmas- during racing season I stream live sprint car racing- the rest of the time (which is most of the time) I read, books, internet articles, play one of my guitars, write songs, sing- I couldn't afford cable that had way more junk than I would ever watch- it made absolutely no sense to continue to pay so much for mere back ground noise-

That clip reminded me of the times I heard callers call his show and thank him for inspiring them to do something when times were tough- one, in particular, I remember, was a guy who expanded his hobby into a business making lures for fisherman because having lost his job he was pretty depressed and didn't know what he was going to do, so he made lures to occupy his mind, which he enjoyed doing anyway and managed to sell a few because they worked well, which led to getting a contract with a local independent retailer of fishing equipment (in Florida IMS) -he allowed that listening to Rush gave him the inspiration to do so-

It amazes me, that people, from BOTH sides of the equation, refuse to acknowledge that knowledge isn't biased in its origin- and (I thank Rush for this next part)- it can manifest itself in ways unimaginable- they also don't understand inspiration- inspiration is like a definition of necessity- necessity is the Mother of invention- it only seeks opportunity, which sometimes comes from personal tragedy, real or imagined, self induced or otherwise.

I think, I said, in my opening that I used to listen to Rush- used to being key- but, I listened to many conservative (and constitutionalist, Mike Church, specifically) views which helped me discover (along with other sources) that I'm not a modern version of Conservative, (I declared myself a Republican at the ripe old age of 14 or 15 much to my Southern Democrat grandmothers chagrin) rather I'm a libertarian- little l, (NO Party affiliation or loyalty)- I became disheartened with him because he was very intelligent, yet he stayed on the Bandwagon of Party loyalty politics- I learned, from listening to him, about thinking for yourself, not the loud mouth talking heads on TV, and did- it cost him a listener- yet, I became, and remain, a thinker- and Rush was the primary source of that inspiration.

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