*My Teacher Poll Needs Viagra: At Tax Payers Expense*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I "came" across this story, and it just shows whats wrong with the school districts all across America.
2. Seemans that the teachers want Viagra, to get the old poll up and going again, at my expense, I dont think thats all they are demanding folks, if we only knew all the details you would be infront of your schools demanding the whole staff of each school district be shitcanned.
3. Like making sausage, you really don't want to see what it really looks like.
4. The way the whole systems set up they all are sucking the tax base dry, its pathetic!
5. I say "Let them go limp in the peckers, and fire them too!
6. LINK:Milwaukee teachers drop Viagra suit

"The Milwaukee teachers union has dropped a lawsuit seeking to get its taxpayer-funded Viagra back.

The union sued in July 2010 to force the school board to again include the erectile dysfunction drug and similar pills in its health insurance plans.

The union has argued the board's policy of excluding such drugs from the plans discriminates against male employees; the board has countered the 2005 move was meant to save money.

Court records indicate the union, the school board and the state labor commission agreed to dismiss the lawsuit on March 1. A spokesman for the state Justice Department, which is representing the commission, declined comment. Attorneys for the union and school board didn't immediately return messages."


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