The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Bull crap!
Pure bullshit propaganda.

Answer the question, Care4all:

The further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all.

The Tea Party is to the right of the Republican Party because it believes in true constitutional government. The Libertarian Party is to the right of the Tea Party because it believes and less than true constitutional government. The Sovereign Citizen is to the right of the Libertarian Party because they believe in no government at all for themselves. The anarchist is to the right of the Sovereign Citizen because they believe in no government at all (for anyone).

Your dumbass desperately wants to convince people that fascism - unlimited government wielding unlimited power - is somehow to the right of the anarchist 😂 😂 😂

Come on snowflake, explain that to all of us like we’re 5. You can’t do it.
When you put words in someone else's mouth it makes you weak and stupid.
When you lie (like you do every post), it makes you look weak & stupid.
Hitler purged the German government of Socialists, Communists, Jews and Democrats in 1933. He put them in concentration camps.
He did no such thing. He merely eliminated anyone who he viewed as a threat to him. Just as Saddam Hussein did. Just as Fidel Castro did. Just as Kim Jong-Il did.
German Nationalism was very racist and authoritarian.
Just like the Democrat Party since their inception.
You are one of the most ignorant women on this board.
How sad is it for you then that someone “ignorant” is completely and totally dominating you with indisputable facts? 😂
You seem to think I am here to do your bidding, that is incorrect. I am uninterested in your little games.
You seem to think everyone doesn’t realize why you’re ducking & dodging the discussion on the basics. Spoiler Alert: they all know 😂

The saddest part isn’t that you’re wrong. It’s that you know you’re wrong and you try so hard to continue on with the false narrative anyway.
You seem to think everyone doesn’t realize why you’re ducking & dodging the discussion on the basics. Spoiler Alert: they all know 😂

The saddest part isn’t that you’re wrong. It’s that you know you’re wrong and you try so hard to continue on with the false narrative anyway.
The sad part is…you just aren’t that important that some must answer your demands. I made my points, provided sources and there are plenty of historians and political scientists who actually study these things (not you) who come to similar conclusions. You just keep on white washing and rewriting history in order to disown your own ideological extremists, the rest of us will enjoy our popcorn.
…and there are plenty of historians and political scientists who actually study these things (not you)…
Oh, you mean like Friedrich Hayek? Held three PhD’s (that’s right 3) in law, economics, and political science. Was alive during World War II / the Nazis reign of terror and wrote the book The Road to Serfdom in which he outlined how fascism is exclusively left-wing.

Agree, they do study those things and those who don’t have an agenda of advancing the fascist ideology all acknowledge the obvious reality that fascism is left-wing (you can’t have small, limited government totalitarianism).

Again, it’s so painfully obvious that you know you’re wrong. But you’re deeply committed to the lie. Sad.
The failed left-wing ideology always leads to government atrocities…

Oh, you mean like Friedrich Hayek? Held three PhD’s (that’s right 3) in law, economics, and political science. Was alive during World War II / the Nazis reign of terror and wrote the book The Road to Serfdom in which he outlined how fascism is exclusively left-wing.

Agree, they do study those things and those who don’t have an agenda of advancing the fascist ideology all acknowledge the obvious reality that fascism is left-wing (you can’t have small, limited government totalitarianism).

Again, it’s so painfully obvious that you know you’re wrong. But you’re deeply committed to the lie. Sad.
FA Hayek wrote that in the 1940's. He was comparing the loss individual liberty between the various systems of fascism state-socialism and nazism. The central economic planning similarities between them. At the time (the 40s) this was not considered left wing, and should not today as well.
You do realize, don’t you, that liberals push “private entities” to silence anyone who doesn’t bow to the left’s bat-shit crazy ideology? That includes those idiot liberals inside of those private entities.

It says everything that you guys are so afraid of freedom of speech, the open exchange of information and ideas, etc.

Trumpers are too ignorant to know the meaning of Fascism or that it was hard right. Welcome to the Jerry Springer Trump tour.
Untrue and simplistic because political ideologies aren’t linear and government size is not the sole definition.

View attachment 923436
It is, European models don't fit us you nitwit, They are based on monarchy, we didn't have that.
Explain to me right wingers that want little government, how they can be fascist? Fascism must be large to enforce its bullshit.
Right or left. But radical Islamists were always aligned with Hitlerism

1940: "Palestine Arabs Admire Hitler for his Jew-baiting"


1941: poll showed that 88% of Palestinian Arabs surveyed supported Germany and only 9% supported Britain

May 19, 1947: "Meet the Arabianazis"

Ahmad Shukeiri: "Our sympathies were with the Axis powers being led by Hitler from victory to victory, and with our sympathies went our prayers for the victory of Germany and her allies, and defeat for Britain..."

Recent years




The PalestiNazis, if we are to put this in a nutshell, aspire to complete what the Nazis failed to do – the destruction of the Jewish people. The time has come for us to finally take them seriously and simply believe them, that they fully intend to do what they say. As now, it is not only their words that speak for themselves, but their actions too.

NY Queens College: Muslims "pAlEsTiNe" FKtivists call for Hitler to come back - RamadaNazis Part 4

Queens College Hillel calls pro-Hitler graffiti a threat to student safety, demands action from administration.
The graffiti on buildings around campus included the messages, “You better start hiding, Jews,” “Israelis, I’m coming after you,” and “Hitler, please come back. Teach Jews a lesson.”

Queens College Hillel calls pro-Hitler graffiti a threat to student safety, demands action from administration.
By Luke Tress March 22, 2024 5:31 pm

(New York Jewish Week) — Queens College’s Hillel chapter says recent graffiti on campus targeting Jews was a threat to student safety and demanded action from the college administration.

The graffiti on buildings around campus included the messages, “You better start hiding, Jews,” “Israelis, I’m coming after you,” and “Hitler, please come back. Teach Jews a lesson,” according to a statement released by the college’s Hillel director, Jenna Citron Schwab.

The statement, issued Thursday, said the college’s Jewish community had experienced similar threats previously and had been warning college leadership for weeks about escalating antisemitism on campus.

“The vandalism threatens the safety of Jews,” the statement said. “Antisemitism has no place on our campus or in any society.”

The Hillel demanded that the college call out antisemitism, take steps to enforce its code of conduct to prevent antisemitic vandalism and punish the perpetrators.

The college’s president, Frank Wu, sent a statement to the campus community on Thursday saying that “antisemitic graffiti” was found in several bathrooms and police were notified.

“Queens College stands strongly against religious intolerance, racism, sexism, and bigotry of any kind,” Wu said.

In a follow-up statement on Friday, Wu said that the NYPD had classified one instance of graffiti as a hate crime and the others as criminal mischief.

“Let me be clear: Antisemitism has absolutely no place on the Queens College campus,” Wu said.

A Queens College spokesperson told the New York Jewish Week that Wu meets often with Hillel representatives and that they are “working together to address antisemitism.”

Queens College has about 4,000 Jewish students, close to 30% of its student body of 13,510, according to Hillel international.

The NYPD told the New York Jewish Week it had received two reports of graffiti at Queens College on Wednesday, both inside a women’s bathroom. There were no descriptions available of suspects in the vandalism. Police said the Hate Crimes Task Force has been notified.

Hand drawn illustration of a building
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Queens College is part of the City University of New York system, the nation’s largest urban college network, which has a total of 226,000 students across its campuses. CUNY has grappled with allegations of antisemitism for years, and has taken measures to prevent the spread of anti-Jewish sentiment on campus, including through a partnership with the Museum of Jewish Heritage.

Tensions have been high at Queens College amid the Israel-Hamas war. A meeting between Muslim and Jewish students in November devolved into shouting. Muslim students at the meeting expressed support for Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel, which launched the war, and castigated an imam who organized the talk.

Wu spoke out against the school’s Muslim Students Association in November after the group denied Hamas atrocities. His criticism drew backlash from pro-Palestinian supporters on campus.
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When you lie (like you do every post), it makes you look weak & stupid.

He did no such thing. He merely eliminated anyone who he viewed as a threat to him. Just as Saddam Hussein did. Just as Fidel Castro did. Just as Kim Jong-Il did.

Just like the Democrat Party since their inception.

How sad is it for you then that someone “ignorant” is completely and totally dominating you with indisputable facts? 😂

Thank you! Excellent article illustrating how the Democrat Party has weaponized government to eliminate any threat to their totalitarian power. A basic tenant of fascism.
Hitler split from the Socialists in 1926.
No matter how many times you repeat that lie, it’s still a lie 😂

I’ve backed up my facts with links/quotes/etc. You just keep repeating the same lie, with absolutely no evidence. Case in point:
We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions. - Adolf Hitler (1927)
Sure sounds like a socialist to me!!! So much for your lie that he “split from socialists in 1926” 😂

I can’t tell you how much I enjoy exposing your lies, Surada
Hey surada - we’re still waiting for you to admit you repeatedly lied. You got awfully quiet after I provided an actual quote from Adolf Hitler in 1927 that shows you lied about him “splitting” from socialists in 1926.
When you lie (like you do every post), it makes you look weak & stupid.

He did no such thing. He merely eliminated anyone who he viewed as a threat to him. Just as Saddam Hussein did. Just as Fidel Castro did. Just as Kim Jong-Il did.

Just like the Democrat Party since their inception.

How sad is it for you then that someone “ignorant” is completely and totally dominating you with indisputable facts? 😂
Hey surada - we’re still waiting for you to admit you repeatedly lied. You got awfully quiet after I provided an actual quote from Adolf Hitler in 1927 that shows you lied about him “splitting” from socialists in 1926.
Like it or not, most people are far more interested in what purposes state power is used for than in reducing state power. Viewed through that much more common lens, socialism and Nazism were indeed opposites. As for the Nazi’s claims they were socialists, they shouldn’t be taken any more seriously than the communist’s claims they were establishing democracies. Neither valued truthfulness very much.

You have to understand, the only fascists are the opponents of the democrat party

And always remember, sure the Nazis called themselves socialists and embraced socialist policies, but they were all conservatives in sheep's clothing

There, I just fixed getting all the Left wing talking points in one swoop.

You're welcome.

The right needs to stop falsely claiming that the Nazis were socialists
The Nazis hated socialists. It was the governments that rebuilt Europe that embraced social welfare programs.

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