The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Their entire mindset is: either bow to our ideology, or we will do everything in our power to destroy you. No tolerance for any thoughts or views other than the progressive thoughts and views.

View attachment 569706
But it is the MAGA who oppose ANTIFA...

You also have a leader that told us there a smoe good NAZIs
Correct in the early 30's the Social Democrats nationalized many private concerns. By the mid 30's The Nazis gave them back to the private sector.

Check this out.

The Nazis were far-right fascist who hated a lot of different groups; Jews, gypsies ,gays , the disabled , freedom fighters ( like my second cousins in Poland ) and political enemies like the Social Democrats. The array of triangles used in.the Holocaust camps to identify prisoners attests to that fact. No better proof of who were their enemies.

No, they, like every other socialist group...are leftwing.
But it is the MAGA who oppose ANTIFA...

You also have a leader that told us there a smoe good NAZIs
As they should, antifa ARE fascists! Everything they do comes right out of the Brown Shirts playbook.
No, they, like every other socialist group...are leftwing.
Plus, and this is important, The "Nazis" (as the uneducated call them) weren't "Fascists" at all. They were National Socialists.

Musso was Fascist, Franco was Fascist, Hungary was -- Confused. But neither Musso, Franco or Horthy were Antisemitic. That was on the National Socialists only. Stalin was antisemitic, too
Plus, and this is important, The "Nazis" (as the uneducated call them) weren't "Fascists" at all. They were National Socialists.

Musso was Fascist, Franco was Fascist, Hungary was -- Confused. But neither Musso, Franco or Horthy were Antisemitic. That was on the National Socialists only. Stalin was antisemitic, too
And the names don't matter. ALL of them were collectivist governments. That makes ALL of them leftwing.

Extreme Rightwing is NO government.

Extreme Leftwing is TOTAL government.

So simple a moron can understand.
Plus, and this is important, The "Nazis" (as the uneducated call them) weren't "Fascists" at all. They were National Socialists.
Please stop this uneducated Magat crap. I can put a roses name on a bucket of crap and it doesn't change the fact it's a bucket of crap. And Stalin was what both Hitler and Mussolini ended up becoming, a Dictator which is neither right nor left and can come from either the left or the right. Because of Spain in 1931 to 1936, both Hitler and Mussolini severely hated Stalin and the way he got to be a Dictator.

Musso was Fascist, Franco was Fascist, Hungary was -- Confused. But neither Musso, Franco or Horthy were Antisemitic. That was on the National Socialists only. Stalin was antisemitic, too

Mussolini and Franco had traditionally tossed the Jews out decades ago from 1936.

How dictator Franco built his regime vilifying the Jews, then tried to hide it

This is a good read. Suffice to say, Franco and the Fascists used the mistrust and hated of the Jews to justify many of their reactions.

Mussolini's abrupt turn towards racism,

specifically the anti-Semitic legislation of 1938, is conventionally attributed to foreign policy concerns, notably Fascist Italy's strategic alliance with Nazi Germany. Such an external explanation, however, fails to account for the degree to which the racist turn was as well a consequence of Italian fascist development itself, especially during its last radicalized phase. Franklin Adler situates the Italian turn towards racism within the context of Mussolini's totalitarian aspirations elaborated, during the second half of the 1930s. Included in these was a projected anthropological revolution through which a new society and a new historical subject (New Fascist Man) would be formed by the State: obedient, aggressive and proletarian. Jews were obstacles to this project in so far as they were viewed as inexorably bourgeois and bound historically to that very corrupt, decadent liberal order which fascism aimed to totally supersede.hy did Mussolini Turn His Back on the Jews?
Please stop this uneducated Magat crap. I can put a roses name on a bucket of crap and it doesn't change the fact it's a bucket of crap. And Stalin was what both Hitler and Mussolini ended up becoming, a Dictator which is neither right nor left and can come from either the left or the right. Because of Spain in 1931 to 1936, both Hitler and Mussolini severely hated Stalin and the way he got to be a Dictator.

Mussolini and Franco had traditionally tossed the Jews out decades ago from 1936.

How dictator Franco built his regime vilifying the Jews, then tried to hide it

This is a good read. Suffice to say, Franco and the Fascists used the mistrust and hated of the Jews to justify many of their reactions.

Mussolini's abrupt turn towards racism,

specifically the anti-Semitic legislation of 1938, is conventionally attributed to foreign policy concerns, notably Fascist Italy's strategic alliance with Nazi Germany. Such an external explanation, however, fails to account for the degree to which the racist turn was as well a consequence of Italian fascist development itself, especially during its last radicalized phase. Franklin Adler situates the Italian turn towards racism within the context of Mussolini's totalitarian aspirations elaborated, during the second half of the 1930s. Included in these was a projected anthropological revolution through which a new society and a new historical subject (New Fascist Man) would be formed by the State: obedient, aggressive and proletarian. Jews were obstacles to this project in so far as they were viewed as inexorably bourgeois and bound historically to that very corrupt, decadent liberal order which fascism aimed to totally supersede.hy did Mussolini Turn His Back on the Jews?

Stop spewing Fabian Socialist propaganda.
Please stop this uneducated Magat crap. I can put a roses name on a bucket of crap and it doesn't change the fact it's a bucket of crap. And Stalin was what both Hitler and Mussolini ended up becoming, a Dictator which is neither right nor left and can come from either the left or the right. Because of Spain in 1931 to 1936, both Hitler and Mussolini severely hated Stalin and the way he got to be a Dictator.

Mussolini and Franco had traditionally tossed the Jews out decades ago from 1936.

How dictator Franco built his regime vilifying the Jews, then tried to hide it

This is a good read. Suffice to say, Franco and the Fascists used the mistrust and hated of the Jews to justify many of their reactions.

Mussolini's abrupt turn towards racism,

specifically the anti-Semitic legislation of 1938, is conventionally attributed to foreign policy concerns, notably Fascist Italy's strategic alliance with Nazi Germany. Such an external explanation, however, fails to account for the degree to which the racist turn was as well a consequence of Italian fascist development itself, especially during its last radicalized phase. Franklin Adler situates the Italian turn towards racism within the context of Mussolini's totalitarian aspirations elaborated, during the second half of the 1930s. Included in these was a projected anthropological revolution through which a new society and a new historical subject (New Fascist Man) would be formed by the State: obedient, aggressive and proletarian. Jews were obstacles to this project in so far as they were viewed as inexorably bourgeois and bound historically to that very corrupt, decadent liberal order which fascism aimed to totally supersede.hy did Mussolini Turn His Back on the Jews?
Leftism is the voice, not of ignorance because ignorance is correctable, but that of stoopid. Stoopidity is not fixable. You qualify.

I've always said that ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge. Easily fixed. You, OTOH, have the opportunity to learn and choose to roll your turds into little balls of shit.

Go away and bother somebody else with your stoopidity.
Leftism is the voice, not of ignorance because ignorance is correctable, but that of stoopid. Stoopidity is not fixable. You qualify.

I've always said that ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge. Easily fixed. You, OTOH, have the opportunity to learn and choose to roll your turds into little balls of shit.

Go away and bother somebody else with your stoopidity.

I can always tell when I win and you lose. You resort to insults instead of content. I've been to a Fascist country. I've been to a Socialist country. I've been to many different countries. From what I can understand, you would like to see America rebuilt into what you think is your own image. Newsflash, skippy, You are just repeating FSA bulletins.
I can always tell when I win and you lose. You resort to insults instead of content. I've been to a Fascist country. I've been to a Socialist country. I've been to many different countries. From what I can understand, you would like to see America rebuilt into what you think is your own image. Newsflash, skippy, You are just repeating FSA bulletins.
Oh, I dunno... socialists are Collectivists too, with the more extreme eventually sliding into Communism.

And, if the Nazis were anything at all, they were most certainly Collectivists... of that much there can be no doubt.

One hates what one wrongs... one wrongs another (sometimes) when they begin as uncomfortably close political "kindred".

Fueled by staggeringly huge sums of money ( Marshall Plan ) from a capitalist giant - the United States.

While crouching under the American Shield for decades and doing ( comparatively ) little to defend themselves.

It's a lot easier to spend other peoples' money ( socialism ) when you don't have to bear the main expenses of defense.

However... as circumstances change and you need to spend more on defense, hard choices arise regarding socialism.
Fascism , as seen with Trump's rise , is the greater danger.
Because they have been conditioned to use words that they don't fully understand, but which sound scary to themselves and each other.

So they'll toss out such a word, and then clumsily scramble to defend/justify it if challenged. And that's as deep as it gets. As usual.
well said ..
Fascism , as seen with Trump's rise , is the greater danger.
The Trump Cult is, indeed, a danger.

Unfortunately, much of what they rant against is ALSO a danger.

Each of us must choose between Evils and hope that our choice results in a better outcome than the other.
Like it or not, most people are far more interested in what purposes state power is used for than in reducing state power.
Like it or not, that's literally the absurd propaganda of the modern-day left.
Viewed through that much more common lens, socialism and Nazism were indeed opposites.
Really? How so? Both believed in the state controlling the means of production.
As for the Nazi’s claims they were socialists, they shouldn’t be taken any more seriously than the communist’s claims they were establishing democracies. Neither valued truthfulness very much.
So exactly like the Democrat Party today in the US?
To say that Hitler understood the value of language would be an enormous understatement. Propaganda played a significant role in his rise to power. To that end, he paid lip service to the tenets suggested by a name like National Socialist German Workers’ Party, but his primary—indeed, sole—focus was on achieving power whatever the cost and advancing his racist, anti-Semitic agenda.
And where can one find more power than controlling the entire economy (ie socialism)? If you control the economy, you control every facet of society.
But it is the MAGA who oppose ANTIFA...
Right. Exactly. ANTIFA are devout fascists who even go so far as to employ the Nazi Brownshirt tactic of violence against anyone who refuses to bow to their bat-shit crazy extremist ideology.
You also have a leader that told us there a smoe good NAZIs
Well that didn't happen, but then again, propaganda and disinformation is a hallmark of fascists, so not the least bit surprised that you are peddling misinformation like that.
Like it or not, that's literally the absurd propaganda of the modern-day left.

Really? How so? Both believed in the state controlling the means of production.

So exactly like the Democrat Party today in the US?
you just don't like the idea that the majority of the people in this country support the democrat's ways of doing things ... so you try to brand them ... Democrat defined
one who practices social equality ...
  1. an advocate or supporter of democracy:
    "as a democrat, I accepted the outcome of the referendum"
  2. a member of the Democratic Party.
late 18th century (originally denoting an opponent of the aristocrats in the French Revolution of 1790): from French démocrate, on the pattern of aristocrate ‘aristocrat’.
Translate democrat to

Where does it refer to a Democrat as a socialist or a Nasi or socialist ...

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