The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

You’re incapable of making the case that right-wing can be “authoritarian” and you know it. It’s comical watching your desperation.
Fortunately, I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.

I'd have as much success communicating with some whacked out Antifa loon or a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

Good luck.
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I'd have as much success communicating with some whacked out Antifa loon or a wild-eyed Jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
You left out dishonest left-wing ideologue such as yourself!

The further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all.

The Tea Party is to the right of the Republican Party because it believes in true constitutional government. The Libertarian Party is to the right of the Tea Party because it believes and less than true constitutional government. The Sovereign Citizen is to the right of the Libertarian Party because they believe in no government at all for themselves. The anarchist is to the right of the Sovereign Citizen because they believe in no government at all (for anyone).

Your dumbass desperately wants to convince people that fascism - unlimited government wielding unlimited power - is somehow to the right of the anarchist 😂 😂 😂

Come on snowflake, explain that to all of us like we’re 5. You can’t. Because you’re lying and you know you’re lying.
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No. And you’d know I made no such claim if you were literate and honest. Sadly, you are neither.
You specifically stated travel was banned. Please go look at your posts: 1412 and 1409 ( where you falsely claimed it was outlawed.)
You specifically stated travel was banned. Please go look at your posts: 1412 and 1409 ( where you falsely claimed it was outlawed.)
I specifically added a link that showed exactly what I was talking about. You are specifically dishonest. All leftists are. You have to be, because you’re on the wrong side of the facts and the wrong side of history.
Who is really playing with fascism?

Characteristics of fascism: Powerful, often exclusionary, populist nationalism centered on cult of a redemptive, “infallible” leadership who never admits mistakes.

Trump: “I am your retribution”….has never apologized for anything or admitted a mistake.

America first. Ethnic nationalism over civic patriotism.

Anti-immigrant rhetoric: claiming illegal immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.

Fascism is characterized by social unity. “…citizens are united by heritage and identity, often to the exclusion of other groups.”

State laws banning the teaching of history, diversity, culture, or other topics that don’t conform with the new state narratives.

Banning DEI training in private companies.

Attempting to violently overturn elections in an attempt to retain power.

Fascist much? Maybe.
I specifically added a link that showed exactly what I was talking about. You are specifically dishonest. All leftists are. You have to be, because you’re on the wrong side of the facts and the wrong side of history.
Oh please, your frantic shifting of goalposts is getting ridiculous. The point is, you made exaggerated claims to claim fascism.
Who is really playing with fascism?

Characteristics of fascism: Powerful, often exclusionary, populist nationalism centered on cult of a redemptive, “infallible” leadership who never admits mistakes.

Trump: “I am your retribution”….has never apologized for anything or admitted a mistake.

America first. Ethnic nationalism over civic patriotism.

Anti-immigrant rhetoric: claiming illegal immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.

Fascism is characterized by social unity. “…citizens are united by heritage and identity, often to the exclusion of other groups.”

State laws banning the teaching of history, diversity, culture, or other topics that don’t conform with the new state narratives.

Banning DEI training in private companies.

Attempting to violently overturn elections in an attempt to retain power.

Fascist much? Maybe.
They do this constantly. They take a word they have been called, and try to twist it back in the opposite direction -- no matter how badly they have to fabricate and mangle the "logic" to do so. Then they claim "victory".

They exist in their own reality, which is essentially a talk radio ecosystem. Purely binary (note the "fascism in its purest form" in the thread title). And sure as hell, I can't figure out a way to get from here to there.
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Literally has never been a “book ban” by the Republicans. Taking inappropriate books out of public schools isn’t “banning” them. Those same books are readily available to any adult throughout all of Florida.


Song of the South was banned in 2001.

The movie has been released on video and laserdisc in many other countries, but never in the United States. In December of 2001, Song of the South was withdrawn worldwide. Q. What is considered "racist" about Song of the South?
Song of the Everything About The Walt Disney Movie › faq
Frequently Asked Questions About Disney's Song of the South -
Song of the South was banned in 2001.

The movie has been released on video and laserdisc in many other countries, but never in the United States. In December of 2001, Song of the South was withdrawn worldwide. Q. What is considered "racist" about Song of the South?
Song of the Everything About The Walt Disney Movie › faq
Frequently Asked Questions About Disney's Song of the South -
Oh sweetie…the Republicans do not control the planet. So if that was “withdrawn worldwide”, they had absolutely no power over that. None.

Would you like to try again? You fail every time you post because you refuse to acknowledge the truth.
Oh please, your frantic shifting of goalposts is getting ridiculous. The point is, you made exaggerated claims to claim fascism.
No, I didn’t. Everything I stated was 100% factual with the links to credible sources to back it up. Ya got owned sweetie.

That’s going to keep happening if you’re going to keep lying.
They do this constantly.
Own you with indisputable facts? You’re damn right we do.
They take a word they have been called, and try to twist it back in the opposite direction -- no matter how badly they have to fabricate and mangle the "logic" to do so. Then they claim "victory".
Boom! You accidentally said the quiet part out loud. This is what is known as a “Freudian Slip”. When you accidentally say what is in your mind, instead of the lie you intended to say.

You called conservatives a word. It was pure propaganda. We proved it was pure propaganda and backed it up with fact, after fact, after fact.
They exist in their own reality, which is essentially a talk radio ecosystem.
Liberals have been crying about “talk radio” since the late 1980’s / early 1990’s.

Like all fascists, you cannot stand the dissemination of information.

It’s also very telling that despite their best efforts - the left has been able to keep any leftist political talk radio on the air:
  1. Their base is ignorant and has no desire to remain informed. They’d much rather tune into total garbage like reality tv or misogynist rap than stay informed about issues, policies, etc.
  2. Educated, decent people won’t waste their time with lies. And that’s all the left has to offer. Thus, between these two, 0 audience.
Trump: “I am your retribution”….has never apologized for anything or admitted a mistake.
Does anyone take you seriously in life? What the fuck do “apologies” and “admitting you’re wrong” have to do with fascism?!? 🤦‍♂️

You have all of the maturity, logic, and reason of a 2nd grader.
Attempting to violently overturn elections in an attempt to retain power.

Fascist much? Maybe.
Bingo!! Right there. After losing an election, BLM and ANTIFA spent 4 fucking years engaged in mass violence around the United States.

This was the nation’s capital on June 1, 2020 because of you fascists. Never thought my country would like like a third world country, but then again, I never expected the Democrat Party to embrace fascism in its purest form:

Attempting to violently overturn elections in an attempt to retain power.

Fascist much? Maybe.
Bingo!! Right there. After losing an election, BLM and ANTIFA spent 4 fucking years engaged in mass violence around the United States.

This was the nation’s capital on the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration because of you fascists:


Anti-immigrant rhetoric: claiming illegal immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country
Bwahahaha! “The Wisconsin Examiner”. Pure left-wing extremist propaganda. Your bullshit is so desperate, you can’t even produce a semi-credible source 😂

It’s not “anti-immigration” to want borders secured and all laws properly enforced.
Who is really playing with fascism?
Stop dodging and answer the question, Coyote:

The further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all.

The Tea Party is to the right of the Republican Party because it believes in true constitutional government. The Libertarian Party is to the right of the Tea Party because it believes and less than true constitutional government. The Sovereign Citizen is to the right of the Libertarian Party because they believe in no government at all for themselves. The anarchist is to the right of the Sovereign Citizen because they believe in no government at all (for anyone).

Explain to the class how fascism could magically be to the right of sovereign citizens and anarchists 😂
They do this constantly. They take a word they have been called, and try to twist it back in the opposite direction -- no matter how badly they have to fabricate and mangle the "logic" to do so. Then they claim "victory".
Stop dodging and answer the question, Mac1958:

The further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all.

The Tea Party is to the right of the Republican Party because it believes in true constitutional government. The Libertarian Party is to the right of the Tea Party because it believes and less than true constitutional government. The Sovereign Citizen is to the right of the Libertarian Party because they believe in no government at all for themselves. The anarchist is to the right of the Sovereign Citizen because they believe in no government at all (for anyone).

Explain to the class how fascism could magically be to the right of sovereign citizens and anarchists 😂

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