The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

California. New ones can’t be sold in the state. However they can still be driven there or bought elsewhere. Not much of a ban.
And just like that, the lying illiterate is forced to backpedal after basic facts pinned her into a corner!
There is a dealer across the street with a lot full of brand new gas powered cars.
I can do this all day, sweetie…

And just like that, the lying illiterate is forced to backpedal after basic facts pinned her into a corner!
How is pointing out that a ban is not in fact a ban back pedaling?

Are there (old and new) gas powered cars legally driven in CA? Yes. They are not banned. Statement of fact. If that is “authoritarian”, it is pretty incompetent.
California. New ones can’t be sold in the state.
So back to you finally admitting you’ve been lying the entire time - that’s awfully authoritarian, isn’t it?

If people want to purchase a normal automobile, who the fuck is the Democrat Party to stop it?
If that is “authoritarian”, it is pretty incompetent.
Keep pretending like liberals banning automobiles, firearms, stoves, clubs, and even travel around the United States, “isn’t” authoritarian.

I’m sure you have at least 2 or 3 idiots fooled. Unfortunately for you though, literate people can see all of the facts here and they prove that the Democrat Party has embraced fascism in its purest form.
I can do this all day, sweetie…

Ooooh….moving the goal posts now are we?

I can do that to (especially using your new, broad definition of banned).
Book bans.
Birth control bans.
Bans on pronouns.
Bans on teaching kids Black history or about racism (“divisive concepts”).
DEI bans.
ESG investment bans.
And has California already passed a ban that prevents the sale of all gas-powered vehicles by a certain date? Yes.
It bans the sale of NEW vehicles only, correct?
Ooooh….moving the goal posts now are we?

I can do that to (especially using your new, broad definition of banned).
Book bans.
Literally has never been a “book ban” by the Republicans. Taking inappropriate books out of public schools isn’t “banning” them. Those same books are readily available to any adult throughout all of Florida.

Bans on teaching kids Black history or about racism (“divisive concepts”)
Again, literally never been a ban on teaching history. In fact, it’s mandatory.

What’s banned is “Critical Race Theory” which teaches that stop signs are inherently “racist” because they were made by white people, and the law is inherently “racist” because it was made by white people, and banking is inherently “racist” because it was made by white people.

Of course, claiming something is “inherently racist” merely because a white person designed (or invented) it, is the textbook definition of racism.

It bans the sale of NEW vehicles only, correct?
Correct. Because you cannot tell a pregnant lady it’s illegal to get pregnant. So existing things are always grandfathered in.

But what does that have to do with anything? If people want to buy normal automobiles, who the fuck is the Democrat Party to tell them they can’t? The definition of “authoritarian” right there.
Hey immature Mac1958 - who is the one outlawing fur? I can’t remember - is it Republicans or Democrats? Sure sounds extremely “authoritarian”!
Wow, eight posts to me. Looks like Mac has a new stalker.

Always a good sign.

As I've posted many times, caveman:

I can do this all day, sweetie…

Oh, you mean they PLan on banning the new gas or deisel powered cars and trucks by some date way in the future.

Okay, let's take a look at gasoline. A gallon weighs apprx 6.3 lbs. about 5.5 lbs of that is carbon before it's ignited. The rest is hydrogen, water and a few other chemicals. Care to do the math on this one? Just using cars, it's in the billions of tons of CO2 and straight carbon. The volcanoes of the world output just a fraction of that. And heavy trucks are hundreds of times worse per truck.

CO2 in the atmosphere is the tool the Earth uses to hold in heat. Too much and the Earth heats up. Water is the way that Mother Earth stores CO2 until it's needed whether if be liquid or ice. When too much is released or created by artificial means, the earth heats up since the CO2 allows the suns heat to enter but doesn't allow it to be release. What we are faced with, either do something about it or end up being like Venus that has a runaway global warming.
Oh, you mean they PLan on banning the new gas or deisel powered cars and trucks by some date way in the future.

Okay, let's take a look at gasoline. A gallon weighs apprx 6.3 lbs. about 5.5 lbs of that is carbon before it's ignited. The rest is hydrogen, water and a few other chemicals. Care to do the math on this one? Just using cars, it's in the billions of tons of CO2 and straight carbon. The volcanoes of the world output just a fraction of that. And heavy trucks are hundreds of times worse per truck.

CO2 in the atmosphere is the tool the Earth uses to hold in heat. Too much and the Earth heats up. Water is the way that Mother Earth stores CO2 until it's needed whether if be liquid or ice. When too much is released or created by artificial means, the earth heats up since the CO2 allows the suns heat to enter but doesn't allow it to be release. What we are faced with, either do something about it or end up being like Venus that has a runaway global warming.
How many millions of years until we end up like Venus?
Wow, eight posts to me. Looks like Mac has a new stalker.

Always a good sign.

As I've posted many times, caveman:

And as always, you’re dead wrong. Polar opposites cannot come together. Even a small child knows that. A bullet cannot simultaneously travel forward and backward.

You’re incapable of making the case that right-wing can be “authoritarian” and you know it. It’s comical watching your desperation.
Fascinating that who he was referring to there wasn’t named. Exactly what we have all come to expect from you.

In context he's talking about the president of the Democratic Republic of North Korea. Didn't you know that? Why are you posting at all?

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