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My Thoughts On Red Flag Laws

It's about keeping people that want to doass murder from caring out the act. I see why you hate it.

How does making me pay $500 and wait 3-6 months just to keep a revolver in my apartment stop murderers?

Again, if your side wasn't so untrustworthy, we wouldn't be having this issue, but you say one thing and the laws you pass do something else.
The reason why there are fewer mental hospitals nowadays than there were in the past was the invention of new psychotropic drugs like Haldol. Made it easier just to simmer down the nut cases and send them home instead of putting them in rubber rooms in a straight jacket 24/7.

But there are still psych hospitals out there you should know. Just not nearly as many long term patients.

The Hospitals you are talking about are either private, or are State Run and nearly at capacity. If they aren’t actually at capacity. In other words no room for more patients.

So the Psychiatrist has to be very selective. He can’t waste a bed on a borderline nutcase and leave the nutcase who is across the border out in the world.

Let’s see if I can explain it. You have five nuts and one bed. You can put one of the Nuts into the bed. You can’t put two, or three. You physically can’t. So you pick the worst nut, the one who you think is the GREATEST DANGER. That isn’t saying the other four are not potentially dangerous. It is saying that this Nut, he is the one almost certain to commit an atrocity. The other four are probably going to, but this guy is the biggest threat today. So you pump the other four full of drugs, and you pray to whatever God’s you believe in that they stay on the meds.
Sorry if you threaten to shoot masses of people you lose your right to those tools of mass destruction.
The stupidity of your thinking aside. You don't get to threaten people with weapons or threats of violence and get to stay armed. My right to life is more important. How stupid are you guys?
If you have enough proof that someone is a danger to others or to themselves then this person should be taken off the streets. If you don't have that much evidence then you don't have enough evidence to take their guns away. In any event, it is rather stupid to think that if you take someone's guns away that he won't get more anyway or use some other method of violence. YOU'RE arguing that we should let this person run around loose. That's what's stupid!
If you make it clear you wish to do mass murder you shouldn't have access to the tools to carry out the crime.

I was reading some history the other day, very fascinating stuff.

Talked about the Crusades, the Golden Horde, Battle of Cannae.

All very violent incidents, but was fascinating was that all of that violence happened before firearms were even invented.

The idea that getting rid of guns will somehow end violence forever is a load of shit.

If you want to off someone and you don't have a gun, there are just any number of other ways to whack their asses.
There you go; well done.

My stepmother hit three cars within three weeks in Massachusetts when she got dementia.

What happened was that my sister stole her car! Parked it somewhere near her own house and forgot about it. This worked. They still ended up having to have live-in nurses, however.
Sorry. Yep. Things happen to people and not always slowly progressive, but sometime suddenly rapidly escalating.
What complicates things is, we live in an entitled vindictive (at times) society, where a woman or even a man wanting a divorce or settlement will make the accusation of mental infirmity for scurrilous reasons not readily apparent, and this scares the bejesus out of some gun owners.
I would add, we all know people through family or work that actually are or become to erratic to be trusted to be and act responsible, but few of us know (first hand) of someone actually trying to have someone's weapons removed, just for vindictive reasons. So, the argument becomes a bit mythic in nature.
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The stupidity of not stopping a mass shooting knowing it's coming and you could stop it is unthinkable. And we need to be proactive and some the killing whenever and however we can.

This includes stopping sales of the tools he chosen to take people rights away.
If you make it clear you are going to shoot masses of people with your weapons and deny them their rights of life and liberty. You give up your second amendment rights where my right to life begin.
What do you mean by "make it clear"?

And why just take away gun rights?

I know what you're after and you are a fucking asshole.
The police need to be able to stop q gunner that wants to kill people before they are in the act of killing people.

The police couldn't or wouldn't go into the school to save those kids according to the people around during the Texas shooting.

I like Rudy Giulianis stop and frisk law.
What do you mean by "make it clear"?

And why just take away gun rights?

I what you're after and you are a fucking asshole.
Fuck you dick head. If you are no threat to law and order nobody cares about you owning guns.

It's only the idiots that want to kill people and their grandma because their grandma made them eat their veggies.
I'm tired of not having the tools to stop these gunners. Because some of you think we want your guns.

If you don't plan on mass murder we are not talking about your guns.
I'm a hunter and have many guns. Never had I had to use them in self defense.

But I have them just in case.

Never had I said or done anything to threaten anybody at any time with my weapons.

Now if I had and I make it known that I wish to bring death upon people please come and get them.
The police need to be able to stop q gunner that wants to kill people before they are in the act of killing people.

The police couldn't or wouldn't go into the school to save those kids according to the people around during the Texas shooting.

I like Rudy Giulianis stop and frisk law.
I will say, the gunman wrecked his truck across from the school, shot at some observers at a funeral home and ran to the building.
Stop and frisk, while like you I totally agree with, it would not have stopped this, this time.
I will say, the gunman wrecked his truck across from the school, shot at some observers at a funeral home and ran to the building.
Stop and frisk, while like you I totally agree with, it would not have stopped this, this time.
He made post on social media about his intentions hours before he shot his grandma in the face and drove to the school.
He made post on social media about his intentions hours before he shot his grandma in the face and drove to the school.
Yep. Just a few hours or in some cases minutes before actually shooting often does not give response time able to prevent.
Yep. Just a few hours or in some cases minutes before actually shooting often does not give response time able to prevent.
He should of had a visit by law enforcement and got a time out and a mental exam to find out if he was of his right mind or drunk or what was going on.

I simple visit by Leo would of made all the difference I believe.
Both these shooters over the last few weeks made it clear what they were doing.
No, they hide what they are up to. Of course.

This Ramos kid corresponded with a girl in Germany, hinted around at a big surprise he had coming, wouldn't tell her what. Until a few minutes before he headed for the school when he told her he was going to shoot his grandma, HAD shot his grandma, and was now going to take out an elementary school. That was minutes before: otherwise, no hint, as far as I've read.

The mom in Germany allowed the press to interview this unlucky teenage girl. I guess she speaks English pretty well.

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