Myth: 46 to 50 million uninsured


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The common myth there are 46 to 50 million uninsured was ONE of the major reasons Obamacare was passed, i.e. uninformed voters thought they were helping 46 million uninsured!

The Census Bureau's own numbers show 15.5 million are uninsured.
198.4 million covered under private insurance
96.1 million covered by government, Medicare/Medicaid..
294.5 million people covered.

310.0 million Americans minus
294.5 million with insurance leaves
15.5 million uninsured.

And did you know that of those "uninsured" 5.4 million kids that ONLY need to register.

So that truly leaves only 10.1 million TRULY uninsured and NOT the myth of 50 million uninsured used to pass Obamacare!
The common myth there are 46 to 50 million uninsured was ONE of the major reasons Obamacare was passed, i.e. uninformed voters thought they were helping 46 million uninsured!

The Census Bureau's own numbers show 15.5 million are uninsured.
198.4 million covered under private insurance
96.1 million covered by government, Medicare/Medicaid..
294.5 million people covered.

310.0 million Americans minus
294.5 million with insurance leaves
15.5 million uninsured.

And did you know that of those "uninsured" 5.4 million kids that ONLY need to register.

So that truly leaves only 10.1 million TRULY uninsured and NOT the myth of 50 million uninsured used to pass Obamacare!


Table C. People Without Health Insurance Coverage

(Numbers in thousands)

Region Number Percent
U.S. 46,340 15.4

Region Number Percent
U.S. 50,674 16.7

The common myth there are 46 to 50 million uninsured was ONE of the major reasons Obamacare was passed, i.e. uninformed voters thought they were helping 46 million uninsured!

The Census Bureau's own numbers show 15.5 million are uninsured.
198.4 million covered under private insurance
96.1 million covered by government, Medicare/Medicaid..
294.5 million people covered.

310.0 million Americans minus
294.5 million with insurance leaves
15.5 million uninsured.

And did you know that of those "uninsured" 5.4 million kids that ONLY need to register.

So that truly leaves only 10.1 million TRULY uninsured and NOT the myth of 50 million uninsured used to pass Obamacare!

Welcome to the board, Healty...

Of course what you note is true, but, please, try to be more circumspect!

Members of that atavistic tribe known as Liberals not only cannot handle the bare, naked truth...but are subject to the danger of early morn heart attacks when exposed to same.

See what you've done to our good friend BoringFriendlessGuy, post #2 above....
...he spit his coffee all over the keyboard, and the ring through his nose nearly broke the monitor!

Now, give him a napkin....and hold off on exposes until at least lunchtime.
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Census says: private insurance covered 198.4 million or 65%
Census says govt. insurance covered 96.1 million or 31%
Total covered by govt/private insurance 294.5 million or 96%
I don't know about your ability to subtract but when I subtract from 310 million 2010 estimate:
310 million minus 294.5 million EQUALS 15.5 MILLION NOT 46 million Not 50 million!

And in that SAME census report it clearly states 9.9 million that were counted as "UNINSURED were not CITIZENS!!!! Why would WE COUNT THEM as UNINSURED??

NEXT!!! Again.. simple subtraction destroys the MYTH!
Please tell me you know how to add and subtract from 310 million 294.5 million COVERED!
THANK YOU!!! You are one of the VERY few that are evidently able to add and subtract i.e.
198.4 million private, 96.7 govt covered people from 310 million leaving 15.5 million!
And of that 5.4 million are KIDS that ONLY need to be registered...THEY ARE ALREADY covered!
But it is hard even for MOST conservatives to for some reason understand SIMPLE arithmetic!
Many of those insured are insured with medicaid and such other free programs.
Which is a target of the right.
It doesn't take links to subtract 294.5 million (96.1% of Americans counted) from 310 million to see that there are 15.5 million "uninsured".. NOT 46 million or 50 million!

It is ALSO totally disingenuous to count 5.4 million children as "uninsured" when they are!
All their parents need do is register. No money. Nothing! they are covered already!
But they are counted as "uninsured"!

The point of this mythbusting is there were some votes yes for Obamacare BECAUSE they thought there were 46 to 50 million! MYTH!!
THANK YOU!!! You are one of the VERY few that are evidently able to add and subtract i.e.
198.4 million private, 96.7 govt covered people from 310 million leaving 15.5 million!
And of that 5.4 million are KIDS that ONLY need to be registered...THEY ARE ALREADY covered!
But it is hard even for MOST conservatives to for some reason understand SIMPLE arithmetic!

It might be helpful to explain why the Democrats...and it was only the Democrats...pushed so hard, using more smoke and mirrors than a fire in a brothel, to convince the easliy led that there were suffering multitudes without healthcare....
...and the Left will pay for the fraud at the polls.
It doesn't take links to subtract 294.5 million (96.1% of Americans counted) from 310 million to see that there are 15.5 million "uninsured".. NOT 46 million or 50 million!

Then that’s 15.5 million too many, to argue there’s an ‘acceptable’ number of uninsured is idiotic.
Idiotic is when there is a solution to cover less then 10 million at hand without destroying the health care for the other 95% and you make your comment?

The problem is NOT the "uninsured"!
YOu evidently have never worked in the health care finance segment have you!
Did you know that in 1986 all hospitals had to see patients regardless of ability to pay if they TOOK Medicare? Called EMTALA!
Since that "good intentions" Medicare's costs have exploded because hospitals with Medicare's blessing are charging Medicare sometimes 6,000% more then their costs!
And that's OK with medicare cause they know hospitals are seeing "uninsured"!
But it doesn't REQUIRE massive destruction of 1/6th the economy to solve the problem!
Health premiums are based on the FACT 80% of the premium goes out in claims!
Cut the $600 billion in "defensive medicine" claim costs by 20% and you cut premiums!
That Simple!

But ignorant supposedly "compassionate" idiots like your comment perpetuate the myth and has as all "good intentions" had "unintended consequences!!!

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