N.J. Gym Owner Charged With Storming Capitol, Assaulting Cop Will Remain Jailed

I'm glad this man is being kept in jail until his trial. He has a history of violence and no remorse for his actions. Which the judge correctly believes he will be violent again. So for the safety of the public that man should be in jail until his trial. Hopefully he will be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.

Violent rightwing terrorists should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
As should violent anarchists like Antifa, BLM and you.
People who were incited and driven into a mob mentally frenzy, who entered the Capitol Illegally, stopped to take selfies, who did less damage than 1 (ONE) Antifa/BLM riot, have been demonized, labeled terrorists, persecuted, prosecuted, and treated far worse

...than foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who pillaged, plundered, vandalized, demolished, destroyed, burned down businesses, attacked, assaulted, and murdered innocent people and who committed violence totaling BILLIONS of dollars in damage in communities run by Democrats all over the country.

The FORMER President of the United States (Barry) bailed out of jail a prominent leftist extremist black female lawyer that attacked a policeman in his car with Molotov Cocktails during one of these terrorist 'attacks'.....

Our current VP helped pay the fines of these terrorists to get them back on the streets to continue committing acts of terrorism......in what Democrats called 'Mostly Peaceful Protests'....

Shame same wasn't applied to all the rioters in NY and Portland and the other places Antifa and BLM were involved in.
They were not seditionists and insurgents, just protesters.

it’s ridiculous and pathetic for anyone to even try to equate the two situations.

Especially as a way to try to justify or excuse attacking our capitol to try to subvert our democratic process.
I'm glad this man is being kept in jail until his trial. He has a history of violence and no remorse for his actions. Which the judge correctly believes he will be violent again. So for the safety of the public that man should be in jail until his trial. Hopefully he will be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.

While I do agree with you. . .

. . . it is a shame they don't go after the rioters and looters in the same way, after the police do their jobs. . .
I'm glad this man is being kept in jail until his trial. He has a history of violence and no remorse for his actions. Which the judge correctly believes he will be violent again. So for the safety of the public that man should be in jail until his trial. Hopefully he will be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.


Not really.
There is no basis for not setting bail unless the person is a flight risk.
People can not aid in their defense if imprisoned.
It is almost always illegal to deny bail.
I'm glad this man is being kept in jail until his trial. He has a history of violence and no remorse for his actions. Which the judge correctly believes he will be violent again. So for the safety of the public that man should be in jail until his trial. Hopefully he will be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.

Violent rightwing terrorists should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I believe all terrorists need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I'm glad this man is being kept in jail until his trial. He has a history of violence and no remorse for his actions. Which the judge correctly believes he will be violent again. So for the safety of the public that man should be in jail until his trial. Hopefully he will be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.

I agree, this guy has a past and potential for violence. I am not sure the Judge believes correctly since we won't know what would have happened had he been set free with bail, however I believe the judge is correct.
I'm glad this man is being kept in jail until his trial. He has a history of violence and no remorse for his actions. Which the judge correctly believes he will be violent again. So for the safety of the public that man should be in jail until his trial. Hopefully he will be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.

PUBLIC ENEMY #1: Punched a cop. Dana wants him locked away for life.

I guess that doesn't bode too well then for the thousands of BLM scum who have punched, kicked, and spit on police. Thrown bricks at them, bats, Molotov cocktails, explosives, fought with them, wrestled, run from, tried to run over, and anything else they could manage.

Just remember folks: Dana wants ALL of you in prison doing HARD time.
I'm glad this man is being kept in jail until his trial. He has a history of violence and no remorse for his actions. Which the judge correctly believes he will be violent again. So for the safety of the public that man should be in jail until his trial. Hopefully he will be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.

They should build these insurrectionists their own prison and place a sign right out front that says "TRUMP Prison" in big bold letters.
I'm glad this man is being kept in jail until his trial. He has a history of violence and no remorse for his actions. Which the judge correctly believes he will be violent again. So for the safety of the public that man should be in jail until his trial. Hopefully he will be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.

You need to move to South Central. You will be safe there.
Shame same wasn't applied to all the rioters in NY and Portland and the other places Antifa and BLM were involved in.
They were not seditionists and insurgents, just protesters.
Antifa and BLM had rioters among them. There were also attacks on police and federal buildings. The scum even tried to burn a building down with people inside.

The idiots at the Capitol were trespassers for the most part. The one doing damage and attacking police need to be held accountable. Why can't you say the same about the other scum?

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