NAACP issues its first statewide travel advisory, for Missouri

I'm sure Missouri is heart broken over this.
If they aren't, they will be when they realize they're not getting part of that 1.7 trillion dollars blacks spend every year in white stores.
Somehow I doubt they spend 1.7 trillion in the white stores of Missouri every year nor do I think very many people will be taking this travel advisory very serious either way I expect the state will survive.
In the advisory, the NAACP urges individuals to "warn your families, co-workers and anyone visiting Missouri to beware of the safety concerns with travel in Missouri." These concerns, the organization writes, could include unnecessary search and seizures and potential arrest.

This unprecedented advisory comes on the heels of SB 43 which was recently signed into law. The premise of the advisory is that the bill
makes it more difficult for employees to prove their protected class, like race or gender, directly led to unlawful discrimination -- passed through the Missouri Legislature in June. Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens signed it into law soon after.
Greitens and other supporters of the bill have said it puts Missouri's standards for lawsuits in line with other states.
But that's not how the NAACP sees it. The Missouri NAACP State Conference called the legislation a "Jim Crow Bill."
"This does not follow the morals of Missouri," Conference President Rod Chapel Jr. told CNN. "I hate to see Missouri get dragged down deep past the notion of treating people with dignity."
If it's that bad, why don't all the black there pack up their shit and leave.
I'm curious as to why the NAACP didn't advise all the blacks there to pack up and leave if things are so bad.

The NAACP is a hate group that wants to intimidate Missouri. Look for them to start issuing travel advisories against other states. In the past, they've promoted boycotts against states.

At least, the NAACP is copying the American government which issues travel advisories against other countries, but not so much advising American residents in those countries to leave. If the NAACP has given it more thought than that, they know they'd get pillared if they encouraged blacks to go to the expense and bother of leaving the state. They might even consider that there would be white people applauding their advise to leave.
I'm curious as to why the NAACP didn't advise all the blacks there to pack up and leave if things are so bad.

The NAACP is a hate group that wants to intimidate Missouri. Look for them to start issuing travel advisories against other states. In the past, they've promoted boycotts against states.

At least, the NAACP is copying the American government which issues travel advisories against other countries, but not so much advising American residents in those countries to leave. If the NAACP has given it more thought than that, they know they'd get pillared if they encouraged blacks to go to the expense and bother of leaving the state. They might even consider that there would be white people applauding their advise to leave.

Apparently the situation can't be as bad as they claim if they're willing to only tell people not to go but have no problem with people staying.
Don't make the black kids angry! :p

A diverse group of people having an Orange is the New Black theme party is racist, but a group of blacks wanting to celebrate a violent,black supremacist group, the Black Panthers, isn't racist?

Libtard blacks are nothing better than spoiled brats
The NAACP is staffed interracially and acts bilaterrally to address social ills and discrimination against Blacks.
Which in itself is racially discriminatory.
So you think lynchings, cheating of blacks, allowing white criminals to
Rape, murder and step on the constitutional rights of Blacks should not be dealth with?
It should not be allowed regardless of skin color. No need for special treatment based on blackness. Plantation days is long gone.
Missourians should be happy that the racist garbage that listens to the NAACP will be avoiding Missouri.
A lot of white people are members of the NAACP.
Whitie Whiteman of Whiteville. Then they all go back to Whiteville when their NAACP meeting concludes.
Indeed. But hopefully they take something useful back with them in regards to race relations.
Nope. They just exacerbate segregation.
I'm sure Missouri is heart broken over this.
If they aren't, they will be when they realize they're not getting part of that 1.7 trillion dollars blacks spend every year in white stores.
Somehow I doubt they spend 1.7 trillion in the white stores of Missouri every year nor do I think very many people will be taking this travel advisory very serious either way I expect the state will survive.
Who said anything about spending 1.7 trillion dollars in the white stores of Missouri? Read what I actually said again...this time don't fuck it up!

No, as far as the travel advisory goes, I think it got the attention of a lot of blacks who travel in and out of Missouri. Many will probably continue to travel there but with an increased awareness of what to expect if they encounter biased police officers backed by a predjudiced justice system.

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