NAACP leader defends Harvard President Claudine Gay, says critics are 'advancing a White supremacist agenda'

No inconsistency at all. If you cross a certain line, you get slapped down.

Critiizing the Zionist Entity doesn't cross said line.
The line was crossed when the UPenn President was asked explicitly if calling for the genocide of Jews violated the code of conduct and the best she could respond was that it was “context dependent”.
Well, no one did that. Sorry, "River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" is not a call for Genocide, it's a call for equality and an end to Apartheid.

They are maintaining an apartheid state and committing genocide against the Palestinian people. That's what they are doing. the rest of the world recognizes it, which is why the Zionists aren't getting the sympathy they expected. Their biggest fear is that America might start questioning the whole thing and cut off that four billion in aid that props up their military and economy.

Yeah, I'm old... this is about the sixth time in my lifetime the Zionists have supposedly "Crushed" the Palestinians. I mean, they do manage to kill lots of women and children every time they do this, but they probalby create more terrorists than they kill... so, um, Good job?

By who?
They are not maintain Apartheid status. The Jewish people were given their land by the world and Great Britain who were over that area. It’s a Jewish state by world law. As far as I’m concerned, get rid of anyone not Jewish for a few years. Maybe this time when Muslims and Christians are invited back in they won’t think they are entitled to anything and be grateful to be there.
The fact that Palestinians are even to be allowed in Gaza should be looked at as a gift. The fact that 90% of those awful people elected Hamas to lead them and the PLO before, they should be kicked out. Hamas is fully aligned and financially supported by Iran, Russia, China and North Korea. Sponsors of terror. If Palestinians want to stay in that area then let’s see them kick Hamas and all terror groups out.
The President of Penn got booted because some rich donors had it out for her long before this started. The problem is that Colleges are money-making operations, selling a product. Getting rid of one president isn't going to convince the students that an injustice in Palestine isn't happening.

Here's the underlying problem. The world has agreed, at least in principle, that imperialism, colonialism, and racism are wrong. This is why we are calling China on her treatment of the Uighurs and Tibetans. It's why we are calling Russia on Ukraine. It's why we pushed to end Apartheid in South Africa. It's why America is coming to terms with the injustices we inflicted on Native Americans, and Columbus doesn't get a statue anymore.

Israel is, at the end of the day, a Colonial state and vestige of British Imperialism. It functions as a colonial state oppressing indigenous people. (And, no Jews from Europe aren't an indigenous people because a book of fairy stories with talking snakes and giants in it says they are.)
Why did the world league give Israel to the Jews? Come on Mr. Minimouth see if you can tell us real knowledge. You can’t. It’s prophecy from God that Judah belongs there and are the indigenous people whom God gave them.
The line was crossed when the UPenn President was asked explicitly if calling for the genocide of Jews violated the code of conduct and the best she could respond was that it was “context dependent”.

That could have been said better, especially since no one called for the Genocide of Jews.

Haha why? Why do you have a problem with Jews that want their own state but don’t for say, Muslims?
If the Jews can find land they didn't steal from someone else, they are more than welcome to it. I hear Antarctica is nice this time of year.
Why did the world league give Israel to the Jews? Come on Mr. Minimouth see if you can tell us real knowledge. You can’t. It’s prophecy from God that Judah belongs there and are the indigenous people whom God gave them.

There is no God. I can throw 1000 clergymen off the top of the Sears Tower and God won't catch one of them on the way down.

The League didn't give Palestine to the Jews. The British tried to give it to them to colonize by proxy, but most of Europe's Jews had no interest in moving there until THIS guy came along.


A bunch of Jews from Central Europe have no better claim to Palestine than I would have to Sweden if I claimed to be a follower of Odin.
They are not maintain Apartheid status. The Jewish people were given their land by the world and Great Britain who were over that area. It’s a Jewish state by world law. As far as I’m concerned, get rid of anyone not Jewish for a few years. Maybe this time when Muslims and Christians are invited back in they won’t think they are entitled to anything and be grateful to be there.

"the World" had no business giving Palestinian land to European Jews, and neither did Europe.

The fact that Palestinians are even to be allowed in Gaza should be looked at as a gift. The fact that 90% of those awful people elected Hamas to lead them and the PLO before, they should be kicked out. Hamas is fully aligned and financially supported by Iran, Russia, China and North Korea. Sponsors of terror. If Palestinians want to stay in that area then let’s see them kick Hamas and all terror groups out.

Um, no. The fact is they elected Hamas because Hamas fights the Zionists.

THey should send the Zionist squatters back to Europe where they came from. Or if America is so keen on them, give up one of OUR states for them to have as their own.
That could have been said better, especially since no one called for the Genocide of Jews.

If the Jews can find land they didn't steal from someone else, they are more than welcome to it. I hear Antarctica is nice this time of year.
Haha nobody called for the genocide of Jews? Haha what? Ah another proHamas…holocaust denying demafascist…the groups you support literally call for the destruction of Jews

They didn’t steal any land. They gain their independence from British rule back in the 40s
*** I may be wrong, of course.

*** But the Jewish religion started there in the Holy Land, and Jewish people lived there until 2,000 years ago when the Romans forced them out.

*** So after the unspeakable horror of the Holocaust, it was understandable that many people wanted the Jewish people to have a small slice of land in the Holy Land as a safe zone for the Jewish people.

*** I understand that the Israeli people take very seriously the slogan "Never again."
That could have been said better, especially since no one called for the Genocide of Jews.
You are the only one saying that no one called for the Genocide of Jews. Why didn’t the President of UPenn say that?
There is no God. I can throw 1000 clergymen off the top of the Sears Tower and God won't catch one of them on the way down.

The League didn't give Palestine to the Jews. The British tried to give it to them to colonize by proxy, but most of Europe's Jews had no interest in moving there until THIS guy came along.

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A bunch of Jews from Central Europe have no better claim to Palestine than I would have to Sweden if I claimed to be a follower of Odin.
There is God. The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob (Israel). Irregardless, the world gave the Jews their homeland back because of Hitler and Stalin. It is established as a sovereign nation. Hamas is Iranian, not Palestinian. Palestinians elected the outsiders Hamas and thus suffer the consequences. It’s Israel’s land.
"the World" had no business giving Palestinian land to European Jews, and neither did Europe.

Um, no. The fact is they elected Hamas because Hamas fights the Zionists.

THey should send the Zionist squatters back to Europe where they came from. Or if America is so keen on them, give up one of OUR states for them to have as their own.
The world had every right since it was owned and run by Great Britain. The only squatters are the Palestinians. Israel is willing to let them live in Israel. Be grateful because none of the other Muslim countries want them.
Should the NAACP oust their leader who apparently is also an Anti-Semite? Gay said that in the right context, it's okay to call for the genocide of Jews. Now, anyone who demands Gay's removal at Harvard is a White Supremacist. The last I looked, White Supremacists were highly anti-Jew. As much, if not more, than they are anti-anything but white including Blacks. But it's Blacks that are calling for the genocide of Jews here.

JLM--Jewish Lives Matter!
Nope, she doesn't.

The real problem is that College kids are honest. You see, we oldsters can delude ourselves into thinking what the Zionists are doing is okay.

These kids know apartheid when they see it.
College kids don't realize colonialism is a good thing.
They didn’t steal any land. They gain their independence from British rule back in the 40s
Except there weren't any Jews in Palestine before the British started dumping them there.

College kids don't realize colonialism is a good thing.
No, it really isn't.

The world had every right since it was owned and run by Great Britain. The only squatters are the Palestinians. Israel is willing to let them live in Israel. Be grateful because none of the other Muslim countries want them.

Actually, there are five million Palestinians living outside Palestine. This is why the Zionist Entity doesn't want to discuss a right to return... they'd be outnumbered.

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