NAACP leader defends Harvard President Claudine Gay, says critics are 'advancing a White supremacist agenda'

Except there weren't any Jews in Palestine before the British started dumping them there.

No, it really isn't.

Actually, there are five million Palestinians living outside Palestine. This is why the Zionist Entity doesn't want to discuss a right to return... they'd be outnumbered.
A right to return to what? Israel is a country. They can live there. They are. A million in Gaza. If they would recognize the right for Israel to exist they would have a lot more. Give up Hamas and Iran. Give up wanting to commit genocide.
Except there weren't any Jews in Palestine before the British started dumping them there.

No, it really isn't.

Actually, there are five million Palestinians living outside Palestine. This is why the Zionist Entity doesn't want to discuss a right to return... they'd be outnumbered.
Haha yes there were…geez you are clueless

Hahaa the Brit’s brought the Jews to Israel! Haha you can’t make this insanity up! Haha
Should the NAACP oust their leader who apparently is also an Anti-Semite? Gay said that in the right context, it's okay to call for the genocide of Jews. Now, anyone who demands Gay's removal at Harvard is a White Supremacist. The last I looked, White Supremacists were highly anti-Jew. As much, if not more, than they are anti-anything but white including Blacks. But it's Blacks that are calling for the genocide of Jews here.

Anti Genocide anti plagiarism = white supremacy. LOL
The strong control the weak. It's the way of the world.
So when Whites become a minority in this country, will it be okay for the non-white majority to abuse them?

A right to return to what? Israel is a country. They can live there. They are. A million in Gaza. If they would recognize the right for Israel to exist they would have a lot more. Give up Hamas and Iran. Give up wanting to commit genocide.
The end of Zionism is pretty much inevitable. Even Jews are starting to realize they can't run an apartheid state forever.
So when Whites become a minority in this country, will it be okay for the non-white majority to abuse them?

The end of Zionism is pretty much inevitable. Even Jews are starting to realize they can't run an apartheid state forever.

The end of silly leftist cliches, apartheid state™, is pretty much inevitable… except for the silliest leftists.
The end of silly leftist cliches, apartheid state™, is pretty much inevitable… except for the silliest leftists.

Hey, check this out, Holly. This is how the rest of the world feels about the Zionist Entity and their apartheid.

I'm always amazed at your ability to ignore realities you do like.
I’m never surprised at you willingness to sidestep and deflect.

The State of Israel has a set of Immigration, Nationality, and Citizenship laws. As’splain us your apartheid™ slogan as it applies to Israel.

In the meantime, tell us about the Jews living in Gaza’istan and Mahmoud'istan. Are there any? Instead of your usual tactic that involves cutting and pasting slogans, as’plain us what apartheid™ is and how it applies in your cutting and pasting.

Clearly, your insensate Jew hatreds causes you to defend one of the world's leading Islamic Terrorist / gee-had cultures. You find it necessary to take a politico- religious gee-had that the Islamic terrorists started, and try to blame the outcome of their actions on the Israelis.
The Leftest filth in the US blaming everything bad in the country on "White Supremacist" reminds me of the Nazis in Germany blaming everything bad on the Jews.

Of course many of us White people are armed so the Leftest are going to have a much harder time than the National Socialists had with the Jews rounding us American Whites up for the concentration camps.
The State of Israel has a set of Immigration, Nationality, and Citizenship laws. As’splain us your apartheid™ slogan as it applies to Israel.

Palestinians are second class citizens in their own country.

Just like blacks were in South Africa.
Only in Wingnut land is free speech "Anti-Semitic", because the biggest fear the Zionists have is that people will see what they are actually doing over there on our tax dime.
^ Win.

The bottom line is that her answers, and those of the other two school heads, were spot on.
You are telling a lie or you are stupid.
Claudine Gay NEVER stated that " it's okay to call for the genocide of jews."

Be honest or get lost.
But she may have been thinking it! :mad:

Shitcons are now all about the cancellation.

Actually, they were ALWAYS about cancel culture - they just don't like it when their pets are "cancelled."

That is, corrected, opposed, criticized, etc.

The shitcon war on sanity and integrity rages on.

Since none of the people questioned support genocide while the person ansking the question has used anti semitic tropes, it is important.
Stop being so freaking rational, dude - it riles the shitcons up. :eek:

Anyone who opposes mass murder/genocide is an antisemitic pedo Marxist groomer fagala!!!!
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The President of Penn got booted because some rich donors had it out for her long before this started. The problem is that Colleges are money-making operations, selling a product. Getting rid of one president isn't going to convince the students that an injustice in Palestine isn't happening.

Here's the underlying problem. The world has agreed, at least in principle, that imperialism, colonialism, and racism are wrong. This is why we are calling China on her treatment of the Uighurs and Tibetans. It's why we are calling Russia on Ukraine. It's why we pushed to end Apartheid in South Africa. It's why America is coming to terms with the injustices we inflicted on Native Americans, and Columbus doesn't get a statue anymore.

Israel is, at the end of the day, a Colonial state and vestige of British Imperialism. It functions as a colonial state oppressing indigenous people. (And, no Jews from Europe aren't an indigenous people because a book of fairy stories with talking snakes and giants in it says they are.)
^ Thread win.

IM2 for co-win.

Nope, she doesn't.

The real problem is that College kids are honest. You see, we oldsters can delude ourselves into thinking what the Zionists are doing is okay.

These kids know apartheid when they see it.
Zoomers are the shiznit.


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