Nadlers Gutless Ploy


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
After fourteen hours of vociferous debate on the two Articles of Impeachment, with a "full house" in attendance, all of whom (and their bleary-eyed audience, both in the building and at home) had patiently waited for the potentially-shocking vote on the Articles...

Nadler, Democrat Chair-creature of the Committee stunned everyone with a DELAY in the vote until Friday morning, and throwing out the self-saving possibility of Democrats splitting their votes on the two articles, thus maintaining the fiction that they had actually given the matter some thought.

Is there any more obvious illustration that this whole thing is a Made-for-Television spectacle?

Will any Democrat "leader" stand up and actually articulate the REASON for this whole ridiculous carnival, when everyone in the country knows that there is not a snowball's chance in hell that this Great President will be removed from office?

I doubt it.
I doubt they had much of a "bleary-eyed audience" after the opening statements.

We already know what the vote will be. Watching it will be an exercise in boredom.
“It has been a long two days of consideration of these articles and it is late at night,” Mr. Nadler said. “I want the members on both sides of the aisle to think about what has happened over these last two days and search their consciences before we cast our final votes.”​

This is an unprecedented outrage, accusing Republicans not just of the ability, but even the willingness to "search their consciences". When it is perfectly clear before doing so they would have to search for their misplaced consciences first - where they ever so inclined.
“It has been a long two days of consideration of these articles and it is late at night,” Mr. Nadler said. “I want the members on both sides of the aisle to think about what has happened over these last two days and search their consciences before we cast our final votes.”

This is an unprecedented outrage, accusing Republicans not just of the ability, but even the willingness to "search their consciences". When it is perfectly clear before doing so they would have to search for their misplaced consciences first - where they ever so inclined.
'Remind everyone again who it is that is responsible for this entire absurd political
circus? It isn't the republican party who has staged and promoted this long, wasteful shameful chapter in American history.

It isn't their consciences that need to be searched for any vestiges of honesty or decency.
It is the party of Nadler, Pelosi and Schiff and the worthless human garbage, dwindling in numbers by the day, that
support this shameful travesty.
The only comfort I can take and silver lining I see is the democrats are actively burying themselves on the trash heap of history.
Pelosi said they've been working on impeachment for two years but the accusations he's charged with HAPPENED THIS YEAR.


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