It Ends as it Began: As a Political Ploy

That disaster of a response that began with "It's just one person coming from China. We have it under control"?
Please. Trump rightly gets credit for every body COVID took.
Sure in the mind of a DNC cultist Jo failed you more people die under his administration of the Covid plan.
The pandemic was real, albeit overstated. The burning question is why such fortunate timing for the Democrats? If not for COVID, the change in the voting rules, the collapse of the economy and the stock market, ole' Biden would have NEVER been elected. Just really fortunate timing I guess, right?
Why did the entire rest of the world play along with some weird American political stunt then? Why did they let so many millions of people die in their countries just to beat Trump?

My biggest fear for Trump's Presidency was that if a crisis happened he would react to it like a lunatic. We saw that during multiple crises. Biden would have never been elected without THAT.
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Why did the entire rest of the world play along with some weird American political stunt then?
America [sic: USA] is the greatest and most influential nation on earth, still, despite all our fuck ups.
Why did they let so many millions of people die in their countries just to beat Trump?
Millions of people die, that's a fact of life.
My biggest fear for Trump's Presidency was that if a crisis happened he would react to it like a lunatic. We saw that during multiple crises.
?? The responses were all appropriate, afaik.
Biden would have never been elected without THAT.
THAT = main stream media covering up the truth about so many things and perpetuating outright lies fabricated by HRC and the DNC. now proven beyond any shadow of a doubt, admitted in court testimony by countless people under oath, regarding both the Russia-gate false narrative and the Hunter laptop cover-up. Oh yeah, and the Steel dossier which was underwritten by FBI and deep state sleezeball politics.

My biggest fear is that we won't be able to right this ship without a full blown meltdown. Trumps only fault was in being the poor bastard that had the duty to finger these criminals, and boy oh boy they didn't like that.
Biden lied, right from the start. I'd better never hear a fucking peep out of his about COVID, as we get closer to the elections.

Someone made this video of Trump and Biden talking to each other on “60 Minutes” and I had to share it because you deserve a laugh before bed

Not ALL of us were stupid, ignorant, gullible, and/or feckless enough, to have “chosen” to be suckers, genius. And I suspect that most of us who saw this whole charade for what it was, who could see the very dark and dangerous path it was taking us down, and who were shamed and called “granny killers” by the self-righteous, selfish, moronic Karens, are not feeling particularly magnanimous or forgiving about it.


Someone made this video of Trump and Biden talking to each other on “60 Minutes” and I had to share it because you deserve a laugh before bed

Talk about timing. I just got done watching that not more than two minutes ago. :laughing0301:

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