
i wouldn t mind hillary naked, trump naked would grosse me out
but he got tiny hands and needs to buy women so i guess i would not see very much

while Hilary is still married to the Clinton

Hillary doesent need to buy a man, she got a Stud
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i wouldn t mind hillary naked, trump naked would grosse me out
but he got tiny hands and needs to buy women so i guess i would not see very much

while Hilary is still married to the Clinton

Hillary doesent need to buy a man, she got a Stud

Too bad willie doesn't have a real woman.
"hauke, post: 14957607, member: 53138"]Adam and Eve where naked in paradise like god wanted

then they ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil

and covered themselfs.

wrong decision.

they got thrown out of paradise for wearing cloth.

so why is it illegal to go naked ?

why is the human body illegal ?

religion ? does that mean that clothing is defined by religion ?

and how can religion be allowed to rule politics ?

:ack-1:Not quite right.
There is an aura that attaches to humans when humans are in close proximity to God. It turned Moses' hair white. It cloaked both Adam and Eve. That is how Adam new in an instant that Eve had eaten from the tree. The righteousness of God no longer enveloped her. They merely covered their privates when they lost their glow. They had no idea what to do. It was God Almighty, all forgiving, that covered them, not with cloth, but with bloody animal skin. The temporary blood covering for sin (that the Jews would later practice).
Christ came to cover us in His pure blood, once and for all. Animal blood is a temporary cover. Christ's blood is permanent.

There was no cloth.
It was not illegal to go naked.
They were removed from a perfect Eden, but not from God.
Religion is defined as:
the belief in a god or in a group of gods. : an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods. : an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group.

There was no organized system in Eden. No 10 commandments. Just walking with their Father and in cool of the evening.
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The actual Hebrew word without vowels can be the other kind of nakedness as in naked truth it means 'uncovering of deception', they were covering and hiding behind a covering.
Adam means man in Hebrew and the serpent is the false prophet leading man to fall away so the woman is his bride the church.
In the Wizard of Oz the manipulator hid behind the mask and covered up his deception.
Rome used the Jesus myth to create a mask, an idol it could speak through to do it's whims and collect taxes through now in the form of tithes. Now the scarlet (color of Rome) beast could whore itself into many kingdoms (invade them) through the guise of religious authority.
This is called the 2 horn system=horns meant powers.
It's why the devil (power of death & destruction) is symbolized as the 2 horned scarlet beast.
1 horn is the political the other horn is the religious authority that is the mask over the raging beast that is Rome's world domination power hunger & blood lust political authority. The one world religion combining all the cult figures and mythologies into one they would be authority over as they did to many cultures before, but now combining them all into one fold under their authority masked behind the most perfect of images so no-one dared to question what evil lurked behind that immaculate image.
too much religion

politics :

why is it illegal to be naked ?

no religiouse arguments please.

why is it illegal for women to feed babys ?

why do the politicians want to kill babys by starving them ?

babys need to be feed by breastmilk.

thats what god wanted too.

its reality, yet politicians want to starve babys. SICK

god made tits to feed babys.

or evolution made tits to feed babys.

to denie that is evil
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i acctually think politicians who don t like to see tits are closet homosexuals.

nothing against all those homosexuals who like to see tits

closet homosexuals are perverts who belive their sexual orientation is sick and therefore are sick
explanation :

everyone is sexual.

sexual orientation is accuired by experience.

theres no genetic preference for sexual orientation.

so homosexuality or heterosexuality is both learned.

if someone learns homosexuality, that means the society has a homosexuall experience.

ok conclude yourselfs

sexuality and nakedness are not in any way entwined

theres pheromones and to make most people heterosexual. man smell good for women, women smell good to man
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About 80% of people should not be seen naked in public. The other 20% need to keep their cloths on to protect us from many of the 80% that think they are members of the 20%.
im not talking about the esthetics of nakedness

im talking about the politics

i think everybody has the same rights.

and concerning nakedness it does not matter if it looks good

just allowing people YOU think look good is utterly faschist. nazi nakedness
im not talking about the esthetics of nakedness

im talking about the politics

i think everybody has the same rights.

and concerning nakedness it does not matter if it looks good
You can't completely separate the two.
Adam and Eve where naked in paradise like god wanted

then they ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil

and covered themselfs.

wrong decision.

they got thrown out of paradise for wearing cloth.

so why is it illegal to go naked ?

why is the human body illegal ?

religion ? does that mean that clothing is defined by religion ?

and how can religion be allowed to rule politics ?

I think it was a little bronze age Hebrew humor: some fig leaves only work if there's not much there to cover up.


When the Lord taught them how to stitch together animal skins he was just teaching them how to outwardly fit in with the wild human animals around them out there the wilderness. Sheep in wolves clothing kind of thing.
Adam and Eve where naked in paradise like god wanted

then they ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil

and covered themselfs.

wrong decision.

they got thrown out of paradise for wearing cloth.

so why is it illegal to go naked ?

why is the human body illegal ?

religion ? does that mean that clothing is defined by religion ?

and how can religion be allowed to rule politics ?

Let's see here;

1. Doesn't hurt anyone

2. No one is forced to do it

3. It's just regular folks going about their everyday lives

4. They have loving families just like everyone else

5, They're being discriminated against just because of who they are

6. They're not perverts, rapist or pedophiles

OH WAIT!!!!!! That's all the arguments used to justify gay marriage, NEVER MIND.

Damn, I was taking a shower and realized I had forgotten the most important talking point.

7. It's perfectly natural, after all they were born that way.
tribes along the equator and Pacific islands were mostly thin clad, maybe its geographic ... sortof pleasant how the pacific island people did seem to have a sensuous approach with their nakedness.

The fear of sex and human sexuality is as old as civilization itself, the Adam and Eve myth is but a more recent manifestation of that fact.

And using fear of sex and human sexuality as a political weapon is likewise as old as civilization itself.
Its not a fear its knowing a bit of decency and respect for not only yourself but for others that humans cover the private parts.

And who died and made you the arbiter of decency?

Society decided that long ago in the United States and each generation has made those decisions. Generally without being coerced or forced into accepting something beyond the pale that belongs in a strip club not in a public area. Parents generally raise their children according to their belief systems and if that does not damage or inhibit another persons rights or freedoms the parents and adults is where those decisions should remain.
In the Reich though the few who got into power that had a different 'bible' that they went by. They decided in 1933 that it was up to them to protect everyone else through legislation that included forced sterilization, mass murder of those they found unfit for society, etc. The world on a whole determined that "they" would have to go as nothing and no one was save with them in charge.
Adam and Eve were not cast out of the Garden of Eden for being naked. They were cast out for their disobedience to God's command to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Once they had partaken of the fruit of the tree, their eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked and sought to cover and hide themselves.
The fear of sex and human sexuality is as old as civilization itself, the Adam and Eve myth is but a more recent manifestation of that fact.

And using fear of sex and human sexuality as a political weapon is likewise as old as civilization itself.
Its not a fear its knowing a bit of decency and respect for not only yourself but for others that humans cover the private parts.

And who died and made you the arbiter of decency?

Society decided that long ago in the United States and each generation has made those decisions. Generally without being coerced or forced into accepting something beyond the pale that belongs in a strip club not in a public area. Parents generally raise their children according to their belief systems and if that does not damage or inhibit another persons rights or freedoms the parents and adults is where those decisions should remain.
In the Reich though the few who got into power that had a different 'bible' that they went by. They decided in 1933 that it was up to them to protect everyone else through legislation that included forced sterilization, mass murder of those they found unfit for society, etc. The world on a whole determined that "they" would have to go as nothing and no one was save with them in charge.

Hummmmmmmm, seems the exact same arguments can be made against gay marriage, yet SCOTUS said you're full of it, didn't they?
The fear of sex and human sexuality is as old as civilization itself, the Adam and Eve myth is but a more recent manifestation of that fact.

And using fear of sex and human sexuality as a political weapon is likewise as old as civilization itself.
Its not a fear its knowing a bit of decency and respect for not only yourself but for others that humans cover the private parts.

And who died and made you the arbiter of decency?

Society decided that long ago in the United States and each generation has made those decisions. Generally without being coerced or forced into accepting something beyond the pale that belongs in a strip club not in a public area. Parents generally raise their children according to their belief systems and if that does not damage or inhibit another persons rights or freedoms the parents and adults is where those decisions should remain.
In the Reich though the few who got into power that had a different 'bible' that they went by. They decided in 1933 that it was up to them to protect everyone else through legislation that included forced sterilization, mass murder of those they found unfit for society, etc. The world on a whole determined that "they" would have to go as nothing and no one was save with them in charge.

Hummmmmmmm, seems the exact same arguments can be made against gay marriage, yet SCOTUS said you're full of it, didn't they?

I have no interest in playing your bs game. Your boy lost get over it.
The fear of sex and human sexuality is as old as civilization itself, the Adam and Eve myth is but a more recent manifestation of that fact.

And using fear of sex and human sexuality as a political weapon is likewise as old as civilization itself.
Its not a fear its knowing a bit of decency and respect for not only yourself but for others that humans cover the private parts.

And who died and made you the arbiter of decency?

Society decided that long ago in the United States and each generation has made those decisions. Generally without being coerced or forced into accepting something beyond the pale that belongs in a strip club not in a public area. Parents generally raise their children according to their belief systems and if that does not damage or inhibit another persons rights or freedoms the parents and adults is where those decisions should remain.
In the Reich though the few who got into power that had a different 'bible' that they went by. They decided in 1933 that it was up to them to protect everyone else through legislation that included forced sterilization, mass murder of those they found unfit for society, etc. The world on a whole determined that "they" would have to go as nothing and no one was save with them in charge.

Hummmmmmmm, seems the exact same arguments can be made against gay marriage, yet SCOTUS said you're full of it, didn't they?

I have no interest in playing your bs game. Your boy lost get over it.

What game, are you really too ignorant to see the parallel.

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