NAMBLA was part of the Gay/Lesbian Coalition.

I'd bet good money that within the next 10 years the democratic party adopts their beliefs into their platform!

I Doubt they will "Progress" that far as a Party, but there will be far more Discussion about "Consent", "if they are born that way", and of course "is it really Harmful to a kid in certain settings", just as Liberals like Mirkin have been saying since NAMBLA Marched with the Gays not that long ago.


To be fair, we've learned a lot about how children's minds work in the past 20 years, and nearly all psychologists have come to the same conclusion: Children are emotionally and mentally incapable of making any decisions regarding sex or sexuality, and as such, cannot give consent, even if they say so. That's why the gay community distanced themselves from NAMBLA, for example. It was realized that what they stood for was wrong.

It's kinda like how, if you look at something such as, say, the Antebellum South, suddenly all those old men marrying 13-year old girls is extremely creepy.

Bullshit, it is nothing like the Antebellum South or any other time in history when life expectancy was 30. It was common sense, and a reason we've had laws on the books well before the formation of NAMBLA--laws that gay rights leaders condemned--against statutory rape.

These are the same dim witted people during the 60's and 70's telling everyone all gender differences originated from the child's the environment, something I recently had a sociology professor teach was absolute fact, even though it has been more than proven that gender differences are hormonal and ingrained in the respective gender's brain.
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A great documentary on the subject:

[ame=]Chicken Hawk - Men Who Love Boys (1994) - YouTube[/ame]
Google to Build a Photo Database In Effort to Rid the Web of Child Porn

David Becker · Jun 17, 2013


While it’s hard to imagine anyone short of NAMBLA objecting to this implementation of the technology, it causes one to wonder: what could happen if a similar system were to be used by watchdog agencies with less universally respected goals?


Google to Build a Photo Database In Effort to Rid the Web of Child Porn

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