name a famous russian

What an idiotic thread.

Some of the greatest musicians, composers, conductors, dancers, writers and artists have come out of Russia and many of the Slavic countries. Far too many to name here.
Katya Kazanova

I heard on the radio a couple of days back that obama was trying to come up with a way to stop Putin.

My first thought was that he should try cutting out broccoli.
Anatoli Galitzsin is the most famous Russian KGB defector ever to come to the CIA. James Angelton tried to warn the CIA that Russian moles were coming in as Anatoli recognized some of them and warned Angleton to tell the CIA - instead the CIA fired James Angleton and kept the Russian spies who were feeding them disinformation. Too bad. Anatoli was the real deal - the Russians would never have worked so hard to find him and kill him if he wasn't. What did Anatoli tell the CIA? That the Russian goal was to "rule the world".. What the Muslims do not realize is that without their help? It could never have happened! How will Russia reward the Muslims after they do his dirty work here in America and Europe? He's going to wipe them off the face of the earth. That is how he is going to reward them.
that one guy with the hat, and the beard. name ends with -ov or -ich.

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