Name One Person Who Takes Manmade Global Warming Seriously

Al Gore. He's our modern-day P.T. Barnum.

He's made millions on the scam, so he takes it quite seriously. Believes the anthropogenic nonsense? Doubtful, considering his lifestyle burns 10 times the energy burned by the average human, and flies everywhere.
Al Gore. He's our modern-day P.T. Barnum.

He's made millions on the scam, so he takes it quite seriously. Believes the anthropogenic nonsense? Doubtful, considering his lifestyle burns 10 times the energy burned by the average human, and flies everywhere.
Yep. Al ‘I own 3 mansions, one on the beach’ Gore who flies first class and private jets.
Just one.

And I’ll post their total hypocrisy of acting like it’s bullshit in response.

There are billions of people.

That's not saying that I do.

But you are living in an ignorant ideological bubble and you've never travel outside of your neighborhood if you ask such a retarded question.
Just one.

And I’ll post their total hypocrisy of acting like it’s bullshit in response.

There are billions of people.

That's not saying that I do.

But you are living in an ignorant ideological bubble and you've never travel outside of your neighborhood if you ask such a retarded question.
Should not be difficult for you to give one name out of billions then.
At the G7 conference who was the only one not to show up at discussions about the global environment?

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