Names of 104-Republicans Who Had No Problem Raising The Debt Ceiling Under Bush.


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA
104 Republicans Who Are In Congress Today Voted To Increase The Debt Ceiling Under Bush Without Hostage Threats | ThinkProgress.

Ronald Reagan called raising the ceiling dangerous and never to be contemplated.

Ronald Reagan raised the Debt Ceiling 19-Times.

Don't talk about "What Ronald Reagan Would Do."

Because you do not care about "What Ronald Reagan Would Do."

IF, as a Republican Conservative you believe that the Economic Policies of Ronald Reagan were the the best thing that every happened to this Country, including NOT RASING THE DEBT LIMIT...or....




It's okay for a Republican controlled Congress and a Republican President to double the national debt.

It's not okay for a negro with a D after his name to do it.

If you would just accept this, we could all move on.
If you can't tell the difference between $7 Trillion and $14, then you have a problem.

Granted, I was against the $7 just as I am against the $14. But then I'm not a Politiician.

Obama was against the $7, but is for the $14. There is the real hypocrisy.
And just how many Democrats that were in Congress then are now willing to vote for a debt ceiling increase? Lol. Your thread is a farce.
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REPUBLICANS use to be ok with raising the debt ceiling because they were sane, competent politicians. There was no such thing as the Tea Party, so raising the debt ceiling was just part of politics. Regan would have been booed off of the stage if he participated in this years debates. The irresponsible and crazy behaviors of the Tea Party has ruined the GOP for the rest of us sane Republicans who want to compromise. Ya know us, we were running for President about this time last year, but we were forced to be someone we werent because our "base" has been hijacked by lunatics.

My friends who are Republicans view it like this. We are fiscal conservatives, but socially flexible. We want to work with people who don't believe the same things that we do. Its how things get done. Romney had a great healthcare reform going on in Mass. but he was banned from bringing it up because the elderly and unintelligent don't even want to bring it up. These Tea Partiers will do anything to block the President from accomplishing anythings. This is by far the worst congress in the history of America and that isnt even up for debate. It is all because these crazies have taken over my party and I am fuming mad about it. I can only prey and hope that These southerners are just as sick and tired of the people that they have put into office, and they will be one and done.
104 Republicans Who Are In Congress Today Voted To Increase The Debt Ceiling Under Bush Without Hostage Threats | ThinkProgress.

Ronald Reagan called raising the ceiling dangerous and never to be contemplated.

Ronald Reagan raised the Debt Ceiling 19-Times.

Don't talk about "What Ronald Reagan Would Do."

Because you do not care about "What Ronald Reagan Would Do."

IF, as a Republican Conservative you believe that the Economic Policies of Ronald Reagan were the the best thing that every happened to this Country, including NOT RASING THE DEBT LIMIT...or....





Please provide some links and quotes for Bush claiming he Wouldn't Negotiate and demanding a Clean CR.
Republicans, and particularly democrats have spent way, way too much. Now is the time to reform our spending. Since the debt limit has nothing to do with servicing the debt, why the opposition to fiscal sanity? You liberals want a blank check to spend beyond are capacity to repay; bankrupt. That is what this is all about; you want to spend more of what we don't have under the guise of paying for what we've already spent. Enough with the lies.
If you can't tell the difference between $7 Trillion and $14, then you have a problem.

Granted, I was against the $7 just as I am against the $14. But then I'm not a Politiician.

Obama was against the $7, but is for the $14. There is the real hypocrisy.

It's actually closer to $17T right now....

I hope the Republicans stand firm...we can't keep doing this, and it shouldn't matter what party you belong to! We raise it now, in a few months we'll be right back here again talking about the same thing. It can't go on forever, someday someone is going to have to make this stop. Liberals think we are against this only because there's a black President in office. No...we're against this because we can't continue doing this!

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