Let's just say I was happy when I heard scalia died. With Nancy I'm indifferent. I don't agree with her policies and I just want to point that out before anyone tries to saint her.I am not the government. I have no power to quell your speech. I can opine all I like, however.Too soon? Body still warm?The woman just died. There is no need to editorialize, you classless twat.I'm sadder about Betty Smith in St. Louis who passed away last week. At least her and her husband didn't ruin America.it only takes a moment for a low life to make it about them. Try going without your drugs hippie.
I know you want to put Reagan on mount Rushmore but he wasn't all that.
I don't hate Nancy. She lived a great life. 94 years old. I just wish her husband wasn't a puppet for the rich ruling class. Same for Laura bush
What ever happened to free speech?