Nancy Pelosi Buys 25 Tesla Call Options, May Have Benefitted From Joe Biden’s Electric Vehicle Push

Insider trading by mega rich Democrats is OK because shut up.

It's not insider trading IF EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT IT.

Anyone can buy Tesla shares on the public knowledge that Biden admin will be more EV friendly.

DING what should Weatherman's new name be for 400 Alex
No shock the Left love the rich getting richer.
What submissive pansy’s [sic] you are for your masters.

It's so sad how everybody but you knew what Joe Biden ran on.
Maybe you should, I dunno, pay more the fuck attention. Instead of trotting off to the message boards to follow your Lush Rimjob orders every time he says jump. How much is he paying you?

Oh? He's not?
Insider trading by mega rich Democrats is OK because shut up.

It's not insider trading IF EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT IT.

Anyone can buy Tesla shares on the public knowledge that Biden admin will be more EV friendly.

How so, specifically? I thought they hate fossil fuel? How are EVs batteries charged? Hamsters in a wheel?

Yep it's hamsters. You totally figured it out genius.

Though my EV batteries are charged by my sunroof mostly.

in general Biden's plans coupled with Dem controlled Congress should accelerate EV adoption, which obviously benefits our foremost EV car manufacturer.
It's OK for every congressman or at least legal.
Yeah. Why is that?

Because those doing the insider trading say it’s legal! Ain’t it grand!!!!

I've been investing in a company that supplies the infrastructure where they will have to plug those suckers in to recharge them. Can you imagine all those government EVs running around with no place to charge them? When you have lemons, you make lemon aid, right?


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