Nancy Pelosi called names, jeered CUBAN AMERICANS in Miami...

What was some of the CNN host said about using the term liberal mobs? As I recall they didn't like the term being used people on both sides engage in this type of behaviour and it's wrong no matter which side does it the only thing worse than them or those who remain silent when their side does it and then feign outrage when the other side doesit.
Here's a Republican leader repudiating the protesters:

The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelosi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:

Marco Rubio on Twitter:
You are not helping the cause of anti-communism if you behave like the repudiation mobs Castro has long used in Cuba. Not sure who was behind this behavior but you should have protested Pelosi campaign stop without borrowing the tactics of left wing mobs. …

Name some Democrat leaders who do the same. We'll wait. :)
Still waiting.... :)
Can we stop this nonsense? I don’t like her at all but we shouldn’t encourage mobs to target politicians.

Someone is going to get hurt
Then the elites on both sides should say stop! I haven’t heard anyone. It has to come from there first and it started on the left and I keep hearing calls from the elites on the left, especially Pelosi who just shot off her mouth!

It's one thing to not denounce childish behavior like that, but the Democrats actually encourage it.

Guess you never watched a Trump rally......

Sure I did, and Trump was provoked first. If you go somewhere to start trouble, and you get the trouble you were looking for, don't blame the people that fought back.

Say what?
You're a fucking idiot.
Every candidate has hecklers and protestors.
But it takes a pussy coward like Trump to tell the crowd to take them out on gurneys, and "I'll pay your legal fees" if you hit them. And they did.
"Provoked first" my ass.

Yes, provoked first. Yes, candidates have hecklers and protesters, but not at their rallies. Their rallies are for their voters--not troublemakers. You want to heckle, you want to protest? Then do it outside of the facility--not inside.

The problem with you leftists is you think you can go anywhere and start trouble with no ramifications. I swear, only a leftist could bust a window with a rock and then blame the person who didn't install a thick enough glass.
How are they a criminal?

It's called simple assault and disturbing the peace. Look it up.

Were they arrested? I watched and didn’t see any violent attack, someone yelling for her to get the fk out of his neighborhood, they didn’t want a socialist there. Good for them. I’ll agree to disagree with you

Disturbing the Peace, yes, usually if someone files a complaint. I'm guessing that no one at the Cuban restaurant complained about some Cubans being there.
Simple Assault? Barely I think. Yelling at someone is just a bit of a stretch to make a charge of simple assault of. BTW, were any of the people at the Red Hen with Sarah Huck Sanders, or any of the several other people chased out of dining establishments told they were not wanted there ever charged with anything? If so, I never heard of it.

AFAICT, the guys in the video were simply exercising their right to protest. The Left calls it freedom of speech. Their Antifa exercise it all the time.

Conservative speech is called violence, regressive violence is call speech by the media, do you really want to be like them?


Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""


Yeah, calling yourself progressive is a lie, you're definitely regressive. The debauchery you advocate for the US, definitely ain't progress, more like regression to Sodom and Gomorrah. You freaks have re-branded yourselves several times and it's always with another nice sounding LIE.

How are they a criminal?

It's called simple assault and disturbing the peace. Look it up.

Were they arrested? I watched and didn’t see any violent attack, someone yelling for her to get the fk out of his neighborhood, they didn’t want a socialist there. Good for them. I’ll agree to disagree with you

Disturbing the Peace, yes, usually if someone files a complaint. I'm guessing that no one at the Cuban restaurant complained about some Cubans being there.
Simple Assault? Barely I think. Yelling at someone is just a bit of a stretch to make a charge of simple assault of. BTW, were any of the people at the Red Hen with Sarah Huck Sanders, or any of the several other people chased out of dining establishments told they were not wanted there ever charged with anything? If so, I never heard of it.

AFAICT, the guys in the video were simply exercising their right to protest. The Left calls it freedom of speech. Their Antifa exercise it all the time.

Conservative speech is called violence, regressive violence is call speech by the media, do you really want to be like them?

Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""

These are just words, fool. So, OK, if the GOP now chooses the phrase: "The Superior Movement," can we rightly claim then that the opposite (the democrats) must then be The Inferior Movement?

Hey! You democrats are inferior!

Progressivism is only a term chosen by Progressives to describe themselves by how THEY see themselves. You can be making progress just as well by inching yourself closer and closer to going over a cliff.
It's called simple assault and disturbing the peace. Look it up.

Were they arrested? I watched and didn’t see any violent attack, someone yelling for her to get the fk out of his neighborhood, they didn’t want a socialist there. Good for them. I’ll agree to disagree with you

Disturbing the Peace, yes, usually if someone files a complaint. I'm guessing that no one at the Cuban restaurant complained about some Cubans being there.
Simple Assault? Barely I think. Yelling at someone is just a bit of a stretch to make a charge of simple assault of. BTW, were any of the people at the Red Hen with Sarah Huck Sanders, or any of the several other people chased out of dining establishments told they were not wanted there ever charged with anything? If so, I never heard of it.

AFAICT, the guys in the video were simply exercising their right to protest. The Left calls it freedom of speech. Their Antifa exercise it all the time.

Conservative speech is called violence, regressive violence is call speech by the media, do you really want to be like them?

Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""

These are just words, fool. So, OK, if the GOP now chooses the phrase: "The Superior Movement," can we rightly claim then that the opposite (the democrats) must then be The Inferior Movement?

Hey! You democrats are inferior!

Progressivism is only a term chosen by Progressives to describe themselves by how THEY see themselves. You can be making progress just as well by inching yourself closer and closer to going over a cliff.

That’s the problem with progressives. Progressing to what? It’s a question they always fail to ask. It’s not important because they are progressive so they are better than the person who would rather rely on reality.

Most of us don’t want to progress to totalitarianism
Were they arrested? I watched and didn’t see any violent attack, someone yelling for her to get the fk out of his neighborhood, they didn’t want a socialist there. Good for them. I’ll agree to disagree with you

Disturbing the Peace, yes, usually if someone files a complaint. I'm guessing that no one at the Cuban restaurant complained about some Cubans being there.
Simple Assault? Barely I think. Yelling at someone is just a bit of a stretch to make a charge of simple assault of. BTW, were any of the people at the Red Hen with Sarah Huck Sanders, or any of the several other people chased out of dining establishments told they were not wanted there ever charged with anything? If so, I never heard of it.

AFAICT, the guys in the video were simply exercising their right to protest. The Left calls it freedom of speech. Their Antifa exercise it all the time.

Conservative speech is called violence, regressive violence is call speech by the media, do you really want to be like them?

Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""

These are just words, fool. So, OK, if the GOP now chooses the phrase: "The Superior Movement," can we rightly claim then that the opposite (the democrats) must then be The Inferior Movement?

Hey! You democrats are inferior!

Progressivism is only a term chosen by Progressives to describe themselves by how THEY see themselves. You can be making progress just as well by inching yourself closer and closer to going over a cliff.

That’s the problem with progressives. Progressing to what? It’s a question they always fail to ask. It’s not important because they are progressive so they are better than the person who would rather rely on reality.

Most of us don’t want to progress to totalitarianism

I've always said progressive means progressively Communist. But to liberals, progress means something totally different. So what do they want to progress to?

Government healthcare.
More government dependency.
Less personal responsibility.
No segregation between public restrooms, changing rooms and showers.
A disarmed general public.
An open borders country.
A dismantling of ICE.
Men wearing dresses and kissing each other in a public park.

Progress means to advance. So this is what they want to "advance" our country to. Sounds more like an episode on the vintage television series The Twilight Zone.
Progressivism is only a term chosen by Progressives to describe themselves by how THEY see themselves.

Actually progressive was a term exchanged for Liberal, because liberal had too many negative connotations after a while. That will happen to the term Progressive. When it does, they will just have to change it to something else. That's why they are slowly becoming more comfortable with the term Socialist. The warm up act is to call it Democrat Socialism, so perhaps that's the future replacement for progressive.
Were they arrested? I watched and didn’t see any violent attack, someone yelling for her to get the fk out of his neighborhood, they didn’t want a socialist there. Good for them. I’ll agree to disagree with you

Disturbing the Peace, yes, usually if someone files a complaint. I'm guessing that no one at the Cuban restaurant complained about some Cubans being there.
Simple Assault? Barely I think. Yelling at someone is just a bit of a stretch to make a charge of simple assault of. BTW, were any of the people at the Red Hen with Sarah Huck Sanders, or any of the several other people chased out of dining establishments told they were not wanted there ever charged with anything? If so, I never heard of it.

AFAICT, the guys in the video were simply exercising their right to protest. The Left calls it freedom of speech. Their Antifa exercise it all the time.

Conservative speech is called violence, regressive violence is call speech by the media, do you really want to be like them?

Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""

These are just words, fool. So, OK, if the GOP now chooses the phrase: "The Superior Movement," can we rightly claim then that the opposite (the democrats) must then be The Inferior Movement?

Hey! You democrats are inferior!

Progressivism is only a term chosen by Progressives to describe themselves by how THEY see themselves. You can be making progress just as well by inching yourself closer and closer to going over a cliff.

That’s the problem with progressives. Progressing to what? It’s a question they always fail to ask. It’s not important because they are progressive so they are better than the person who would rather rely on reality.

Most of us don’t want to progress to totalitarianism

They don't want to tell you that their goal is progressing to a society freer for them but less free for everyone else.
My bet is ole Nance paid for this to happen for a sound bite, since you never see conservatives act this way.
Progressivism is only a term chosen by Progressives to describe themselves by how THEY see themselves.

Actually progressive was a term exchanged for Liberal, because liberal had too many negative connotations after a while. That will happen to the term Progressive. When it does, they will just have to change it to something else. That's why they are slowly becoming more comfortable with the term Socialist. The warm up act is to call it Democrat Socialism, so perhaps that's the future replacement for progressive.

The Left is quite open and comfortable now with calling themselves Socialists. The young college crowd /celebrate/ it while getting their "higher learning." When I was young, admitting you were a socialist was a dangerous thing to say worthy of great consternation by the authorities that you could be a dangerous communist subversive. The kind of thing that gets you locked up for years for in other countries. How ironic that now, TRUMP of all people, the ultimate anti-socialist, is worried about as working with the Ruskies to overthrown an election! McCarthy had it right after all.
They say that impersonation is the sincerest form of flattery. But when it comes to partisan politics, I see it as more the case of monkey see, monkey do.
My bet is ole Nance paid for this to happen for a sound bite, since you never see conservatives act this way.

This day and age most anything is possible, but to see the demrats get a taste of their own medicine is refreshing.
Disturbing the Peace, yes, usually if someone files a complaint. I'm guessing that no one at the Cuban restaurant complained about some Cubans being there.
Simple Assault? Barely I think. Yelling at someone is just a bit of a stretch to make a charge of simple assault of. BTW, were any of the people at the Red Hen with Sarah Huck Sanders, or any of the several other people chased out of dining establishments told they were not wanted there ever charged with anything? If so, I never heard of it.

AFAICT, the guys in the video were simply exercising their right to protest. The Left calls it freedom of speech. Their Antifa exercise it all the time.

Conservative speech is called violence, regressive violence is call speech by the media, do you really want to be like them?

Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""

These are just words, fool. So, OK, if the GOP now chooses the phrase: "The Superior Movement," can we rightly claim then that the opposite (the democrats) must then be The Inferior Movement?

Hey! You democrats are inferior!

Progressivism is only a term chosen by Progressives to describe themselves by how THEY see themselves. You can be making progress just as well by inching yourself closer and closer to going over a cliff.

That’s the problem with progressives. Progressing to what? It’s a question they always fail to ask. It’s not important because they are progressive so they are better than the person who would rather rely on reality.

Most of us don’t want to progress to totalitarianism

I've always said progressive means progressively Communist. But to liberals, progress means something totally different. So what do they want to progress to?

Government healthcare.
More government dependency.
Less personal responsibility.
No segregation between public restrooms, changing rooms and showers.
A disarmed general public.
An open borders country.
A dismantling of ICE.
Men wearing dresses and kissing each other in a public park.

Progress means to advance. So this is what they want to "advance" our country to. Sounds more like an episode on the vintage television series The Twilight Zone.

Their progression would lead us to a new dark ages
Progressivism is only a term chosen by Progressives to describe themselves by how THEY see themselves.

Actually progressive was a term exchanged for Liberal, because liberal had too many negative connotations after a while. That will happen to the term Progressive. When it does, they will just have to change it to something else. That's why they are slowly becoming more comfortable with the term Socialist. The warm up act is to call it Democrat Socialism, so perhaps that's the future replacement for progressive.

They took liberal because progressive got too bad. I’m sure when people know what progressives are again we will get a new term
Progressivism is only a term chosen by Progressives to describe themselves by how THEY see themselves.

Actually progressive was a term exchanged for Liberal, because liberal had too many negative connotations after a while. That will happen to the term Progressive. When it does, they will just have to change it to something else. That's why they are slowly becoming more comfortable with the term Socialist. The warm up act is to call it Democrat Socialism, so perhaps that's the future replacement for progressive.

The Left is quite open and comfortable now with calling themselves Socialists. The young college crowd /celebrate/ it while getting their "higher learning." When I was young, admitting you were a socialist was a dangerous thing to say worthy of great consternation by the authorities that you could be a dangerous communist subversive. The kind of thing that gets you locked up for years for in other countries. How ironic that now, TRUMP of all people, the ultimate anti-socialist, is worried about as working with the Ruskies to overthrown an election! McCarthy had it right after all.

I don't think they are quite comfortable enough to call themselves Socialists just yet. Perhaps in a decade or so. They want to "progress" to Democrat Socialism as if there's a big Fn difference. But like progressive, it sounds nice. It's more acceptable to people.

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