Nancy Pelosi called names, jeered CUBAN AMERICANS in Miami...

What was that Trump said about Liberal mobs?

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was hounded by a group of protesters in Florida — with some cursing and calling her a “communist.”

Video of the confrontation shows the small group of hecklers shouting obscenities and calling Pelosi (D-Calif) a communist in English and Spanish as she walks into a Wednesday campaign event for congressional hopeful Donna Shalala in Coral Gables.

“You don’t belong here you f–ing communist f-k,” one person howls. “You and your f–ing Democrats.”

When Pelosi wordlessly walks by and enters the building, the protesters start pounding on the door.

“Open up! It’s the Proud Boys in here,” one person says, referring to the far-right hate group involved in a brawl in Manhattan last weekend.

The crowd then erupts into a chant of “Socialism sucks!”
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami

Trash fake news site.
Absolutely nothing to indicate the ethnicity of that "mob".

And if you hate communism, stop letting Trump turn this country over to an ex-KGB agent, you fucking idiot.

When Trump does that I’m sure many more people will be concerned

Take the sack of your head.
Do you think DNI Chief Dan Coates has yet to learn what was said in the private meeting in Helsinki?
What part of sucking up to Putin did you miss when Trump whimpered at the podium?
This shit is right in front of your glazed, dead to reality eyes.
And fucking learn how to read something besides the posts on this asinine board.

All of Donald Trump's Ties to Russia and Putin, in 7 Charts - POLITICO ...
What is the real story of Donald Trump and Russia? The answer is still unclear, and Democrats in Congress want to get to the bottom of it with an investigation.
Russia: Trump & His Team's Ties | Congressman Eric Swalwell
Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties
Despite Russia's harmful national interests against the U.S., and its human rights violations around the world, President Trump and his team are directly and ...
Trump and the Russian mob: why the relationship is deeper than you ...
Sep 12, 2018 - The book is an impressive attempt to gather up all the evidence we have of Trump's numerous connections to the Russian mafia and ...
Russia: The 'cloud' over the Trump White House - BBC News -
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House
President Trump has repeatedly denied any collusion with Russia, calling the ... dealings with an oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Trump Russia ties | Financial Times
Trump Russia ties | Financial Times
September 20, 2018. Cohen feeds 'critical information' to Mueller on Russia. Donald Trump's former attorney speaks to special counsel about election meddling.
Sorry I tend to avoid delusional conspiracy theories

You tend to avoid the obvious, too.
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami

Trash fake news site.
Absolutely nothing to indicate the ethnicity of that "mob".

And if you hate communism, stop letting Trump turn this country over to an ex-KGB agent, you fucking idiot.

When Trump does that I’m sure many more people will be concerned

Take the sack of your head.
Do you think DNI Chief Dan Coates has yet to learn what was said in the private meeting in Helsinki?
What part of sucking up to Putin did you miss when Trump whimpered at the podium?
This shit is right in front of your glazed, dead to reality eyes.
And fucking learn how to read something besides the posts on this asinine board.

All of Donald Trump's Ties to Russia and Putin, in 7 Charts - POLITICO ...
What is the real story of Donald Trump and Russia? The answer is still unclear, and Democrats in Congress want to get to the bottom of it with an investigation.
Russia: Trump & His Team's Ties | Congressman Eric Swalwell
Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties
Despite Russia's harmful national interests against the U.S., and its human rights violations around the world, President Trump and his team are directly and ...
Trump and the Russian mob: why the relationship is deeper than you ...
Sep 12, 2018 - The book is an impressive attempt to gather up all the evidence we have of Trump's numerous connections to the Russian mafia and ...
Russia: The 'cloud' over the Trump White House - BBC News -
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House
President Trump has repeatedly denied any collusion with Russia, calling the ... dealings with an oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Trump Russia ties | Financial Times
Trump Russia ties | Financial Times
September 20, 2018. Cohen feeds 'critical information' to Mueller on Russia. Donald Trump's former attorney speaks to special counsel about election meddling.
Sorry I tend to avoid delusional conspiracy theories

You tend to avoid the obvious, too.

You don't approve of the tactics used on Pelosi?
I fully understand, I understand it's not an excuse to be a freaking criminal. It's as simple as that.

How are they a criminal?

It's called simple assault and disturbing the peace. Look it up.

Were they arrested? I watched and didn’t see any violent attack, someone yelling for her to get the fk out of his neighborhood, they didn’t want a socialist there. Good for them. I’ll agree to disagree with you

Disturbing the Peace, yes, usually if someone files a complaint. I'm guessing that no one at the Cuban restaurant complained about some Cubans being there.
Simple Assault? Barely I think. Yelling at someone is just a bit of a stretch to make a charge of simple assault of. BTW, were any of the people at the Red Hen with Sarah Huck Sanders, or any of the several other people chased out of dining establishments told they were not wanted there ever charged with anything? If so, I never heard of it.

AFAICT, the guys in the video were simply exercising their right to protest. The Left calls it freedom of speech. Their Antifa exercise it all the time.

Conservative speech is called violence, regressive violence is call speech by the media, do you really want to be like them?


Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""

How are they a criminal?

It's called simple assault and disturbing the peace. Look it up.

Were they arrested? I watched and didn’t see any violent attack, someone yelling for her to get the fk out of his neighborhood, they didn’t want a socialist there. Good for them. I’ll agree to disagree with you

Disturbing the Peace, yes, usually if someone files a complaint. I'm guessing that no one at the Cuban restaurant complained about some Cubans being there.
Simple Assault? Barely I think. Yelling at someone is just a bit of a stretch to make a charge of simple assault of. BTW, were any of the people at the Red Hen with Sarah Huck Sanders, or any of the several other people chased out of dining establishments told they were not wanted there ever charged with anything? If so, I never heard of it.

AFAICT, the guys in the video were simply exercising their right to protest. The Left calls it freedom of speech. Their Antifa exercise it all the time.

Conservative speech is called violence, regressive violence is call speech by the media, do you really want to be like them?


Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""


You don't approve of the tactics used on Pelosi?
It was wrong when democrat thugs did it to Presidential staff and it is STILL wrong when people do it to Democrats.
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami

Trash fake news site.
Absolutely nothing to indicate the ethnicity of that "mob".

And if you hate communism, stop letting Trump turn this country over to an ex-KGB agent, you fucking idiot.

When Trump does that I’m sure many more people will be concerned

Take the sack of your head.
Do you think DNI Chief Dan Coates has yet to learn what was said in the private meeting in Helsinki?
What part of sucking up to Putin did you miss when Trump whimpered at the podium?
This shit is right in front of your glazed, dead to reality eyes.
And fucking learn how to read something besides the posts on this asinine board.

All of Donald Trump's Ties to Russia and Putin, in 7 Charts - POLITICO ...
What is the real story of Donald Trump and Russia? The answer is still unclear, and Democrats in Congress want to get to the bottom of it with an investigation.
Russia: Trump & His Team's Ties | Congressman Eric Swalwell
Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties
Despite Russia's harmful national interests against the U.S., and its human rights violations around the world, President Trump and his team are directly and ...
Trump and the Russian mob: why the relationship is deeper than you ...
Sep 12, 2018 - The book is an impressive attempt to gather up all the evidence we have of Trump's numerous connections to the Russian mafia and ...
Russia: The 'cloud' over the Trump White House - BBC News -
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House
President Trump has repeatedly denied any collusion with Russia, calling the ... dealings with an oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Trump Russia ties | Financial Times
Trump Russia ties | Financial Times
September 20, 2018. Cohen feeds 'critical information' to Mueller on Russia. Donald Trump's former attorney speaks to special counsel about election meddling.
Sorry I tend to avoid delusional conspiracy theories

You tend to avoid the obvious, too.

Sorry, there is nothing obvious about your wild conspiracy theory that Putin threw the election to Trump to turn the US back into an economic powerhouse and to call our NATO allies to step up in funding their mutual defense against Russia.

Only a moron thinks Russia wants a stronger US and NATO
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami

Trash fake news site.
Absolutely nothing to indicate the ethnicity of that "mob".

And if you hate communism, stop letting Trump turn this country over to an ex-KGB agent, you fucking idiot.

You don't approve of the tactics used on Pelosi?
When Trump does that I’m sure many more people will be concerned

Take the sack of your head.
Do you think DNI Chief Dan Coates has yet to learn what was said in the private meeting in Helsinki?
What part of sucking up to Putin did you miss when Trump whimpered at the podium?
This shit is right in front of your glazed, dead to reality eyes.
And fucking learn how to read something besides the posts on this asinine board.

All of Donald Trump's Ties to Russia and Putin, in 7 Charts - POLITICO ...
What is the real story of Donald Trump and Russia? The answer is still unclear, and Democrats in Congress want to get to the bottom of it with an investigation.
Russia: Trump & His Team's Ties | Congressman Eric Swalwell
Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties
Despite Russia's harmful national interests against the U.S., and its human rights violations around the world, President Trump and his team are directly and ...
Trump and the Russian mob: why the relationship is deeper than you ...
Sep 12, 2018 - The book is an impressive attempt to gather up all the evidence we have of Trump's numerous connections to the Russian mafia and ...
Russia: The 'cloud' over the Trump White House - BBC News -
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House
President Trump has repeatedly denied any collusion with Russia, calling the ... dealings with an oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Trump Russia ties | Financial Times
Trump Russia ties | Financial Times
September 20, 2018. Cohen feeds 'critical information' to Mueller on Russia. Donald Trump's former attorney speaks to special counsel about election meddling.
Sorry I tend to avoid delusional conspiracy theories

You tend to avoid the obvious, too.
How are they a criminal?

It's called simple assault and disturbing the peace. Look it up.

Were they arrested? I watched and didn’t see any violent attack, someone yelling for her to get the fk out of his neighborhood, they didn’t want a socialist there. Good for them. I’ll agree to disagree with you

Disturbing the Peace, yes, usually if someone files a complaint. I'm guessing that no one at the Cuban restaurant complained about some Cubans being there.
Simple Assault? Barely I think. Yelling at someone is just a bit of a stretch to make a charge of simple assault of. BTW, were any of the people at the Red Hen with Sarah Huck Sanders, or any of the several other people chased out of dining establishments told they were not wanted there ever charged with anything? If so, I never heard of it.

AFAICT, the guys in the video were simply exercising their right to protest. The Left calls it freedom of speech. Their Antifa exercise it all the time.

Conservative speech is called violence, regressive violence is call speech by the media, do you really want to be like them?


Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""


What exactly is your point here?
Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""


A free man/woman.
How are they a criminal?

It's called simple assault and disturbing the peace. Look it up.

Were they arrested? I watched and didn’t see any violent attack, someone yelling for her to get the fk out of his neighborhood, they didn’t want a socialist there. Good for them. I’ll agree to disagree with you

Disturbing the Peace, yes, usually if someone files a complaint. I'm guessing that no one at the Cuban restaurant complained about some Cubans being there.
Simple Assault? Barely I think. Yelling at someone is just a bit of a stretch to make a charge of simple assault of. BTW, were any of the people at the Red Hen with Sarah Huck Sanders, or any of the several other people chased out of dining establishments told they were not wanted there ever charged with anything? If so, I never heard of it.

AFAICT, the guys in the video were simply exercising their right to protest. The Left calls it freedom of speech. Their Antifa exercise it all the time.

Conservative speech is called violence, regressive violence is call speech by the media, do you really want to be like them?


Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?
Just answer the question.
Oh wait, I will do it for you: Merriam Webster: "To understand the word regressive, it's helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive."""


Simple question: what is the word for the opposite of progressive?

this thread has already been done and ran its course this last week....
Of course your kind would say it's run it's course.

It hasn't.

Republicans are a dangerous mob.

They kill people by driving cars into a group of people.

They promote the murder of gays.

They elected a president who is on the side of attacking journalists.

They want police to attack people being arrested.

These are dangerous and bad racist white nationalists. We have to defeat them.
Pelosi is looking forward to being Speaker of the House again.
Hey dumb shit! What are you going to do in 2021? When your stupid screen name is waitingfor2020? Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahheeehheeehheeehhahahahah
In 2012 that Stalinist democrats had a bad year. They lost the house and they lost the Senate.
I thought they lost the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014.

In 2020 Trump will win reelection. The Nazicrats will lose their shit.
I'm cautiously guarded and don't like counting my eggs too quickly, but if Hillary is the best/all the Left has to run, you just might be right. But then, Hillary might win just because she's a woman and might get the pity vote from everyone just sorry to see her keep losing. :p

Yeah, that is correct.
What was that Trump said about Liberal mobs?

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was hounded by a group of protesters in Florida — with some cursing and calling her a “communist.”

Video of the confrontation shows the small group of hecklers shouting obscenities and calling Pelosi (D-Calif) a communist in English and Spanish as she walks into a Wednesday campaign event for congressional hopeful Donna Shalala in Coral Gables.

“You don’t belong here you f–ing communist f-k,” one person howls. “You and your f–ing Democrats.”

When Pelosi wordlessly walks by and enters the building, the protesters start pounding on the door.

“Open up! It’s the Proud Boys in here,” one person says, referring to the far-right hate group involved in a brawl in Manhattan last weekend.

The crowd then erupts into a chant of “Socialism sucks!”

Diners confront Mitch McConnell at restaurant, get told to ‘leave him alone’ by others

I await your outrage....
this thread has already been done and ran its course this last week....
Of course your kind would say it's run it's course.

It hasn't.

Republicans are a dangerous mob.

They kill people by driving cars into a group of people.

They promote the murder of gays.

They elected a president who is on the side of attacking journalists.

They want police to attack people being arrested.

These are dangerous and bad racist white nationalists. We have to defeat them.
your kind are pretty dangerous too....of course your kind wont see that.....and you are right,we have to defeat the far right....but we also have to defeat that mob you belong to....
What was that Trump said about Liberal mobs?

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was hounded by a group of protesters in Florida — with some cursing and calling her a “communist.”

Video of the confrontation shows the small group of hecklers shouting obscenities and calling Pelosi (D-Calif) a communist in English and Spanish as she walks into a Wednesday campaign event for congressional hopeful Donna Shalala in Coral Gables.

“You don’t belong here you f–ing communist f-k,” one person howls. “You and your f–ing Democrats.”

When Pelosi wordlessly walks by and enters the building, the protesters start pounding on the door.

“Open up! It’s the Proud Boys in here,” one person says, referring to the far-right hate group involved in a brawl in Manhattan last weekend.

The crowd then erupts into a chant of “Socialism sucks!”

Well she is a Communist and she is a pile of shit.

You Nazis ended civil society - reap what you have sown.
Here's a Republican leader repudiating the protesters:

The protest led by the Miami GOP against Nancy Pelosi is drawing criticism even from the conservative Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio:

Marco Rubio on Twitter:
You are not helping the cause of anti-communism if you behave like the repudiation mobs Castro has long used in Cuba. Not sure who was behind this behavior but you should have protested Pelosi campaign stop without borrowing the tactics of left wing mobs. …

Name some Democrat leaders who do the same. We'll wait. :)

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