Nancy Pelosi called names, jeered CUBAN AMERICANS in Miami...

I wonder where people get off calling pelosi a commie or socialist. She's probably more fiscally conscious than most republicans who can't wait to jack up the debt. Happens every time republicans get in power. Not that I'm a pelosi fan with her 'pay go' rules.
Liberal Dictionary:
Fiscally conscious - Tax and spend.

When have Democrats ever cut spending, asshole?
I wonder where people get off calling pelosi a commie or socialist. She's probably more fiscally conscious than most republicans who can't wait to jack up the debt. Happens every time republicans get in power. Not that I'm a pelosi fan with her 'pay go' rules.
She's a commie..or at least is preaching communism in order to establish a foreign totalitarian regime in place of our government.

Nancy is pushing 80 years old! No one is still in national headline politics at that age, rich as all get out, without some sort of agenda or need on their mind more important to them than their own life, otherwise they'd be off enjoying it somewhere.
I condemn them too. Nobody should engage in that type of behavior, particularly at a restaurant.

This incident was not at a restaurant, but if you watched the video, these fucking "conservative voters" were far more aggressive than anybody at the Little Red Hen or the D.C. restaurant where Cruz was heckled.
These assholes were pounding on Pelosi's door.

Damn, such a drama queen, I don't think the door felt a thing. LMAO

Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami
Paid by Republiscum candidates!

Republican House Candidates Pay Protesters To Violently Disrupt Nancy Pelosi Event

A story written by a left wing nut who got paid to make up a story. No facts no nothing, just an opinion and then nothing to back up is accusation. How much dine get paid for the story?
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami
Paid by Republiscum candidates!

Republican House Candidates Pay Protesters To Violently Disrupt Nancy Pelosi Event

A story written by a left wing nut who got paid to make up a story. No facts no nothing, just an opinion and then nothing to back up is accusation. How much dine get paid for the story?
Pelosi is looking forward to being Speaker of the House again.
Hey dumb shit! What are you going to do in 2021? When your stupid screen name is waitingfor2020? Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahheeehheeehheeehhahahahah

In 2020 Trump will win reelection. The Nazicrats will lose their shit.

In 2012 that Stalinist democrats had a bad year. They lost the house and they lost the Senate. BUT they still had the presidency and most importantly, the courts, where democrats make laws.

But now the fascist pig democrats have lost the presidency AND THE COURTS. They will be insane until such a time as they gain power again, or until their filth is so discredited that they give up their dream of putting blue plastic bags over our heads and throwing us into ditches.
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami
Paid by Republiscum candidates!

Republican House Candidates Pay Protesters To Violently Disrupt Nancy Pelosi Event

A story written by a left wing nut who got paid to make up a story. No facts no nothing, just an opinion and then nothing to back up is accusation. How much dine get paid for the story?

What do you fail to grasp? Jason Easly is a fucking liar. He offers not a shred or hint of evidence to support his slander and libel. As an MSNPC Nazi, he knows he can just fucking lie and no one will call him on it.
Pelosi is looking forward to being Speaker of the House again.
Hey dumb shit! What are you going to do in 2021? When your stupid screen name is waitingfor2020? Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahheeehheeehheeehhahahahah
In 2012 that Stalinist democrats had a bad year. They lost the house and they lost the Senate.
I thought they lost the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014.

In 2020 Trump will win reelection. The Nazicrats will lose their shit.
I'm cautiously guarded and don't like counting my eggs too quickly, but if Hillary is the best/all the Left has to run, you just might be right. But then, Hillary might win just because she's a woman and might get the pity vote from everyone just sorry to see her keep losing. :p
I wonder where people get off calling pelosi a commie or socialist. She's probably more fiscally conscious than most republicans who can't wait to jack up the debt. Happens every time republicans get in power. Not that I'm a pelosi fan with her 'pay go' rules.
Liberal Dictionary:
Fiscally conscious - Tax and spend.

When have Democrats ever cut spending, asshole?

When DumBama was President. He greatly weakened our national defense by cutting spending on our military.
I wonder where people get off calling pelosi a commie or socialist. She's probably more fiscally conscious than most republicans who can't wait to jack up the debt. Happens every time republicans get in power. Not that I'm a pelosi fan with her 'pay go' rules.

The US Communist Party endorsed the last three Democrat presidential candidates plus Bernie Sanders who they heavily supported.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like s duck.........
Both sides have been violent. It’s delusional to believe otherwise...

Actually, no they have not.
The incidents that have occurred in the last few months have been people shouting at politicians.
No bodily harm.
But there was violence in Charlottesville, and it would NOT have happened had the Nazis just stayed home and burned their tiki torches in the own fucking backyards.
1. Unite the Right are not nazis--please provide their manifesto to prove that they are
2. anti-Trumpers TORTURED a mentally disabled person
yelled "F*** Trump!" and "F*** white people!"
4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
3. now you are saying Americans do not have the right to peacefully protest/march--YOU are the nazi

1. Why don't you prove they are not by posting their manifesto. Too chicken?
2. Rhetorical bullshit with no proof
3. 3 violent teenage attackers high on crack are not representatives of the DNC
4. They didn't peacefully protest in Charlottesville, asshole. They surrounded the counter-protestors and attacked them.
5. You're a fucking idiot. David Duke was extremely pleased with Charlottesville.

And if your armed and armored counter protesters had stayed home there would have been no violence. Tell us little child, what peaceful protesters show up with improvised flame throwers? You don't have an intellectually honest bone in your little commie body, you're nothing but a propagandist hack.

I wonder where people get off calling pelosi a commie or socialist. She's probably more fiscally conscious than most republicans who can't wait to jack up the debt. Happens every time republicans get in power. Not that I'm a pelosi fan with her 'pay go' rules.

LOL, If you want to know more about her look into interest in Tuna. She has padded her interests there into millions by exempting her company from minimum wage laws.
I agree, but there is more to the story because of who they are! I stand behind them

Would you care to share?

Sure, they left Cuba to get away from people like her!

Then they need to vote, not assault people.

They will. If you can’t understand that’s on you. I get it. All one has to remember are the boats full of refugees in the gulf sacrificing their lives to get away from people like her. Death of family because of people like her. There’s no forgiveness. We are ten times more human then them

I fully understand, I understand it's not an excuse to be a freaking criminal. It's as simple as that.

How are they a criminal?
I wonder where people get off calling pelosi a commie or socialist. She's probably more fiscally conscious than most republicans who can't wait to jack up the debt. Happens every time republicans get in power. Not that I'm a pelosi fan with her 'pay go' rules.
Obammy care
Can we stop this nonsense? I don’t like her at all but we shouldn’t encourage mobs to target politicians.

Someone is going to get hurt
Then the elites on both sides should say stop! I haven’t heard anyone. It has to come from there first and it started on the left and I keep hearing calls from the elites on the left, especially Pelosi who just shot off her mouth!
Would you care to share?

Sure, they left Cuba to get away from people like her!

Then they need to vote, not assault people.

They will. If you can’t understand that’s on you. I get it. All one has to remember are the boats full of refugees in the gulf sacrificing their lives to get away from people like her. Death of family because of people like her. There’s no forgiveness. We are ten times more human then them

I fully understand, I understand it's not an excuse to be a freaking criminal. It's as simple as that.

How are they a criminal?

It's called simple assault and disturbing the peace. Look it up.

Sure, they left Cuba to get away from people like her!

Then they need to vote, not assault people.

They will. If you can’t understand that’s on you. I get it. All one has to remember are the boats full of refugees in the gulf sacrificing their lives to get away from people like her. Death of family because of people like her. There’s no forgiveness. We are ten times more human then them

I fully understand, I understand it's not an excuse to be a freaking criminal. It's as simple as that.

How are they a criminal?

It's called simple assault and disturbing the peace. Look it up.

Were they arrested? I watched and didn’t see any violent attack, someone yelling for her to get the fk out of his neighborhood, they didn’t want a socialist there. Good for them. I’ll agree to disagree with you

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