Nancy Pelosi called names, jeered CUBAN AMERICANS in Miami...

I am sure most of you here are aware of what nancy belowsi

said about collateral damage, unless of course you get

your news through liberal media…..

I really do hate to see all of this but I love seeing that

COMMIE BITCH getting a taste of her own medicine.


Like the OP I could watch this a thousand times….

Can’t wait til that alligator face maxine sewer waters gets her ugly face dunked in it……….

Mad Max would piss her panties if she was ever approached by people like this. Democrats can dish it out but they can't take it. And just wait until it escalates into violence as it has with the left attacking people on the right. Wall-to-wall media coverage and they won't lay the blame on one Democrat.

Nancy is in your dreams. Beotch! Admit it!

Really........that's all you got? Pathetic.
Pelosi is a traitor, she has sided with invading hoards of illegals who KILL and RAPE American citizens. She's lucky they didn't tar and feather her.

More histrionics.
Is it your time of month?


The left will be destroyed while we are MAGA!

Pelosi is looking forward to being Speaker of the House again.
The new House is looking forward to moving quickly on Trump for violations of the emoluments clause and impeachment proceedings before the damage he is causing becomes permanent.

Luaghing animated .gif
Trump supporters would not scream commie at her...we are not the unhinged...they are...we are winning...they are losing...

I don't buy it for a second....
Don't believe what the leftist fake press tells you. The reality is that free people hate communism, they hate communists, and they want those who are destroying our country imprisoned. Just because we obey the law and don't physically attack or throw urine or feces doesn't mean we don't take it seriously.

The left is packaging a false reality and selling it as the real thing. The reality is that Democrats are officially the enemies of this country. They are traitors, liars, shills, thieves. And outside the tiny liberal bubbles of our biggest cities, this is how people view them.

Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami
Paid by Republiscum candidates!

Republican House Candidates Pay Protesters To Violently Disrupt Nancy Pelosi Event
You don't read very well. It doesn't state that they were paid. It alleges they were paid with absolutely no back up to support it.
IOW, more back up than Donnie Dirtbag had for his claim that rapist drunk Kavanaugh protesters were paid.

It actually names the two Republiscum candidates who paid for the mob of TrumpThugs.
From the link.
Republican House candidates are said to have paid the protesters to disrupt the event:

View image on Twitter

Michael Austin@mike_austin_jr

Replying to @taveljimena and 2 others

It’s not fair to them — and to the many who want us to hold Trump accountable. And this is a photo I saw online. @carloslcurbelo and @MaElviraSalazar paid Proud Boy protesters to organize this protest. It’s disgraceful.

9:37 PM - Oct 17, 2018
You really are stupid. No evidence to support the claim made by a partisan hack.
OK, how about the Miami GOP GOP chairman Nelson Diaz leading the riot by the "Proud Boys."

Video by Miami Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio depicts Miami GOP Chairman Nelson Diaz leading a mob of angry Republicans demanding that a Democratic campaign office “open up” during a visit by the House Minority Leader.

Only snowflakes. Care. No different that the democrats. Try to be honest. Politics is a tough business. Suck it up.

Hahaha...FUCKING AWESOME! I love it...thanks for sharing.
Damn, maybe I do like some wetbacks after all.
The twisted dumb muthafuckers begged for an all out brawl, now they’ve got it and the nutless cowards are crying like bitches as they get their asses handed to them and bitch-slapped daily. Hahaha
Get use to it filth. IT’S ON!

Oh yeah, those violent Democratic mobs....Uh-huh....Yeah, right.
Here's the Trumpers calling Pelosi a piece of shit and banging on her door.
Neanderthal pigs.
Fucking their core.

Oh, and let's not forget that Trump approves of body-slamming reporters.
Trump says he has no regrets about praising congressman for assaulting reporter - CNNPolitics

Trump cultists, I hope you choke on Donald's Kool Aid.

This is outrageous!!!!
Only left-wingers are allowed to act rudely.
BREAKING: Protester tries to drive Mitch McConnel out of restaurant, other restaurant patrons defend McConnel and drive out the protester who loses his shit throwing food as he flees. :auiqs.jpg: You know Dem's have lost the American people when they start defending McConnel :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I guess WE THE PEOPLE have ha enough of democrap shit... That tells me the upcoming election is going to be a land slide and it wont be fore dimwits..
People are overall decent. Once they realize what demoncrats are, they turn. It's hard to get them to open their eyes...they have been brainwashed and continue to be brainwashed in schools and via the media...but it is getting harder and harder to pretend not to notice what the lefties are up to.

What we have is a big population of brainwashed useful idiots that were supposed to get Hillary into office...and then there would have been the overnight transformation into a communist police state, and the useful idiots would have been more or less slaughtered.

The commies missed the boat (thank you Trump) so now what you're seeing is what happens when useful idiots are not sufficiently useful to get their commie god or goddess into power. We don't kill them, because we believe in the law an the Constitution. See the useful idiots who are purged by marxists are the ones who see, too late, what they have been a part of. So there is a population of people who are realizing it...and instead of being slaughtered, they will help us reset or country back to lawfulness.

Dem's control of the media has let them lie and spew a biased narrative for decades. Trump has destroyed that advantage, its now a level playing field and the Dem's are losing.

Look at it this way: the Democrats keep saying the Left is winning but would they be some damned angry and miserable if they were winning?
Trump supporters would not scream commie at her...we are not the unhinged...they are...we are winning...they are losing...

I don't buy it for a second....

I think the judgment on that is how the MSM handles it. This is the first Ive heard of this, and somebody else started a topic on this two days ago.

I believe that if it was staged, the MSM would be plastering this wall to wall, and so far, I've heard little about it. If Piglosi wanted this to go viral, she would have called the extension of the Democrat party--the MSM, and told them to make sure it gets great coverage.
I think the judgment on that is how the MSM handles it. This is the first Ive heard of this, and somebody else started a topic on this two days ago.

I believe that if it was staged, the MSM would be plastering this wall to wall, and so far, I've heard little about it. If Piglosi wanted this to go viral, she would have called the extension of the Democrat party--the MSM, and told them to make sure it gets great coverage
I think the MSM suspects what I suspect and are staying clear of it....they know Pelosi and her tactics very well...just my hunch....
This is true. It is also the first time I’ve seen Republicans mob a Democrat or liberal figure.
How quick the Right pretends to forget the corporate sponsored "Brooks Brothers" Gore election recount riot mob flown in to Florida to violently stop the recount.

Again, not a fan of any protest the obstructs, gets physical, or otherwise infringes on others’ rights. If members of the right initiated these activities to cause a riot, my message applies to them as well. While you are at it, please site similar instances initiated by the Right.
Exactly, no reason for us to commit their crimes. And yes, to deprive a citizen of their liberty to move about freely is a crime. It's not a protest, it's assault.

I agree, but there is more to the story because of who they are! I stand behind them

Would you care to share?

Sure, they left Cuba to get away from people like her!

Then they need to vote, not assault people.

They will. If you can’t understand that’s on you. I get it. All one has to remember are the boats full of refugees in the gulf sacrificing their lives to get away from people like her. Death of family because of people like her. There’s no forgiveness. We are ten times more human then them

I fully understand, I understand it's not an excuse to be a freaking criminal. It's as simple as that.


Oh yeah, those violent Democratic mobs....Uh-huh....Yeah, right.
Here's the Trumpers calling Pelosi a piece of shit and banging on her door.
Neanderthal pigs.
Fucking their core.

Oh, and let's not forget that Trump approves of body-slamming reporters.
Trump says he has no regrets about praising congressman for assaulting reporter - CNNPolitics

Trump cultists, I hope you choke on Donald's Kool Aid.

Hahaha karma is a bitch huh!

I hope she wet herself with fright.

Oh yeah, those violent Democratic mobs....Uh-huh....Yeah, right.
Here's the Trumpers calling Pelosi a piece of shit and banging on her door.
Neanderthal pigs.
Fucking their core.

Oh, and let's not forget that Trump approves of body-slamming reporters.
Trump says he has no regrets about praising congressman for assaulting reporter - CNNPolitics

Trump cultists, I hope you choke on Donald's Kool Aid.

Hahaha karma is a bitch huh!

I hope she wet herself with fright.

She wasn't afraid because she knows and counts upon the civility of the right. Leftists view it as weakness. That's the whole *civility* thing they have going right now.

They call for violence and vandalism..and they count on us to not do the same.
I wonder where people get off calling pelosi a commie or socialist. She's probably more fiscally conscious than most republicans who can't wait to jack up the debt. Happens every time republicans get in power. Not that I'm a pelosi fan with her 'pay go' rules.
I wonder where people get off calling pelosi a commie or socialist. She's probably more fiscally conscious than most republicans who can't wait to jack up the debt. Happens every time republicans get in power. Not that I'm a pelosi fan with her 'pay go' rules.
She's a commie..or at least is preaching communism in order to establish a foreign totalitarian regime in place of our government.
Can we stop this nonsense? I don’t like her at all but we shouldn’t encourage mobs to target politicians.

Someone is going to get hurt
It is one thing to defend oneself from the is another thing to start it and do as they do.

Americans are becoming disgusted by the actions of the left..............Let them destroy is what they are doing.

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