Nancy Pelosi Calls Border Crisis An Opportunity


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The only opportunity I see is for Democrats to water down American's vote with millions of new illegal votes.

No lady, this is all about stealing elections.

BROWNSVILLE, Texas, June 29 (UPI) --House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the "crisis" of thousands of unaccompanied minors who have attempted to cross the border and are currently being held in Texas is an "opportunity" for the United States.

During a visit Saturday to the Texas border with Mexico, she said now is the time for the United States to show its values.

"This is a community with a border going through it. And this crisis -- that some call a crisis -- we have to view as an opportunity," Pelosi said.

She said the children should be moved into better conditions.

"What we just saw was so stunning. If you believe as we do that every child, that every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was [a] dazzling, sparkling array of God's children, worthy of respect. So ... we have to use the crisis — that some view as a crisis, and it does have crisis qualities — as an opportunity to show who we are as Americans, that we do respect people for their divinity and worth," she said.

Meanwhile, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said Saturday up to 2,000 of the unaccompanied immigrant children will be transferred to Dallas by the end of July.

"We cannot turn our back on the children that are already here," he said.

The children are likely to be housed in former schools and hospitals, which can be transformed into dormitories. He said the children will stay in the county for at least 120 days, though the average stay will be 21 days.

Jenkins said only federal funds will be used to take care of the children.

"It's not a partisan issue," he said. "It's a humanitarian issue. It's about being compassionate to children."

Read more: Nancy Pelosi says immigration crisis at border an 'opportunity' to show values -

The only opportunity I see is for Democrats to water down American's vote with millions of new illegal votes.

No lady, this is all about stealing elections.

BROWNSVILLE, Texas, June 29 (UPI) --House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the "crisis" of thousands of unaccompanied minors who have attempted to cross the border and are currently being held in Texas is an "opportunity" for the United States.

During a visit Saturday to the Texas border with Mexico, she said now is the time for the United States to show its values.

"This is a community with a border going through it. And this crisis -- that some call a crisis -- we have to view as an opportunity," Pelosi said.

She said the children should be moved into better conditions.

"What we just saw was so stunning. If you believe as we do that every child, that every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was [a] dazzling, sparkling array of God's children, worthy of respect. So ... we have to use the crisis — that some view as a crisis, and it does have crisis qualities — as an opportunity to show who we are as Americans, that we do respect people for their divinity and worth," she said.

Meanwhile, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said Saturday up to 2,000 of the unaccompanied immigrant children will be transferred to Dallas by the end of July.

"We cannot turn our back on the children that are already here," he said.

The children are likely to be housed in former schools and hospitals, which can be transformed into dormitories. He said the children will stay in the county for at least 120 days, though the average stay will be 21 days.

Jenkins said only federal funds will be used to take care of the children.

"It's not a partisan issue," he said. "It's a humanitarian issue. It's about being compassionate to children."

Read more: Nancy Pelosi says immigration crisis at border an 'opportunity' to show values -

What a sponge who is trying to suck up anything left of the America we grew up in.

LMAO the Dems who support the millionaires thinking 'they really care about me'. :lol:

"What we just saw was so stunning. If you believe as we do that every child, that every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was [a] dazzling, sparkling array of God's children, worthy of respect. So ... we have to use the crisis — that some view as a crisis, and it does have crisis qualities — as an opportunity to show who we are as Americans, that we do respect people for their divinity and worth," she said

What's wrong with what she said? Just because you hate her doesn't mean you have to interpret everything she says into something opportunistic and political.
LMAO the Dems who support the millionaires thinking 'they really care about me'. :lol:


And you think the Republicans who vote for millionaires and billionaires over the working class poor and middle class truly care about you?
LMAO the Dems who support the millionaires thinking 'they really care about me'. :lol:


And you think the Republicans who vote for millionaires and billionaires over the working class poor and middle class truly care about you?

No, but at least when the Pubs are done there is something still left that resembles America.

Obama, not so much


Nancy Pelosi is just about the most un-American individual on Capitol Hill. Remember this is the dim wit who claimed tea party rally members spit on her when she and other members of Congress locked arms and walked into the crowd gathered at the capital steps. Playing the race card for liberal media to eat up back in 2010. (I think that was the year, could of been 2009).
Pelosi is an opportunist. She's not bright enough to not show her cards and tends to say stupid things when the cameras are on her.

In her rush to take credit she gave away the entire plan that Democrats hatched to steal elections. This is why they want open borders, so that non-English speaking illegals can flood into Red states and change the Demographic make up of the electorate. By flooding states with uneducated low information voters, they are not only assuring they will win every election, but they are decimating the economy and the wage scales of those states.

California is a prime example. Ever wonder why a state that has a massive tax code yet wage stagnation continues to vote Democrat?

Why is living in California so expensive yet wages are so low?

Because of the constant flood of new illegals taking all of the jobs.

Democrats are screwing the very people that support them the most, blacks and others that are below the poverty level.
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All them Democrat voters should be real pleased how their party cares more of Illegal immigrants over them...

You citizens can fight the Illegals over what there little jobs there is...Democrats don't care all they see is new voters

they walk all over you and you cheer them like heros
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Republicans are worried about illegal aliens voting, although they can't seem to come up with any evidence that they do. On the other hand,they don't mind corporations being made citizens and allowed to participate in our democratic process by buying politicians. Maybe we should ask corporations for their birth certificates too? Maybe they're illegal aliens.
Nancy Pelosi is just about the most un-American individual on Capitol Hill. Remember this is the dim wit who claimed tea party rally members spit on her when she and other members of Congress locked arms and walked into the crowd gathered at the capital steps. Playing the race card for liberal media to eat up back in 2010. (I think that was the year, could of been 2009).

How about when paul ryan and some other republican politicians met with private citizens such as newt gingrich to figure out how to sabotage Obama's presidency on the day of his first inauguration. If what Pelosi does is unamerican, then so wasn't what ryan did unamerican too? Or is it just republican good, democrat bad, period?
Republicans are worried about illegal aliens voting, although they can't seem to come up with any evidence that they do. On the other hand,they don't mind corporations being made citizens and allowed to participate in our democratic process by buying politicians. Maybe we should ask corporations for their birth certificates too? Maybe they're illegal aliens.

These "refugees" aren't being classified as illegals.
Besides, all they need is a driver's license to vote, or a utility bill to register.

This is why California just signed into law illegal drivers laws. It's done. Washington and Oregon already have their laws in place.
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"What we just saw was so stunning. If you believe as we do that every child, that every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was [a] dazzling, sparkling array of God's children, worthy of respect. So ... we have to use the crisis — that some view as a crisis, and it does have crisis qualities — as an opportunity to show who we are as Americans, that we do respect people for their divinity and worth," she said

What's wrong with what she said? Just because you hate her doesn't mean you have to interpret everything she says into something opportunistic and political.

Just because everything she says is politically opportunistic people rightfully hate her.
Pelosi is an opportunist. She's not bright enough to not show her cards and tends to say stupid things when the cameras are on her.

In her rush to take credit she gave away the entire plan that Democrats hatched to steal elections. This is why they want open borders, so that non-English speaking illegals can flood into Red states and change the Demographic make up of the electorate. By flooding states with uneducated low information voters, they are not only assuring they will win every election, but they are decimating the economy and the wage scales of those states.

California is a prime example. Ever wonder why a state that has a massive tax code yet wage stagnation continues to vote Democrat?

Why is living in California so expensive yet wages are so low?

Because of the constant flood of new illegals taking all of the jobs.

Democrats are screwing the very people that support them the most, blacks and others that are below the poverty level.

around me they are mostly part time jobs and minimum wage jobs....i doubt very much if they are any really decent George Lopez said....."if an Illegal takes your must not have been a very good one"....
Pelosi is an opportunist. She's not bright enough to not show her cards and tends to say stupid things when the cameras are on her.

In her rush to take credit she gave away the entire plan that Democrats hatched to steal elections. This is why they want open borders, so that non-English speaking illegals can flood into Red states and change the Demographic make up of the electorate. By flooding states with uneducated low information voters, they are not only assuring they will win every election, but they are decimating the economy and the wage scales of those states.

California is a prime example. Ever wonder why a state that has a massive tax code yet wage stagnation continues to vote Democrat?

Why is living in California so expensive yet wages are so low?

Because of the constant flood of new illegals taking all of the jobs.

Democrats are screwing the very people that support them the most, blacks and others that are below the poverty level.

Gingrich has said stupid things, as did Foley; both men had both skill and brains as Speaker, Boehner and Pelosi had, and have, extra money to share, the key to their "success".
Pelosi is an opportunist. She's not bright enough to not show her cards and tends to say stupid things when the cameras are on her.

In her rush to take credit she gave away the entire plan that Democrats hatched to steal elections. This is why they want open borders, so that non-English speaking illegals can flood into Red states and change the Demographic make up of the electorate. By flooding states with uneducated low information voters, they are not only assuring they will win every election, but they are decimating the economy and the wage scales of those states.

California is a prime example. Ever wonder why a state that has a massive tax code yet wage stagnation continues to vote Democrat?

Why is living in California so expensive yet wages are so low?

Because of the constant flood of new illegals taking all of the jobs.

Democrats are screwing the very people that support them the most, blacks and others that are below the poverty level.

around me they are mostly part time jobs and minimum wage jobs....i doubt very much if they are any really decent George Lopez said....."if an Illegal takes your must not have been a very good one"....

I guess you only take the best jobs.

When I left the military I still had a family to feed.

Some of us took shitty jobs so we could earn money while we were looking for a better one.

I also worked in construction, in which illegals many times took away much of the work we could have been doing.

Then there's jobs that H.S. kids could be doing but instead are playing video games. Or jobs college kids take during the Summer painting houses and such.

However, in a state like CA where there is a glut in low paid workers, the wage scale is terrible. Yet Obama acts like he's doing everyone a favor by bringing all of these hundreds of thousands of people in. Son of a Bitch deserves an asswhiping, or the numbnut jackoffs that believe his horseshit do.

Seriously, you need to open your mind a little bit.
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The only opportunity I see is for Democrats to water down American's vote with millions of new illegal votes.

No lady, this is all about stealing elections.
BROWNSVILLE, Texas, June 29 (UPI) --House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the "crisis" of thousands of unaccompanied minors who have attempted to cross the border and are currently being held in Texas is an "opportunity" for the United States.

During a visit Saturday to the Texas border with Mexico, she said now is the time for the United States to show its values.

"This is a community with a border going through it. And this crisis -- that some call a crisis -- we have to view as an opportunity," Pelosi said.

She said the children should be moved into better conditions.

"What we just saw was so stunning. If you believe as we do that every child, that every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was [a] dazzling, sparkling array of God's children, worthy of respect. So ... we have to use the crisis — that some view as a crisis, and it does have crisis qualities — as an opportunity to show who we are as Americans, that we do respect people for their divinity and worth," she said.

Meanwhile, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said Saturday up to 2,000 of the unaccompanied immigrant children will be transferred to Dallas by the end of July.

"We cannot turn our back on the children that are already here," he said.

The children are likely to be housed in former schools and hospitals, which can be transformed into dormitories. He said the children will stay in the county for at least 120 days, though the average stay will be 21 days.

Jenkins said only federal funds will be used to take care of the children.

"It's not a partisan issue," he said. "It's a humanitarian issue. It's about being compassionate to children."

Read more: Nancy Pelosi says immigration crisis at border an 'opportunity' to show values -

How many is she planning to take home? Given all her houses, she probably has room for 100. Until she puts up, she should shut the fuck up.
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"What we just saw was so stunning. If you believe as we do that every child, that every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was [a] dazzling, sparkling array of God's children, worthy of respect. So ... we have to use the crisis — that some view as a crisis, and it does have crisis qualities — as an opportunity to show who we are as Americans, that we do respect people for their divinity and worth," she said

What's wrong with what she said? Just because you hate her doesn't mean you have to interpret everything she says into something opportunistic and political.

Is she taking any of them home herself?

That is why what she said is all about politics, and why your attempt to defend her is so pathetic.
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Republicans are worried about illegal aliens voting, although they can't seem to come up with any evidence that they do. On the other hand,they don't mind corporations being made citizens and allowed to participate in our democratic process by buying politicians. Maybe we should ask corporations for their birth certificates too? Maybe they're illegal aliens.

These "refugees" aren't being classified as illegals.
Besides, all they need is a driver's license to vote, or a utility bill to register.

This is why California just signed into law illegal drivers laws. It's done. Washington and Oregon already have their laws in place.

Name the states. One needs a birth certificate to get a driver's license in Florida, AND to renew. ID checked carefully, and at least twice to vote; I had to vote "provisional" in 2002, because the SoE had my middle name spelled wrong. SUPPRESSING the vote is Scott's goal, more so than JEB!. And JEB! made voting as difficult as he could. 2000 was the first time I was required to sign my name three times, sign an affidavit for someone with me, who had no DL. Now, two different buildings, ID checked in each, plus thumbprint.
Pelosi is an opportunist. She's not bright enough to not show her cards and tends to say stupid things when the cameras are on her.

In her rush to take credit she gave away the entire plan that Democrats hatched to steal elections. This is why they want open borders, so that non-English speaking illegals can flood into Red states and change the Demographic make up of the electorate. By flooding states with uneducated low information voters, they are not only assuring they will win every election, but they are decimating the economy and the wage scales of those states.

California is a prime example. Ever wonder why a state that has a massive tax code yet wage stagnation continues to vote Democrat?

Why is living in California so expensive yet wages are so low?

Because of the constant flood of new illegals taking all of the jobs.

Democrats are screwing the very people that support them the most, blacks and others that are below the poverty level.

around me they are mostly part time jobs and minimum wage jobs....i doubt very much if they are any really decent George Lopez said....."if an Illegal takes your must not have been a very good one"....

I guess you only take the best jobs.

When I left the military I still had a family to feed.

Some of us took shitty jobs so we could earn money while we were looking for a better one.

I also worked in construction, in which illegals many times took away much of the work we could have been doing.

Then there's jobs that H.S. kids could be doing but instead are playing video games. Or jobs college kids take during the Summer painting houses and such.

However, in a state like CA where there is a gut in low paid workers, the wage scale is terrible. Yet Obama acts like he's doing everyone a favor by bringing all of these hundreds of thousands of people in. Son of a Bitch deserves an asswhiping, or the numbnut jackoffs that believe his horseshit do.

Seriously, you need to open your mind a little bit.

you should have learned how to read when you got out of the service.....was i talking about me.....or the Illegals who live around me? take your time and go back over the first sentence i let me show you again.....

you said.....

Because of the constant floodof new illegals taking all of the jobs.

and i said....

around me they are mostly part time jobs and minimum wage jobs....i doubt very much if they are any really decent jobs.

now who was i talking about taking these or the illegals?.....

Seriously, you need to open your mind a little bit

i bet i have a more open mind than a hell of a lot of people here including you when it comes to Illegals and Mexicans....

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