Nancy Pelosi is having a Press Conference soon. This a sign she is in "damage control mode"?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Wouldn't they just accept their response and let Trump flap in the wind? I don't see why they would have a Press Conference unless they realize the public don't like their position, didn't like their response last night, and, they are losing this battle.

If Trump stays the course, he wins this, as he will in China if he wants to, without question.
Wouldn't they just accept their response and let Trump flap in the wind? I don't see why they would have a Press Conference unless they realize the public don't like their position, didn't like their response last night, and, they are losing this battle.

If Trump stays the course, he wins this, as he will in China if he wants to, without question.
If the Dems are getting the message, that's all to the good. Finally. Fund the Wall. Get DACA folks protected along with it. Get crackin'.
Perhaps Nancy will propose this: each party puts up a speaker to go pro or no on the wall, and the country votes on it.
Wouldn't they just accept their response and let Trump flap in the wind? I don't see why they would have a Press Conference unless they realize the public don't like their position, didn't like their response last night, and, they are losing this battle.

If Trump stays the course, he wins this, as he will in China if he wants to, without question.
If the Dems are getting the message, that's all to the good. Finally. Fund the Wall. Get DACA folks protected along with it. Get crackin'.
both sides are going to have to compromise and this is a perfect opportunity to show they can. showing we can get nothing done but insult each other they've proven more than enough by now.
The dems are not going to lose the shutdown, folks. Trump owns this, and McConnell will eventually have to let his party defect. The polls are already in. If Trump digs in, eventually congress will pass bills with veto proof majorities to open the govt.

If that happens, Trump's presidency is over. Trump may retain his base of around 40%. And THAT was what last night was about. And Mueller's got him teed up like a cheap golf ball.
Please let her talk! I beg her I will pay her to talk to the nation again lol
if the Dems cave for Trumps blackmail tactic theres no end to what that sorry sob can, and will try again.

if the Dems cave for Trumps blackmail tactic theres no end to what that sorry sob can, and will try again.

Why would the dems cave? One, there's no fucking emergency. LOL Two, even if Trump claims one, he doesn't get his wall. Three, worst case with the shutdown some airplane falls out of the sky because no federal workers are around .... IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT. They passed what McConnell and Trump agreed to! Four, Trump's THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE. It's his job not to shut down the fucking govt.
I wonder if she will disclose how much she is getting paid by drug cartels.
Wouldn't they just accept their response and let Trump flap in the wind? I don't see why they would have a Press Conference unless they realize the public don't like their position, didn't like their response last night, and, they are losing this battle.

If Trump stays the course, he wins this, as he will in China if he wants to, without question.
If the Dems are getting the message, that's all to the good. Finally. Fund the Wall. Get DACA folks protected along with it. Get crackin'.
The GOP already gave the Democrats DACA on a silver platter, everything they asked for, and the Democrats walked away from it....did not understand that one.
Wouldn't they just accept their response and let Trump flap in the wind? I don't see why they would have a Press Conference unless they realize the public don't like their position, didn't like their response last night, and, they are losing this battle.

If Trump stays the course, he wins this, as he will in China if he wants to, without question.
If the Dems are getting the message, that's all to the good. Finally. Fund the Wall. Get DACA folks protected along with it. Get crackin'.
The GOP already gave the Democrats DACA on a silver platter, everything they asked for, and the Democrats walked away from it....did not understand that one.

....just as Yasser Arafat refused a deal when offered everything he wanted short of the death of all the Jews...

....Democrats mirror that in their lack of concern for the safety of American citizens.

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