Nancy Pelosi Lied About Delivering Results During Her First Speech As Speaker


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Nancy Pelosi thinks she can get away with saying one thing and delivering another.

She lied her ass off in her first speech as Speaker claiming that all she wanted to do was deliver results and work with the minority. She has done neither.

In her speech, Pelosi celebrated the 116th Congress as the most diverse in history. She said the new Democratic-led House enters with a sense of great hope and confidence for the future and that during the midterms the American people spoke and “demanded a new dawn.”

"Thank you, Leader McCarthy. I look forward to working with you in a bipartisan way for the good of our country, respecting the constituents who sent each of us here.

They want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives,” she said. “When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our Democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”​

Trump had the Democrats over to the White House shortly after they took control. The Democrats refused to listen to anything that experts had to say. Every meeting has been nothing but yelling with Democrats refusing to listen to anything. They refuse to hear what the administration has to say. This is not delivering results for the American people, unless the only people they support is Central Americans.

“Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, to protect our borders, and to respect our workers,” she said.:shutupsmiley:

As we speak...these two-faced Democrats are having a party in Puerto Rico with lobbyists, getting friggen tans and watching a special production of "Hamilton", while us federal workers are going without pay.


Domestic Terrorist: The border is open, there’s a partial government shutdown and the Democrats take a chartered jet to Puerto Rico. And here’s Menendez terrorizing beach-goers on the beach by going shirtless.

They're dragging their feet and hoping that the media doesn't torch their asses because of it. The optics couldn't be worse....but because our media is as corrupt as the day is long, these criminal Democrats are probably going to get away with it.

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever
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Why should Pelosi bail out Trump?

Let him end his own shutdown
The Democrats are so worried about their base and their hard financial times that they are spending large amounts of money and having a party with their financial backers so that their poor peon base will feel better.

Best negotiation tactic they have.
The Democrats are so worried about their base and their hard financial times that they are spending large amounts of money and having a party with their financial backers so that their poor peon base will feel better.

Best negotiation tactic they have.

Bullshit. The purpose of the liberal class and the Democratic Party is merely to act as a pressure relief valve in our economic/political system to stave off the people taking to the streets. They are funded by the same Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class as that "other" party. Your peonage is utterly bipartisan, and yes, growing.
The Democrats are so worried about their base and their hard financial times that they are spending large amounts of money and having a party with their financial backers so that their poor peon base will feel better.

Best negotiation tactic they have.

Bullshit. The purpose of the liberal class and the Democratic Party is merely to act as a pressure relief valve in our economic/political system to stave off the people taking to the streets. They are funded by the same Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class as that "other" party. Your peonage is utterly bipartisan, and yes, growing.
No matter how you try and slice dice and disguise the look and taste they are spending large amounts of money having a party while parts of their base worry about getting a pay check. If they had any conscience they would at the very least, be in Washington D.C. What they should be doing is negotiating. But as I stated partying while their base suffers is their best negotiation tactic since they don't care about their base.

Oh and if you didn't notice they did take to the streets like unruly children after the Presidential election.
The Democrats are so worried about their base and their hard financial times that they are spending large amounts of money and having a party with their financial backers so that their poor peon base will feel better.

Best negotiation tactic they have.

Bullshit. The purpose of the liberal class and the Democratic Party is merely to act as a pressure relief valve in our economic/political system to stave off the people taking to the streets. They are funded by the same Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class as that "other" party. Your peonage is utterly bipartisan, and yes, growing.
Democrats are just showing their true colors.
They don't care about anyone other than themselves.
It couldn't be any clearer than it is now.
Nancy Pelosi thinks she can get away with saying one thing and delivering another.

She lied her ass off in her first speech as Speaker claiming that all she wanted to do was deliver results and work with the minority. She has done neither.

In her speech, Pelosi celebrated the 116th Congress as the most diverse in history. She said the new Democratic-led House enters with a sense of great hope and confidence for the future and that during the midterms the American people spoke and “demanded a new dawn.”

"Thank you, Leader McCarthy. I look forward to working with you in a bipartisan way for the good of our country, respecting the constituents who sent each of us here.

They want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives,” she said. “When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our Democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”​

Trump had the Democrats over to the White House shortly after they took control. The Democrats refused to listen to anything that experts had to say. Every meeting has been nothing but yelling with Democrats refusing to listen to anything. They refuse to hear what the administration has to say. This is not delivering results for the American people, unless the only people they support is Central Americans.

“Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, to protect our borders, and to respect our workers,” she said.:shutupsmiley:

As we speak...these two-faced Democrats are having a party in Puerto Rico with lobbyists, getting friggen tans and watching a special production of "Hamilton", while us federal workers are going without pay.


Domestic Terrorist: The border is open, there’s a partial government shutdown and the Democrats take a chartered jet to Puerto Rico. And here’s Menendez terrorizing beach-goers on the beach by going shirtless.

They're dragging their feet and hoping that the media doesn't torch their asses because of it. The optics couldn't be worse....but because our media is as corrupt as the day is long, these criminal Democrats are probably going to get away with it.

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever
A. She did work with them. She sent up the very same bill the house and Senate had already passed, since it was obviously acceptable to them. She doesn't have to capitulate to be working with the other side.

B. As far as heading for the beech, the ball is in tRump's court. He can end this any time just by signing the bill he already said he'd sign.
Nancy Pelosi thinks she can get away with saying one thing and delivering another.

She lied her ass off in her first speech as Speaker claiming that all she wanted to do was deliver results and work with the minority. She has done neither.

In her speech, Pelosi celebrated the 116th Congress as the most diverse in history. She said the new Democratic-led House enters with a sense of great hope and confidence for the future and that during the midterms the American people spoke and “demanded a new dawn.”

"Thank you, Leader McCarthy. I look forward to working with you in a bipartisan way for the good of our country, respecting the constituents who sent each of us here.

They want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives,” she said. “When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our Democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”​

Trump had the Democrats over to the White House shortly after they took control. The Democrats refused to listen to anything that experts had to say. Every meeting has been nothing but yelling with Democrats refusing to listen to anything. They refuse to hear what the administration has to say. This is not delivering results for the American people, unless the only people they support is Central Americans.

“Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, to protect our borders, and to respect our workers,” she said.:shutupsmiley:

As we speak...these two-faced Democrats are having a party in Puerto Rico with lobbyists, getting friggen tans and watching a special production of "Hamilton", while us federal workers are going without pay.


Domestic Terrorist: The border is open, there’s a partial government shutdown and the Democrats take a chartered jet to Puerto Rico. And here’s Menendez terrorizing beach-goers on the beach by going shirtless.

They're dragging their feet and hoping that the media doesn't torch their asses because of it. The optics couldn't be worse....but because our media is as corrupt as the day is long, these criminal Democrats are probably going to get away with it.

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever
A. She did work with them. She sent up the very same bill the house and Senate had already passed, since it was obviously acceptable to them. She doesn't have to capitulate to be working with the other side.

B. As far as heading for the beech, the ball is in tRump's court. He can end this any time just by signing the bill he already said he'd sign.
If she sent up the very same bill that wasn't acceptable before....obviously she was just wasting time and money being an asshole.

It sort of fits......assholes like you voting for assholes.

You get the kind of government you wanted.

Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton have all supported a wall in the past. They have voted for many billions more than the five-plus billion for which Trump is now asking. Obama repeatedly called the throngs crossing the southern border into the US with impunity a "crisis." Now that Trump is President they have reversed course and they think we won't notice their blatant hypocrisy.

Something terrible has happened to the Democrats in Congress; they've lost all sense of decency, of love of country. They are only about one thing: hating Trump. That is today the one and only essence of the democrat party. They have no agenda beyond impeaching the President. They have no ideas, none. One cannot give any credence to socialists like Bernie Sanders or Ocasio-Cortez and her ridiculous New Green Deal. Nor can we take seriously proud anti-Semites like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. They are leading the rest of their party to an openly all-out anti-Israel posture. Anti-Semitism is now fashionable among the left.

That two such ridiculously biased people as Tlaib and Omar were elected is a very bad sign for America, once the beacon of freedom of religion and respect for all religions. America was founded on the rejection of biases that these two women, along with Keith Ellison and a few others, openly espouse. Despite their bigotry these people are now celebrated members of the democratic left.

mic drop
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Nancy Pelosi thinks she can get away with saying one thing and delivering another.

She lied her ass off in her first speech as Speaker claiming that all she wanted to do was deliver results and work with the minority. She has done neither.

In her speech, Pelosi celebrated the 116th Congress as the most diverse in history. She said the new Democratic-led House enters with a sense of great hope and confidence for the future and that during the midterms the American people spoke and “demanded a new dawn.”

"Thank you, Leader McCarthy. I look forward to working with you in a bipartisan way for the good of our country, respecting the constituents who sent each of us here.

They want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives,” she said. “When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our Democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”​

Trump had the Democrats over to the White House shortly after they took control. The Democrats refused to listen to anything that experts had to say. Every meeting has been nothing but yelling with Democrats refusing to listen to anything. They refuse to hear what the administration has to say. This is not delivering results for the American people, unless the only people they support is Central Americans.

“Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, to protect our borders, and to respect our workers,” she said.:shutupsmiley:

As we speak...these two-faced Democrats are having a party in Puerto Rico with lobbyists, getting friggen tans and watching a special production of "Hamilton", while us federal workers are going without pay.


Domestic Terrorist: The border is open, there’s a partial government shutdown and the Democrats take a chartered jet to Puerto Rico. And here’s Menendez terrorizing beach-goers on the beach by going shirtless.

They're dragging their feet and hoping that the media doesn't torch their asses because of it. The optics couldn't be worse....but because our media is as corrupt as the day is long, these criminal Democrats are probably going to get away with it.

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever
A. She did work with them. She sent up the very same bill the house and Senate had already passed, since it was obviously acceptable to them. She doesn't have to capitulate to be working with the other side.

B. As far as heading for the beech, the ball is in tRump's court. He can end this any time just by signing the bill he already said he'd sign.
If she sent up the very same bill that wasn't acceptable before....obviously she was just wasting time and money being an asshole.
It was acceptable and accepted until tRump got his feeling hurt by how cheerleading section in the media.

I mean seriously, is faux state run media or are we now a media run state?
Nancy Pelosi thinks she can get away with saying one thing and delivering another.

She lied her ass off in her first speech as Speaker claiming that all she wanted to do was deliver results and work with the minority. She has done neither.

In her speech, Pelosi celebrated the 116th Congress as the most diverse in history. She said the new Democratic-led House enters with a sense of great hope and confidence for the future and that during the midterms the American people spoke and “demanded a new dawn.”

"Thank you, Leader McCarthy. I look forward to working with you in a bipartisan way for the good of our country, respecting the constituents who sent each of us here.

They want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives,” she said. “When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our Democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”​

Trump had the Democrats over to the White House shortly after they took control. The Democrats refused to listen to anything that experts had to say. Every meeting has been nothing but yelling with Democrats refusing to listen to anything. They refuse to hear what the administration has to say. This is not delivering results for the American people, unless the only people they support is Central Americans.

“Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, to protect our borders, and to respect our workers,” she said.:shutupsmiley:

As we speak...these two-faced Democrats are having a party in Puerto Rico with lobbyists, getting friggen tans and watching a special production of "Hamilton", while us federal workers are going without pay.


Domestic Terrorist: The border is open, there’s a partial government shutdown and the Democrats take a chartered jet to Puerto Rico. And here’s Menendez terrorizing beach-goers on the beach by going shirtless.

They're dragging their feet and hoping that the media doesn't torch their asses because of it. The optics couldn't be worse....but because our media is as corrupt as the day is long, these criminal Democrats are probably going to get away with it.

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever
A. She did work with them. She sent up the very same bill the house and Senate had already passed, since it was obviously acceptable to them. She doesn't have to capitulate to be working with the other side.

B. As far as heading for the beech, the ball is in tRump's court. He can end this any time just by signing the bill he already said he'd sign.
Nancy Pelosi thinks she can get away with saying one thing and delivering another.

She lied her ass off in her first speech as Speaker claiming that all she wanted to do was deliver results and work with the minority. She has done neither.

In her speech, Pelosi celebrated the 116th Congress as the most diverse in history. She said the new Democratic-led House enters with a sense of great hope and confidence for the future and that during the midterms the American people spoke and “demanded a new dawn.”

"Thank you, Leader McCarthy. I look forward to working with you in a bipartisan way for the good of our country, respecting the constituents who sent each of us here.

They want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives,” she said. “When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our Democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”​

Trump had the Democrats over to the White House shortly after they took control. The Democrats refused to listen to anything that experts had to say. Every meeting has been nothing but yelling with Democrats refusing to listen to anything. They refuse to hear what the administration has to say. This is not delivering results for the American people, unless the only people they support is Central Americans.

“Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, to protect our borders, and to respect our workers,” she said.:shutupsmiley:

As we speak...these two-faced Democrats are having a party in Puerto Rico with lobbyists, getting friggen tans and watching a special production of "Hamilton", while us federal workers are going without pay.


Domestic Terrorist: The border is open, there’s a partial government shutdown and the Democrats take a chartered jet to Puerto Rico. And here’s Menendez terrorizing beach-goers on the beach by going shirtless.

They're dragging their feet and hoping that the media doesn't torch their asses because of it. The optics couldn't be worse....but because our media is as corrupt as the day is long, these criminal Democrats are probably going to get away with it.

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever
A. She did work with them. She sent up the very same bill the house and Senate had already passed, since it was obviously acceptable to them. She doesn't have to capitulate to be working with the other side.

B. As far as heading for the beech, the ball is in tRump's court. He can end this any time just by signing the bill he already said he'd sign.
If she sent up the very same bill that wasn't acceptable before....obviously she was just wasting time and money being an asshole.
It was acceptable and accepted until tRump got his feeling hurt by how cheerleading section in the media.

I mean seriously, is faux state run media or are we now a media run state?
Lol that's funny.....oh looked at some of your other posts. Looks like you may be serious. That is funny in a sad way.

First off let us talk about the appropriations bill that Trump said he would sign. He said that to a Republican majority congress. If it had made it to his desk he would have signed it. It would be political suicide to start a fight during an election year. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of political suicide ask someone or as I was told when young look it up. After the House became a democrat majority he is under no obligation to keep the Democrates in power. So he can fight for what he feels is nessecary.
I am pretty sure the democrats will self destruct on their own and they have been doing a bang up job so far.

As far as you asking about the media running the state. Did you just come out of a forty year coma? The media has been trying to run government for many years. They decide who gets what coverage. They gave free coverage to Trump all the time when he first started campaigning. If they had not done that most would not have even noticed him.
Now they dissect his every word, every gesture sometimes I think his every breath looking for something negative. CNN contacted a tv station next to the border when they heard that they had done lots of segments on the border. When they were told they had numerous segments with the Border Patrol on why we need barriers and numerous ones on illegals caught in the act of crossing they declined to use any.
When NAFTA was signed it was all over the news, quoted as the "gold standard". When Trump got a slightly better deal it was not reported or lost on the back page.
When the CIA of the last administration spied on congress, it was reported. When they lied saying it did not happen, it was reported. When they admitted that it had happened and apologized, it was reported. If Trumps administrations CIA did the same you can be assured that the media would not only have it the top story every minute of every day, they would be recruiting every villager to grab their pitchfork and torch to oust the monster by driving a spike through its supposed heart.
Nancy Pelosi thinks she can get away with saying one thing and delivering another.

She lied her ass off in her first speech as Speaker claiming that all she wanted to do was deliver results and work with the minority. She has done neither.

In her speech, Pelosi celebrated the 116th Congress as the most diverse in history. She said the new Democratic-led House enters with a sense of great hope and confidence for the future and that during the midterms the American people spoke and “demanded a new dawn.”

"Thank you, Leader McCarthy. I look forward to working with you in a bipartisan way for the good of our country, respecting the constituents who sent each of us here.

They want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives,” she said. “When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our Democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”​

Trump had the Democrats over to the White House shortly after they took control. The Democrats refused to listen to anything that experts had to say. Every meeting has been nothing but yelling with Democrats refusing to listen to anything. They refuse to hear what the administration has to say. This is not delivering results for the American people, unless the only people they support is Central Americans.

“Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, to protect our borders, and to respect our workers,” she said.:shutupsmiley:

As we speak...these two-faced Democrats are having a party in Puerto Rico with lobbyists, getting friggen tans and watching a special production of "Hamilton", while us federal workers are going without pay.


Domestic Terrorist: The border is open, there’s a partial government shutdown and the Democrats take a chartered jet to Puerto Rico. And here’s Menendez terrorizing beach-goers on the beach by going shirtless.

They're dragging their feet and hoping that the media doesn't torch their asses because of it. The optics couldn't be worse....but because our media is as corrupt as the day is long, these criminal Democrats are probably going to get away with it.

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever
A. She did work with them. She sent up the very same bill the house and Senate had already passed, since it was obviously acceptable to them. She doesn't have to capitulate to be working with the other side.

B. As far as heading for the beech, the ball is in tRump's court. He can end this any time just by signing the bill he already said he'd sign.
Nancy Pelosi thinks she can get away with saying one thing and delivering another.

She lied her ass off in her first speech as Speaker claiming that all she wanted to do was deliver results and work with the minority. She has done neither.

In her speech, Pelosi celebrated the 116th Congress as the most diverse in history. She said the new Democratic-led House enters with a sense of great hope and confidence for the future and that during the midterms the American people spoke and “demanded a new dawn.”

"Thank you, Leader McCarthy. I look forward to working with you in a bipartisan way for the good of our country, respecting the constituents who sent each of us here.

They want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives,” she said. “When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our Democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”​

Trump had the Democrats over to the White House shortly after they took control. The Democrats refused to listen to anything that experts had to say. Every meeting has been nothing but yelling with Democrats refusing to listen to anything. They refuse to hear what the administration has to say. This is not delivering results for the American people, unless the only people they support is Central Americans.

“Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, to protect our borders, and to respect our workers,” she said.:shutupsmiley:

As we speak...these two-faced Democrats are having a party in Puerto Rico with lobbyists, getting friggen tans and watching a special production of "Hamilton", while us federal workers are going without pay.


Domestic Terrorist: The border is open, there’s a partial government shutdown and the Democrats take a chartered jet to Puerto Rico. And here’s Menendez terrorizing beach-goers on the beach by going shirtless.

They're dragging their feet and hoping that the media doesn't torch their asses because of it. The optics couldn't be worse....but because our media is as corrupt as the day is long, these criminal Democrats are probably going to get away with it.

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever
A. She did work with them. She sent up the very same bill the house and Senate had already passed, since it was obviously acceptable to them. She doesn't have to capitulate to be working with the other side.

B. As far as heading for the beech, the ball is in tRump's court. He can end this any time just by signing the bill he already said he'd sign.
If she sent up the very same bill that wasn't acceptable before....obviously she was just wasting time and money being an asshole.
It was acceptable and accepted until tRump got his feeling hurt by how cheerleading section in the media.

I mean seriously, is faux state run media or are we now a media run state?
Lol that's funny.....oh looked at some of your other posts. Looks like you may be serious. That is funny in a sad way.

First off let us talk about the appropriations bill that Trump said he would sign. He said that to a Republican majority congress. If it had made it to his desk he would have signed it. It would be political suicide to start a fight during an election year. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of political suicide ask someone or as I was told when young look it up. After the House became a democrat majority he is under no obligation to keep the Democrates in power. So he can fight for what he feels is nessecary.
I am pretty sure the democrats will self destruct on their own and they have been doing a bang up job so far.

As far as you asking about the media running the state. Did you just come out of a forty year coma? The media has been trying to run government for many years. They decide who gets what coverage. They gave free coverage to Trump all the time when he first started campaigning. If they had not done that most would not have even noticed him.
Now they dissect his every word, every gesture sometimes I think his every breath looking for something negative. CNN contacted a tv station next to the border when they heard that they had done lots of segments on the border. When they were told they had numerous segments with the Border Patrol on why we need barriers and numerous ones on illegals caught in the act of crossing they declined to use any.
When NAFTA was signed it was all over the news, quoted as the "gold standard". When Trump got a slightly better deal it was not reported or lost on the back page.
When the CIA of the last administration spied on congress, it was reported. When they lied saying it did not happen, it was reported. When they admitted that it had happened and apologized, it was reported. If Trumps administrations CIA did the same you can be assured that the media would not only have it the top story every minute of every day, they would be recruiting every villager to grab their pitchfork and torch to oust the monster by driving a spike through its supposed heart.
Lies and evasions. We deal in actual facts here, not alternative ones.
Then why do you bother posting anything if they only deal in facts here?
If Pelosi wasn't so effective, you would not have hysterical right-wing threads like this. Thank you for showing just how effective she is and just how scared you are.
The 2019 Mexican Drug Cartel Employee of the Year Nancy Pelsoi said: “nothing for the ineffective, immoral and costly 'border wall'”
LMAO Pelosi cares about morals and costs?!?! everyone knows that she's big fat liar
The 2019 Mexican Drug Cartel Employee of the Year Nancy Pelsoi said: “nothing for the ineffective, immoral and costly 'border wall'”
LMAO Pelosi cares about morals and costs?!?! everyone knows that she's big fat liar
Got to love the way her and her lap dog Schummie pretend.
Nancy Pelosi thinks she can get away with saying one thing and delivering another.

She lied her ass off in her first speech as Speaker claiming that all she wanted to do was deliver results and work with the minority. She has done neither.

In her speech, Pelosi celebrated the 116th Congress as the most diverse in history. She said the new Democratic-led House enters with a sense of great hope and confidence for the future and that during the midterms the American people spoke and “demanded a new dawn.”

"Thank you, Leader McCarthy. I look forward to working with you in a bipartisan way for the good of our country, respecting the constituents who sent each of us here.

They want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives,” she said. “When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our Democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”​

Trump had the Democrats over to the White House shortly after they took control. The Democrats refused to listen to anything that experts had to say. Every meeting has been nothing but yelling with Democrats refusing to listen to anything. They refuse to hear what the administration has to say. This is not delivering results for the American people, unless the only people they support is Central Americans.

“Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, to protect our borders, and to respect our workers,” she said.:shutupsmiley:

As we speak...these two-faced Democrats are having a party in Puerto Rico with lobbyists, getting friggen tans and watching a special production of "Hamilton", while us federal workers are going without pay.


Domestic Terrorist: The border is open, there’s a partial government shutdown and the Democrats take a chartered jet to Puerto Rico. And here’s Menendez terrorizing beach-goers on the beach by going shirtless.

They're dragging their feet and hoping that the media doesn't torch their asses because of it. The optics couldn't be worse....but because our media is as corrupt as the day is long, these criminal Democrats are probably going to get away with it.

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever

HUH, Bob is looking at her breasts.
Nancy Pelosi thinks she can get away with saying one thing and delivering another.

She lied her ass off in her first speech as Speaker claiming that all she wanted to do was deliver results and work with the minority. She has done neither.

In her speech, Pelosi celebrated the 116th Congress as the most diverse in history. She said the new Democratic-led House enters with a sense of great hope and confidence for the future and that during the midterms the American people spoke and “demanded a new dawn.”

"Thank you, Leader McCarthy. I look forward to working with you in a bipartisan way for the good of our country, respecting the constituents who sent each of us here.

They want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives,” she said. “When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our Democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”​

Trump had the Democrats over to the White House shortly after they took control. The Democrats refused to listen to anything that experts had to say. Every meeting has been nothing but yelling with Democrats refusing to listen to anything. They refuse to hear what the administration has to say. This is not delivering results for the American people, unless the only people they support is Central Americans.

“Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, to protect our borders, and to respect our workers,” she said.:shutupsmiley:

As we speak...these two-faced Democrats are having a party in Puerto Rico with lobbyists, getting friggen tans and watching a special production of "Hamilton", while us federal workers are going without pay.


Domestic Terrorist: The border is open, there’s a partial government shutdown and the Democrats take a chartered jet to Puerto Rico. And here’s Menendez terrorizing beach-goers on the beach by going shirtless.

They're dragging their feet and hoping that the media doesn't torch their asses because of it. The optics couldn't be worse....but because our media is as corrupt as the day is long, these criminal Democrats are probably going to get away with it.

Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever

HUH, Bob is looking at her breasts.
Or her penis.
Nancy Pelosi doesn't lie. She is a globalist socialist and a Jew, so she doesn't lie. Be thankful for her because after her you get Cortez. Hehehe.

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