Nancy Pelosi Owes MAGA Supporters An Apology: Colorado Gay Nightclub Shooter Identifies as Non-Binary, Uses ‘They/Them’ Pronouns

So it's NOT the MAGA grandfather who is responsible, but the non-binary uncle/cousin/whatever?

Using Democrat logic that is.
Isn't it more far right fascist logic to be trolled by the troller/shooter?
So you are proposing the govt question friends and family of anyone buying a gun?
And he doesn't care if that takes 6 months and thousands of dollars to accomplish. He doesn't want responsible gun ownership, despite his claims, he wants all guns gone (except for the government and criminals, they can have guns), and it doesn't matter what it takes to accomplish that.
Okay, so you want to deny people access to firearms based on what YOU think about their appearance. Yes, we've established that and you're refusing to deal with the inevitable, namely that Tyrone and Shenaequa won't get guns because racist minimum wage clerks will take advantage of the power they have to deny sales based on appearance.

Then they could go to another store... but if every store is refusing to sell to them, because they are kind of shifty looking, that's probably a good thing.

Oh, his MOTHER was the one legally stockpiling weapons? You know, the person who DIDN'T go on a shooting rampage. See, it's the details that always trip you up. You come out of the gates with a bunch of emotional rants, then we quickly see them fall apart with the details come to light.

There's a reason why she isn't counted as a Sandy Hook Victim, and it wasn't because she wasn't in school that day. She was an enabler. She stockpiled weapons, she taught the little bastard how to shoot, and then she let him play first person shooter video games all day.

I'm not doing it, the stores are. What, are you going to dictate who they can hire as clerks now too? You do know what clerks do, right? They ring up the sale, take the money, and say, "Have a nice day". That's about it, unless the store offers consultations and the clerks help with that. Do you think McDonalds pays clerks much more than MW?

I'm not 'dictating' anything. Nope. If you want to hire a minimum wage kid who is going to NOT punch Tyrone or Bubba's name into the database for an extra $100.00, feel free to do so. Just don't be surprised when the people Tyrone or Bubba shoot come back and sue your ass.


Pretty much how we brought down drunk driving. We started holding the bars accountable for letting someone wander out after drinking a full bottle of 80 Proof skull-cracker and getting behind the wheel.

We already have them. Obviously, they're not working, or you wouldn't be mistakenly demanding them. In Va, we had purchase limits as well. Did that help? Let's face it, no matter what measures are enacted, even if we followed to the letter all your demands, here's what would happen:

No, we don't have them. What few laws the National Rampage Association haven't gotten overturned in the courts, the ATF barely enforces.. IN fact, VA was so lax in their gun laws that people from NY would drive down to buy them.
So you are proposing the govt question friends and family of anyone buying a gun?

Naw, not really. In fact, I fully recommend the gun industry run its own private background checks... Just like employers and banks do to mitigate risk. Just remember, if you sell to Joker McCrazypants, and we find out that all his friends and family knew he was nuts, the people he shoots can sue your ass for NOT finding that out before you gave him enough firepower to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse.

That was in Biden's gun agenda while he was running: get rid of liability protection for gun manufacturers and sellers. No sales of guns or parts over the internet. Having to obtain a federal firearms license for anybody that owns a gun at the cost of about $800.00. It would include a psychological evaluation of you by a gun hating shrink, interviews with your family, neighbors, coworkers and even ex-wives and girlfriends, and if the shrink decides you shouldn't have a gun, you're not only disarmed, but lost $800.00 in the process.

In other words, stop everybody from either being able to own a gun or buy one once sellers and manufacturers are sued out of business.

You are always free to join a well-regulated militia, Welfare Ray, but I don't think they'd take you.

If your neighbors and ex-girlfriend don't want have a gun, there's probably a pretty good reason.

I just imagine welfare Ray's HUD neighbors getting a call... "Naw, man that mutherfucking cracker crazy, man!"
Then they could go to another store... but if every store is refusing to sell to them, because they are kind of shifty looking, that's probably a good thing.
Good luck making the case in court that black customers should be denied service at gun stores because they look "shifty". That flies completely contrary to everything we've fought for the last several decades.
There's a reason why she isn't counted as a Sandy Hook Victim, and it wasn't because she wasn't in school that day. She was an enabler. She stockpiled weapons, she taught the little bastard how to shoot, and then she let him play first person shooter video games all day.
Oh, this just keeps getting better. Now you're blaming crazy shooters on video games. What's next, Tipper Gore?
I'm not 'dictating' anything. Nope. If you want to hire a minimum wage kid who is going to NOT punch Tyrone or Bubba's name into the database for an extra $100.00, feel free to do so. Just don't be surprised when the people Tyrone or Bubba shoot come back and sue your ass.

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Pretty much how we brought down drunk driving. We started holding the bars accountable for letting someone wander out after drinking a full bottle of 80 Proof skull-cracker and getting behind the wheel.
Bars are not free to deny service to someone because they look like they might be an alcoholic. Likewise, you can't tell if someone is a crazed shooter just by looking at them. I don't care WHAT it says on the back page of your comic books.
No, we don't have them. What few laws the National Rampage Association haven't gotten overturned in the courts, the ATF barely enforces.. IN fact, VA was so lax in their gun laws that people from NY would drive down to buy them.
Hmm, so you admit that current gun laws are not strictly enforced, yet you want to apply a bunch MORE laws and pretend that FINALLY, criminals will obey them.
Good luck making the case in court that black customers should be denied service at gun stores because they look "shifty". That flies completely contrary to everything we've fought for the last several decades.

Store owners make that call every day... heck, I've seen signs that have really told certain people they aren't welcome, without mentioning their race. Like the "NO one wants to see your underwear" sign.

Oh, this just keeps getting better. Now you're blaming crazy shooters on video games. What's next, Tipper Gore?

No, I blame a crazy mother who thought that was a good treatment for a child with some severe learning disabilities and mental issues... along with taking him to the gun range.

Are you really trying to praise the parenting techniques of the late and unlamented Nancy Lanza?

Bars are not free to deny service to someone because they look like they might be an alcoholic. Likewise, you can't tell if someone is a crazed shooter just by looking at them. I don't care WHAT it says on the back page of your comic books.

Um, yeah, buddy, stop pretending that isn't what your worry is. Your worry is the gun stores might actually START looking into the crazies instead of seeing them as a prime market.

Hmm, so you admit that current gun laws are not strictly enforced, yet you want to apply a bunch MORE laws and pretend that FINALLY, criminals will obey them.
Naw, I want to make the gun industry self-police.

Once they pay out some huge fucking fines for dead schoolkids, they will get a lot better at what they do.
Store owners make that call every day... heck, I've seen signs that have really told certain people they aren't welcome, without mentioning their race. Like the "NO one wants to see your underwear" sign.
Easy solution then. Simply post a sign on the door saying, "No one wants to see your crazy". That'll keep out the sociopaths that otherwise fit seamlessly into society.
No, I blame a crazy mother who thought that was a good treatment for a child with some severe learning disabilities and mental issues... along with taking him to the gun range.

Are you really trying to praise the parenting techniques of the late and unlamented Nancy Lanza?
Hey, you're the one who cited video games as a cause of him murdering other people, not me, Tipper.
Um, yeah, buddy, stop pretending that isn't what your worry is. Your worry is the gun stores might actually START looking into the crazies instead of seeing them as a prime market.

Naw, I want to make the gun industry self-police.

Once they pay out some huge fucking fines for dead schoolkids, they will get a lot better at what they do.
And when the government gives them the tools they need to do that job, they'll be better at it, but they're not going to start interviewing family members and neighbors. That's ridiculous and would only open the door to more racial abuse. I mean, you're going to give a racist white neighbor veto power over the single black man in the neighborhood getting a gun to protect his family? Oh, wait, of course you would. How KKK.
Hey, you're the one who cited video games as a cause of him murdering other people, not me, Tipper.

Well, no, I didn't. I said they contributed to his mother's awful raising of him, which resulted in his mass shooting people.

And when the government gives them the tools they need to do that job, they'll be better at it, but they're not going to start interviewing family members and neighbors. That's ridiculous and would only open the door to more racial abuse. I mean, you're going to give a racist white neighbor veto power over the single black man in the neighborhood getting a gun to protect his family? Oh, wait, of course you would. How KKK.

Oh, look, a racist republican pretending he suddenly cares about black people.
Naw, not really. In fact, I fully recommend the gun industry run its own private background checks... Just like employers and banks do to mitigate risk. Just remember, if you sell to Joker McCrazypants, and we find out that all his friends and family knew he was nuts, the people he shoots can sue your ass for NOT finding that out before you gave him enough firepower to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse.

You are always free to join a well-regulated militia, Welfare Ray, but I don't think they'd take you.

If your neighbors and ex-girlfriend don't want have a gun, there's probably a pretty good reason.

I just imagine welfare Ray's HUD neighbors getting a call... "Naw, man that mutherfucking cracker crazy, man!"
should alcohol producers have to do background checks? Car manufacturers? Using your logic they should, and get sued anytime a drunk driver kills someone.
How's that Pelosi apology coming along?

"I'm sorry that Republican's constant hatred of LGBTQ+ people encouraged a sexually confused man into a murderous act of self-loathing. I'm sorry the GOP fought us when we tried to pass even the most common sense gun laws. You deserve better than this, America."
"I'm sorry that Republican's constant hatred of LGBTQ+ people.....

I stopped reading your attempted gaslighting bullshit at this point because it's just the ignorant, partisan 'SSDD'.

AS USUAL, a Democrat fucks up and idiots line you are ready to go to their grave defending them and trying to blame others so they will not have to deal with any personal accountability.

You, like Pelosi, are pretty damn useless and nearly completely ignorable MOST of the time.

The ability to just admit 'I was wrong' is missing in Democrats like the both of you, it seems, because you never miss or give up on an opportunity to falsely accuse / blame others.
I stopped reading your attempted gaslighting bullshit at this point because it's just the ignorant, partisan 'SSDD'.

AS USUAL, a Democrat fucks up and idiots line you are ready to go to their grave defending them and trying to blame others so they will not have to deal with any personal accountability.

You, like Pelosi, are pretty damn useless and nearly completely ignorable MOST of the time.

The only people who fucked up was whoever let this freak buy a gun because you think the Militia Amendment allows crazy people to own guns.
The only people who fucked up was whoever let this freak buy a gun because you think the Militia Amendment allows crazy people to own guns.
Government screwed up

In this case a republican DA who refused to press charges against the man when he was arrested the first time

Because of that he had a legal right to buy the gun
"I'm sorry that Republican's constant hatred of LGBTQ+ people encouraged a sexually confused man into a murderous act of self-loathing. I'm sorry the GOP fought us when we tried to pass even the most common sense gun laws. You deserve better than this, America."
The only people who fucked up was whoever let this freak buy a gun because you think the Militia Amendment allows crazy people to own guns.

So you admit Pelosi was wrong in what she falsely accused / said. Thank you.

(Democrats should actually try to address the problem of mental illness instead of trying to violate the whole nation's 2nd Anendment Rights as the only answer.)
Government screwed up

In this case a republican DA who refused to press charges against the man when he was arrested the first time

You just summed up Democrat DAs and Democrat pro-criminal policy all over the US.

Democrats attempted to defind rhe police, passed ridiculous cashless bail policies, and put revolving doors on police stations so thieves, rapists, pedophiles, and murderers are ommediately released, many of whom have been reported to have repeated their crimes within 24 - 48 hours after being released....

....and Democrats / snowflakes want to point fingers at others when their policies don't work no matter who uses them?!

Agreed, failed, irresponsible, deadly govt / criminal justice policies are to blame, and Americans are paying rhe cost.

This is partly what happens when you adopt and implement the policies of George Soros, a man who was booted out of his own country for being a criminal POS.
You just summed up Democrat DAs and Democrat pro-criminal policy all over the US.

Democrats attempted to defind rhe police, passed ridiculous cashless bail policies, and put revolving doors on police stations so thieves, rapists, pedophiles, and murderers are ommediately released, many of whom have been reported to have repeated their crimes within 24 - 48 hours after being released....

....and Democrats / snowflakes want to point fingers at others when their policies don't work no matter who uses them?!

Agreed, failed, irresponsible, deadly govt / criminal justice policies are to blame, and Americans are paying rhe cost.

This is partly what happens when you adopt and implement the policies of George Soros, a man who was booted out of his own country for being a criminal POS.
The DA in this incident is a republican

But that does not mean he’s a conservative

The voters in that district should put him on the hot seat for not doing his job
Well, no, I didn't. I said they contributed to his mother's awful raising of him, which resulted in his mass shooting people.
Of course, everyone else is responsible except for the person who committed the crime, and society doesn't have to do anything about mental illness because it gives you cover for you to obsess over getting rid of guns.
Oh, look, a racist republican pretending he suddenly cares about black people.
There's no pretending, I've always cared about all people. Funny how you decided to throw the racist flag after I pointed out your prescription would result in racists being able to refuse service to black customers.

Naturally, you can't point out anything I've said that's racist.
So you admit Pelosi was wrong in what she falsely accused / said. Thank you.

When did I admit that. It's pretty clear this guy hated gay people.
It's pretty clear that the GOP has spent YEARS demonizing LGBTQ people.
It's pretty clear that this guy was able to get a gun despite being mentally ill.

Some slick lawyer trying to get him off on an insanity defense isn't going to fly.

(Democrats should actually try to address the problem of mental illness instead of trying to violate the whole nation's 2nd Anendment Rights as the only answer.)

No, we should actually interpret the 2nd Amendment as it was meant.. .WELL REGULATED MILITIAS. Not every nut in the world running around with a gun.

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