Nancy Pelosi realizes impeachment was a mistake

What I want is for the trial to begin, both sides make their case and then questions are asked and answered. A vote is then taken whether to call witnesses or dismiss the charges. Hopefully the charges will be dismissed and it'll be over. The Dems can piss and moan all they want, but it was a bullshit case all along that they could have made stronger by going to the courts and trying to force the president's men to testify. But they didn't do that, instead they turned what should have been a serious matter into political theater. Right or wrong, they could have done the whole thing honorably; they deliberately didn't. Which is the clearest evidence that the whole thing was nothing more than partisan politics, and for that: Fuck You, Democrats.
There's only one witness. Sondland. Hearsay witnesses are not allowed. Opinion witnesses are not allowed. That leaves one.
It was a mistake for many reasons but no one thought finding him guilty in the House meant he would be removed.
I'm hoping that the trial goes something like:
1. The democrat managers start presenting their case.
2. Defense lawyers object to the 2nd hand evidence, which is not allowed in the senate (no exceptions, period)
3. A motion is made to dismiss Article-1 for lack of evidence, motion passes.
4. Democrats begin to present Article-2.
5. A motion is made to dismiss Article-2 because the USSC already ruled that the Executive does have the right to challenge House subpoenas in court, and that is NOT "obstruction of Congress". Motion passes.

Trump is exonerated in less than one day, and the democrat's coup attempt is thwarted.
It was a mistake for many reasons but no one thought finding him guilty in the House meant he would be removed.

I'm hoping that the trial goes something like:
1. The democrat managers start presenting their case.
2. Defense lawyers object to the 2nd hand evidence, which is not allowed in the senate (no exceptions, period)
3. A motion is made to dismiss Article-1 for lack of evidence, motion passes.
4. Democrats begin to present Article-2.
5. A motion is made to dismiss Article-2 because the USSC already ruled that the Executive does have the right to challenge House subpoenas in court, and that is NOT "obstruction of Congress". Motion passes.

Trump is exonerated in less than one day, and the democrat's coup attempt is thwarted.

I want to see the Bidens grilled relentlessly and the collusion between the Democratic Party and f.b.i exposed, myself.

Adam Shiff in jail for lying to congress would make a nice bonus, as well.

Barr and Durham have the responsibility to ensure that the FBI is held to account for their crimes.
They should also "follow the money" to see if anything illegal occurred with the Bidens.
Maybe their excuse is that Hunter is too stupid to have "intent" to break any Law?
Maybe Barr is too busy fighting off his lawsuit?
Claiming his unbelievable bias?
Our Iran contra cover up expert?

1. The House lawsuit for adding citizenship question to 2020 census? No problem. It will get to the USSC and Barr wins.
2. WTF is "bias"? Is that like what Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Page had while falsifying FISA warrants?
3. Iran-Contra? That was Ollie North's "neat idea"!!!
Iran–Contra affair - Wikipedia
"In the end, fourteen administration officials were indicted, including then-Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. Eleven convictions resulted, some of which were vacated on appeal. The rest of those indicted or convicted were all pardoned in the final days of the presidency of George H. W. Bush, who had been Vice President at the time of the affair"

Doesn't say anything about Barr or a coverup? Got a link or you hallucinating again?
The left - in their infinite ignorance - believed that impeachment meant President Trump would instantly be removed from office.
Pelosi realized that impeachment was a mistake. She didn’t want the president to be able to tell voters that he had been exonerated by the Senate.
The Dumbocrats and their mindless minions demanded they rush through a faux process to achieve the political goals they couldn’t achieve through the votes of the American people. Now they are completely stuck and looking like the imbeciles that they actually are.

Speaker Pelosi’s Embarrassing Impeachment Blunder
Just when you can't get lower than the blaze.
May I suggest The Irish Times?
How long did it take you to find Dumbocrats?
I can't believe you created it

Apparently you’re illiterate. Your hero Pisslosi the drunk CAVED and SURRENDERED. She will deliver the articles and get NOTHING as McConnell bitch slaps her all over the place. Another loss. Leading up to a huge loss in November.
The left have once again led the Dem party down the path of defeat. You would think reasonable Democrats would be tired of losing and looking stupid.
It was a mistake for many reasons but no one thought finding him guilty in the House meant he would be removed.

No, I'm pretty sure only you did.

Wrong, most of the progressive clowns thought that that was exactly what it meant.

No, as usual, you are wrong. Progressives the world over thought he would be removed.

Stop projecting.

But cupcake, projection is your middle name! But all over the world, progressive morons, like you, were all cheering for his removal.
They thought it would weaken him in an election year where their own candidate roster is weak. It's had the opposite effect.

Nancy and the others are living in a time warp here I think, forgetting the fact that the Main Stream Media's monopoly ended a generation ago. President Trump doesn't care what they say, the walls aren't closing in, and he's basically ignoring them, while going around the world whacking terrorists, negotiating great deals, working with Mexico to resolve the border crisis and get the wall up, etc.
Nancy Pelosi Is Doing Putin’s Bidding.

Imagine for a moment what would happen if top Republicans started alleging that Chuck Schumer was working at the behest of a foreign power – that he was a tool of Communist China. Would any Republican be able to appear on-air without being asked about such allegations? They would have to confront them, and be asked whether they supported or disassociated themselves from the obviously controversial remarks.

But when Nancy Pelosi appeared on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday – being interviewed by former Democratic PR expert George Stephanopoulus, who is somehow only the second most biased Sunday host, unable to scale the heights of utter hackery achieved by NBC’s Chuck Todd – there wasn’t a single followup question asked of her about the bombshell allegations she advanced concerning Mitch McConnell.

“Sometimes I wonder about Mitch McConnell too. What’s he — why is he an accomplice to all of that? He has resisted sources going in a manner commensurate with the threat for state agencies, whichever they are in a state, could be the secretary of state or whatever, to protect our infrastructure, our critical infrastructure of elections.”​

She repeated these allegations again, speaking to the Democratic conference of the U.S. Congress yesterday. And her claims have been echoed by other prominent Democrats and noted workplace lover Joe Scarborough, who branded McConnell “Moscow Mitch”. Last summer, McConnell branded such efforts “modern-day McCarthyism” in what was for him a particularly emotional speech on the Senate floor: “Over the last several days, I was called unpatriotic, un-American, and essentially treasonous by a couple of left-wing pundits on the basis of boldfaced lies. I was accused of aiding and abetting the very man I’ve singled out as our adversary and opposed for nearly 20 years: Vladimir Putin.”

But in a certain sense, McConnell is being too polite. What Pelosi and other Democrats are actually engaged in is much worse than McCarthyism (which, fwiw, had a record of accuracy that was not zero), because it achieves a goal they know to be a priority of the Kremlin. Alleging that your political opponents, one of the two major parties in America, including the Minority Leader of the House, the Majority Leader of the Senate, and the President of the United States are wholly owned assets of a foreign power is the height of irresponsibility.

How can we take anything you say seriously if you engage in such utterly baseless allegations? Are you really too stupid to understand that by making such claims, you are becoming an asset in exactly the kind of undermining effort the Russians have advanced to run down trust in our representative government? The effort to seed distrust has been one of the best returns on investment of any foreign power – and when Pelosi and her fellow leading Democrats engage in such crazed speculation, they are doing the work of America’s enemies. Today, she named New York Congressman Hakeem Jeffries an impeachment manager – one day after he suggested his political opponents are engaged in “a coverup” led by “Moscow Mitch and the Senate Republicans.”

This goes beyond stupid and irresponsible. It is a vile failure of leadership.
“Nancy Pelosi said, it’s not a question of proof, it’s a question of allegations! Oh really?” - Judge Jeanine

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