Nancy Pelosi teaches us how to perfectly own narcissists like Donald Trump


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
Donald Trump becomes First Nobody.

Owning Donald Trump 101. Pelosi demonstrates her skills at dealing with the First Narcissist and First Gaslighter.

Deal or no deal? No deal thanks said Pelosi as the world's greatest deal-maker in his own mind caves.

Pelosi defeated the Orange Grifter with sheer tenacity and first-class people skills. Donald Trump has zero people skills.

The GOP are starting to desert the world's greatest deal-maker as his self-professed skills are shown to be non-existent.

Nancy and Chuck have become the dynamic duo of Washington while Donald Trump has become First Nobody.

Nancy Pelosi teaches us how to perfectly own narcissists like Donald Trump, therapist says

Nancy Pelosi teaches us how to perfectly own narcissists like Donald Trump, therapist says

Pelosi is an "example of how to respond to such a difficult person in the workplace,” Stephanie Sarkis writes

JANUARY 22, 2019 5:57PM (UTC)
This article originally appeared on Raw Story

Not everyone has the opportunity to work with President Donald Trump. But therapist Stephanie Sarkis PhD observes that many people have to deal with gas-lighters, bullies and other toxic people in their workplace.
Sarkis looks to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s strategy in dealing with Trump and draws lessons that can be applied to the U.S. workplace.

“Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has to work with a gaslighter/narcissist – and she gave an excellent example of how to respond to such a difficult person in the workplace,” she writes in Forbes. ...

Sarkis points out that when President Donald Trump refused to fund the government over money for his wall, Pelosi responded by canceling his state of the union speech. And she did it in a letter that perfectly shows how to deal with difficult people. ...

“This has more weight to it than a quick missive on social media. When working with a gaslighter/narcissist, document thoroughly, including writing official letters, rather than quick memos. This conveys the seriousness of the matter to the gaslighter/narcissist.”
A common personality trait for a gaslighter is the failure to accept responsibility. This has been evident in Trump’s actions, such as by blaming the shutdown on Democrats.
“Gaslighters/narcissists rarely take responsibility for their actions. But you can mention how their behaviors got you to this point – even without specifically naming it,” Sarkis says. ...

“Pelosi stuck to facts. She did not state how she felt about Trump, or the shutdown. The only sentence in the letter that could be somewhat construed as emotion was “Sadly, given the security concerns . . .” Although “sadly” appears as appropriate professional writing in this context rather than an emotionally-charged word.”
“Leave emotions out as much as possible,” she concludes.

Pelosi gave Trump two clear options,” Sarkis says.
“When working with a gaslighter/narcissist, take control of the situation by giving him a “forced choice” – option A or option B. The gaslighter/narcissist will usually come up with their own option that suits them, but is to the detriment of everyone else. Repeat option A or B again. Repeat them again if the gaslighter tries to obfuscate.

...“Gaslighters/narcissists usually undermine themselves in the end through their own actions.”
So if Pelosi “won”, why did she agree to reopen the government for a mere three weeks?

She agreed to shutdown the government in three weeks, how are you going to spin it when it shuts down again?
Say what you will about the commieRATS, but they are a lot more disciplined and committed to their cause than the quislings on our side.(money really does talk to those scum) The leaked details of the Pence-McConnell/GOP meeting yesterday signaled the writing on the wall. Nancy never flinched regardless of the handful of people in her caucus stirring and wanting to do the right thing for America.

Trump's big mistake was not just declaring a national emergency today. There is a 0.00% chance the DemonRATS will budge on this by Feb 15. There will be an injunction against it by a Hawaiian resistance judge, so you might as well get the legal process started immediately. He could have said that the he will only sign short term CR's while the government order is not held up in court, but he may not even have that leverage thanks to the GOP pantloads in the Senate.
if Trump declares a national emergency he might as well say mexico is paying for the wall - he will get the same result.

he really has a minority base of stupid butt pimples totally duped doesnt he ...
if Trump declares a national emergency he might as well say mexico is paying for the wall - he will get the same result.

he really has a minority base of stupid butt pimples totally duped doesnt he ...
That massive Obamacare tax increase with Nancy telling us we got to see whats in it was a doozy for us stupid butt pimples.
Nancy Pelosi owning the God Emperor?

Someone has been watching CNN, usual escape from the reality.
if Trump declares a national emergency he might as well say mexico is paying for the wall - he will get the same result.

he really has a minority base of stupid butt pimples totally duped doesnt he ...
That massive Obamacare tax increase with Nancy telling us we got to see whats in it was a doozy for us stupid butt pimples.

Are you one of those who is uninsured. Insure your body.
Nancy Pelosi owning the God Emperor?

Someone has been watching CNN, usual escape from the reality.

It is an interesting outcome for sure. Why 3 weeks? I think the timeline is irrelevant. Pelosi gets the Fed govt open with "time" to negotiate about immigration on Democrats terms. I hope they use this well.
Yes, right. Because America suddenly forgot THIS in the age of the meme, social media and internet:

Nancy Pelosi owning the God Emperor?

Someone has been watching CNN, usual escape from the reality.


That's funny, but CNN should be Fox.

ALL MSM = total shit.

Feeling flushed? Down in the Trump dumps?

You should spend more time outside the S-bend of life. Liberate yourself from Trumpland and smell the roses instead of Trump's dumps.

Whatever :rolleyes-41:

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