Nancy Pelosi Tells Fox News That She Is Going To Talk About The 25th Amendment TOMORROW To Remove Trump From Office BEFORE The Election

Nancy Pelosi has told Fox News that because of COVID-19 she is tomorrow going to discuss The 25th Amendment to remove The Donald from Office BEFORE the Election!

But but but ALL the Polls are saying that Joe Biden is going to in 26 DAYS beat The Donald in a Landslide and so IF ALL the Polls are saying that then WHY is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aka Communists talking about REMOVING The Donald BEFORE the Election?

Hmmmm is it perhaps because in 2016 the SAME Polls ALL said Hillary was going to beat The Donald in a Landslide, until she didn't. I think so, I'm thinking that with ALL these weighted Polls that ask MORE Democrats than Republicans to respond and with The Silent Trump Voter that does NOT show up in any Polling I think that the Democrats aka Communists MIGHT be afraid that what happened to Hillary in 2016 is going to happen to Joe Biden.

So is this their latest attempt to SUBVERT Democracy and SHIT on the American voters who they fear might vote "the wrong way" again ie. vote against the Leftists aka Communists or as Joe Biden calls those American voters "the dregs of society"

This is NOT the sort of thing you think about doing IF you are confident that you are going to win in an Election.

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The bitch can talk all she wants, she has no roll in triggering the 25th.

Nancy Pelosi has told Fox News that because of COVID-19 she is tomorrow going to discuss The 25th Amendment to remove The Donald from Office BEFORE the Election!

But but but ALL the Polls are saying that Joe Biden is going to in 26 DAYS beat The Donald in a Landslide and so IF ALL the Polls are saying that then WHY is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aka Communists talking about REMOVING The Donald BEFORE the Election?

Hmmmm is it perhaps because in 2016 the SAME Polls ALL said Hillary was going to beat The Donald in a Landslide, until she didn't. I think so, I'm thinking that with ALL these weighted Polls that ask MORE Democrats than Republicans to respond and with The Silent Trump Voter that does NOT show up in any Polling I think that the Democrats aka Communists MIGHT be afraid that what happened to Hillary in 2016 is going to happen to Joe Biden.

So is this their latest attempt to SUBVERT Democracy and SHIT on the American voters who they fear might vote "the wrong way" again ie. vote against the Leftists aka Communists or as Joe Biden calls those American voters "the dregs of society"

This is NOT the sort of thing you think about doing IF you are confident that you are going to win in an Election.

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All quite an odd means of supporting her candidate who is supposed to beat Trump like a rented mule in less than a month from now...

I posted the below in another thread, but I think it's relevant to this thread also.

Everyone needs to ignore the NATIONAL Vote Polls and instead concentrate on the Top Battleground COMBINED Poll Average and the reason you know, it's not the Popular Vote that counts it's the Electoral College Vote that counts and ZERO else.

The probable REASON for the desperation of the Democrats and the RINOs like The Lincoln Project is this:


^^^^ Joe Biden at 4.6% is doing WORSE than at the SAME POINT in the Campaign in 2016 than Hillary was doing:


^^^^ Hillary with 26 Days To Election at 5.1% and Joe Biden with 26 Days To Election at 4.6% and what happened in the 2016 Election? Yes it wasn't President Hillary Clinton was it?
I love threads like this. The dance of the Desperate Deplorables as their Messiah gets metaphorically hung, drawn and quartered.
So, the "Deplorables" are the people "dancing" and not Pelosi who is threatening to have Trump removed under A25....BEFORE the election???

You must be FUCKING PISSED at this complete, undeniable, wholesale admission that Trump is about to kick the fucking hyena fuck out of Biden in 1984 fashion.

Don't cry.
Pelosi and the House have ZERO say in the 25th Amendment as was pointed out there is no law on the books for it to be done by Congress and in order to get that law she would have to get past the senate and the Veto of the President.
Someone funnied this post meaning they actually think the House alone can change the law. God liberals are such dumb asses.

They Funny something that's serious like that because they are Trolls, they use the Funny to Troll.
Pelosi is just flapping her gums again.

The 25th amendment says the PRESIDENTS CABINET can take him out (if they feel it necessary)...not the house of representatives.
"When you can't even get simple facts right....."

Read the OP article, the facts are all in it. There is even a video. The thread is NOT about me, it's about Nancy Pelosi, so get On Topic or go and post in some other thread. This is Zone 1 the rule is you have to be On Topic.

if you want a zone 1 debate, then start with facts. Pelosi is allowed to talk about the 25th. You make out like she wants to take of the US which is a load of horse shit. Then you bring up the dems "aka Communists". Do you people even realise how silly you look. 95% of the world is laughing at you. Hint: the peanut gallery that is the USMB is not representative of the real world. Just so you know.
I love threads like this. The dance of the Desperate Deplorables as their Messiah gets metaphorically hung, drawn and quartered.
So, the "Deplorables" are the people "dancing" and not Pelosi who is threatening to have Trump removed under A25....BEFORE the election???

You must be FUCKING PISSED at this complete, undeniable, wholesale admission that Trump is about to kick the fucking hyena fuck out of Biden in 1984 fashion.

Don't cry.

Hey, I've already made a bet with one person on here that I'll be gone for 12 months if Trump wins. You and Lucy Clueless want to put your money where you mouths are? (rhetorical question - course you don't - you're whiney, weak, spineless Deplorables).

Stop looking for excuses for the arsekicking The Loser In Chief is about to get. First it was mail ballots, now it's the 25th amendment. You losers just come up with excuse after excuse for his coming demise.

Newsflash: Maybe Trump will lose the election because - surprise surprise - he's a lying, scummy piece of shit charlatan.

You don't think that's the reason he's going to get his arse kicked?
Nancy Pelosi has told Fox News that because of COVID-19 she is tomorrow going to discuss The 25th Amendment to remove The Donald from Office BEFORE the Election!

But but but ALL the Polls are saying that Joe Biden is going to in 26 DAYS beat The Donald in a Landslide and so IF ALL the Polls are saying that then WHY is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aka Communists talking about REMOVING The Donald BEFORE the Election?

Hmmmm is it perhaps because in 2016 the SAME Polls ALL said Hillary was going to beat The Donald in a Landslide, until she didn't. I think so, I'm thinking that with ALL these weighted Polls that ask MORE Democrats than Republicans to respond and with The Silent Trump Voter that does NOT show up in any Polling I think that the Democrats aka Communists MIGHT be afraid that what happened to Hillary in 2016 is going to happen to Joe Biden.

So is this their latest attempt to SUBVERT Democracy and SHIT on the American voters who they fear might vote "the wrong way" again ie. vote against the Leftists aka Communists or as Joe Biden calls those American voters "the dregs of society"

This is NOT the sort of thing you think about doing IF you are confident that you are going to win in an Election.

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She had a mental breakdown revealing we can remove her from office due to her mental state through her TDS. That "Tomorrow tomorrow" bit, with crazy lady hand gestures, was not normal human behavior.
"When you can't even get simple facts right....."

Read the OP article, the facts are all in it. There is even a video. The thread is NOT about me, it's about Nancy Pelosi, so get On Topic or go and post in some other thread. This is Zone 1 the rule is you have to be On Topic.

if you want a zone 1 debate, then start with facts. Pelosi is allowed to talk about the 25th. You make out like she wants to take of the US which is a load of horse shit. Then you bring up the dems "aka Communists". Do you people even realise how silly you look. 95% of the world is laughing at you. Hint: the peanut gallery that is the USMB is not representative of the real world. Just so you know.
Pelosi CLAIMED she was gonna invoke the 25 Amendment with action by the House, that is a FACT and she is BLATANTLY LYING.
she is just asking for more problems....
In my recent book; The Manic Personality and the Trump Presidency The Governance of Donald Trump His Followers: The Trumpets and the November Elections, I predicted Trump would lose the election by a landslide not seen since Roosevelt defeated Hoover during the Depression. I also warned about more bizarre actions by the President as he felt less attention/affection from those around him and his approval rating sank.

This was before his being infected with the Virus and taking shelter in Walter Reed Hospital. The question is not how well he is being treated for the virus but if that is the disorder being treated. My suspicion is he is being treated for his Manic behavior which is blooming into a Bipolar disorder. His increasing demands for attention through what may be seen as bizarre behavior such as his SUV touts around the hospital and his increasing denial of any problems with his campaign are both signs of a more severe condition than the Manic Personality which is what I described in the book on the Manic Personality and the Trump Presidency.(And if he is being proscribed steroids to treat the coronavirus, they will only exacerbate his condition.) Just as a wearing a mask hides smiles and other signs of approval, the polls and media may be showing a negativity which he is not able to tolerate without acting in any way where is noticed and, to his mind, adored. I do hope the adults in his situation will stand up.
very funny--and long ......of course it's just your opinion
...YOU wrote a book?? but you have many grammar errors there....???!!!
I love threads like this. The dance of the Desperate Deplorables as their Messiah gets metaphorically hung, drawn and quartered.
So, the "Deplorables" are the people "dancing" and not Pelosi who is threatening to have Trump removed under A25....BEFORE the election???

You must be FUCKING PISSED at this complete, undeniable, wholesale admission that Trump is about to kick the fucking hyena fuck out of Biden in 1984 fashion.

Don't cry.

Hey, I've already made a bet with one person on here that I'll be gone for 12 months if Trump wins. You and Lucy Clueless want to put your money where you mouths are? (rhetorical question - course you don't - you're whiney, weak, spineless Deplorables).

Stop looking for excuses for the arsekicking The Loser In Chief is about to get. First it was mail ballots, now it's the 25th amendment. You losers just come up with excuse after excuse for his coming demise.

Newsflash: Maybe Trump will lose the election because - surprise surprise - he's a lying, scummy piece of shit charlatan.

You don't think that's the reason he's going to get his arse kicked?

Oh right, like biden and harris are lying POSs as well. FOAD britt.

Nancy Pelosi has told Fox News that because of COVID-19 she is tomorrow going to discuss The 25th Amendment to remove The Donald from Office BEFORE the Election!

But but but ALL the Polls are saying that Joe Biden is going to in 26 DAYS beat The Donald in a Landslide and so IF ALL the Polls are saying that then WHY is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aka Communists talking about REMOVING The Donald BEFORE the Election?

Hmmmm is it perhaps because in 2016 the SAME Polls ALL said Hillary was going to beat The Donald in a Landslide, until she didn't. I think so, I'm thinking that with ALL these weighted Polls that ask MORE Democrats than Republicans to respond and with The Silent Trump Voter that does NOT show up in any Polling I think that the Democrats aka Communists MIGHT be afraid that what happened to Hillary in 2016 is going to happen to Joe Biden.

So is this their latest attempt to SUBVERT Democracy and SHIT on the American voters who they fear might vote "the wrong way" again ie. vote against the Leftists aka Communists or as Joe Biden calls those American voters "the dregs of society"

This is NOT the sort of thing you think about doing IF you are confident that you are going to win in an Election.

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So, Pence becomes President and then would win an election because most of the people would consider Pelosi's move as a political cheap shot. She isn't stupid enough to try it.
If Pelosi is bringing up possibly attempting to remove the President from office using the 25th Amendment PRIOR to the election it must mean she does not have much confidence Biden can beat Trump and doesn't have much confidence in the Left's Mail-In Ballot election fraud chances.
Perhaps Republicans could push to have Doctors officially designate 'TDS' a 'mental disease', then we could remove a lot of Democrats from Federal, State, and local offices...starting with Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, & Omar...then toss insane Leftists Judges attempting to legislate from the bench, like Sullivan...
"When you can't even get simple facts right....."

Read the OP article, the facts are all in it. There is even a video. The thread is NOT about me, it's about Nancy Pelosi, so get On Topic or go and post in some other thread. This is Zone 1 the rule is you have to be On Topic.

if you want a zone 1 debate, then start with facts. Pelosi is allowed to talk about the 25th. You make out like she wants to take of the US which is a load of horse shit. Then you bring up the dems "aka Communists". Do you people even realise how silly you look. 95% of the world is laughing at you. Hint: the peanut gallery that is the USMB is not representative of the real world. Just so you know.
Pelosi CLAIMED she was gonna invoke the 25 Amendment with action by the House, that is a FACT and she is BLATANTLY LYING.

Actually she said they were going to introduce a bill to authorize a commission. Only thing is that bill would have to make it through the senate and be signed by the president. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! It's all political theater.


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