Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional District Has Taken In Zero Syrian Refugees

Ever realize how many closet racist are embedded in the dem party.

Do you have any credibly developed empirical evidence of how many closet racists are in the Democratic party? Put up or shut up.
Not closet but full on racist.

“I mean you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking guy.”
-Senator Joe Biden

a ‘light-skinned’ African American with ‘no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.'”
Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader on Obama.

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent."

Mahatma Gandhi "ran a gas station down in Saint Louis."
-Senator Hillary Clinton

"You'd find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they'd just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva." -- Fritz Hollings (D, S.C.)

"He's married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn't want to be black."
-- California State Senator Diane Watson's on Ward Connerly's interracial marriage

"I want to go up to the closest white person and say: 'You can't understand this, it's a black thing' and then slap him, just for my mental health."
-- Charles Barron, a New York city councilman at a reparations rally, 2002

"Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them." -- Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

"Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one’s opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness." -- Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

"We got to do something about these Asians coming in and opening up businesses and dirty shops. They ought to go." -- Marion Barry

“The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…” -- Barack Obama
Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional District Has Taken In Zero Syrian Refugees

Is anyone surprised?
FWIW, though there is a sizeable Muslim population in the S.F. Bay Area, there are very few in S.F. itself and of the Muslims there, they are mainly black American Muslims rather than Arab and Persian/Iranian Muslims. Accordingly, given the approach the non-profit organizations that determine where refugees settle, there is little likelihood that Syrian refugees will have some sort of connection with folks in the community.

As for no Syrian refugees having been settled in San Francisco, Mrs. Pelosi's district, the same can be said of lots of Congressperson's districts.

(click the map to access the source document: Where Syrian Refugees are Most Likely to Settle)

As noted before in post #4, the organizations that settle refugees in the U.S. look largely to settle them in places where the refugees have some sort of connection with other individuals there. That few to no Syrian refugees have a connection with S.F. residents is not surprising. After all, S.F. is not a large city, having under 1M residents.
We've had 3 assaults committed by muzzies in Twin Falls Idaho, and they aren't even listed on your stupid little map.
How much do you want?

DNC Staffers Exposed for Making Fun of Black Woman's Name in Wikileaks Emails - Atlanta Black Star
Racist, Anti-Semitic DNC Opens Convention by Denouncing Trump’s ‘Bigotry’ - Black Community News
racist DNC emails

Want more? I've got 'em. just keep thinking the OP title is a credibly developed piece of empirical evidence of how many closet racists are in the Democratic party.

The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists. It is the liberal elites who think everyone with a vagina or non-white skin is a victim who can't achieve anything without almighty government coming to their rescue.

So you say, but I have yet to see any person who's made that claim produce credible empirical evidence of its veracity.

What you've provided is credible evidence of the remarks of a handful of individuals, remarks that are not consistent with the actions and advocated policy of the Democratic Party. But that is evidence of those individuals' sentiments, and the remarks that I've asked for credible empirical evidence of are the following two:
  • "Ever realize how many closet racists are embedded in the Democratic Party." It's a simple question: how many are there. We know the Democratic party consists of some ~30M-40M individuals. The member made the statement, so I'm asking what are the numbers that give merit to the statement. Absent some numbers, more than handful you've provided, it's just an empty statement.
  • "The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists." There again, it's the same thing. What are the numbers that give teeth to the "overflowing" quantity/proportion of racists in the Democratic Party?
Moreover, not one of the persons you cited is the current banner carrier for the Democratic Party, which, happens, in addition, to have been the party to nominate and get elected the nation's first minority President. It is also the party that has seen installed in more positions of political power since Reconstruction.

You refuse to accept as scripture what your mind cannot grasp.
FWIW, though there is a sizeable Muslim population in the S.F. Bay Area, there are very few in S.F. itself and of the Muslims there, they are mainly black American Muslims rather than Arab and Persian/Iranian Muslims. Accordingly, given the approach the non-profit organizations that determine where refugees settle, there is little likelihood that Syrian refugees will have some sort of connection with folks in the community.

As for no Syrian refugees having been settled in San Francisco, Mrs. Pelosi's district, the same can be said of lots of Congressperson's districts.

(click the map to access the source document: Where Syrian Refugees are Most Likely to Settle)

As noted before in post #4, the organizations that settle refugees in the U.S. look largely to settle them in places where the refugees have some sort of connection with other individuals there. That few to no Syrian refugees have a connection with S.F. residents is not surprising. After all, S.F. is not a large city, having under 1M residents.
We've had 3 assaults committed by muzzies in Twin Falls Idaho, and they aren't even listed on your stupid little map.

“There is a small group of people in Twin Falls County whose life goal is to eliminate refugees, and thus far they have not been constrained by the truth,” Loebs said. “They have not been constrained by the truth in the past, and I don’t expect them to be constrained by the truth in the future.”

An incident did occur, Loebs said, and two juveniles have been charged after authorities obtained video shot on a cellphone. But the details of the case don’t match what’s being reported by anti-refugee groups, the prosecutor said.

The criminal cases against those juveniles have been sealed, as is customary when children are charged. Although prosecutors and police are barred from discussing certain details in sealed juvenile cases, Loebs laid out the basics in an interview Monday with the Times-News. And Twin Falls Police Chief Craig Kingsbury briefed the public on the incident at a City Council meeting later in the evening, saying he wanted to clear up falsehoods circulating on social media.

According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the Uniteds States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.

There were no adults involved, Loebs said, the boys didn’t have a knife, and the incident wasn’t a “gang-rape” instigated by the oldest boy.

Did you read the map title? Are you aware that the object of the discussion here is Syrian refugees?
Last edited:
How much do you want?

DNC Staffers Exposed for Making Fun of Black Woman's Name in Wikileaks Emails - Atlanta Black Star
Racist, Anti-Semitic DNC Opens Convention by Denouncing Trump’s ‘Bigotry’ - Black Community News
racist DNC emails

Want more? I've got 'em. just keep thinking the OP title is a credibly developed piece of empirical evidence of how many closet racists are in the Democratic party.

The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists. It is the liberal elites who think everyone with a vagina or non-white skin is a victim who can't achieve anything without almighty government coming to their rescue.

So you say, but I have yet to see any person who's made that claim produce credible empirical evidence of its veracity.

What you've provided is credible evidence of the remarks of a handful of individuals, remarks that are not consistent with the actions and advocated policy of the Democratic Party. But that is evidence of those individuals' sentiments, and the remarks that I've asked for credible empirical evidence of are the following two:
  • "Ever realize how many closet racists are embedded in the Democratic Party." It's a simple question: how many are there. We know the Democratic party consists of some ~30M-40M individuals. The member made the statement, so I'm asking what are the numbers that give merit to the statement. Absent some numbers, more than handful you've provided, it's just an empty statement.
  • "The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists." There again, it's the same thing. What are the numbers that give teeth to the "overflowing" quantity/proportion of racists in the Democratic Party?
Moreover, not one of the persons you cited is the current banner carrier for the Democratic Party, which, happens, in addition, to have been the party to nominate and get elected the nation's first minority President. It is also the party that has seen installed in more positions of political power since Reconstruction.

You refuse to accept as scripture what your mind cannot grasp.

You win the "Vacuous Remark" award there. But don't get too comfortable with it for someone else will surely "fight" you for it.
How much do you want?

DNC Staffers Exposed for Making Fun of Black Woman's Name in Wikileaks Emails - Atlanta Black Star
Racist, Anti-Semitic DNC Opens Convention by Denouncing Trump’s ‘Bigotry’ - Black Community News
racist DNC emails

Want more? I've got 'em.

The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists. It is the liberal elites who think everyone with a vagina or non-white skin is a victim who can't achieve anything without almighty government coming to their rescue.

So you say, but I have yet to see any person who's made that claim produce credible empirical evidence of its veracity.

What you've provided is credible evidence of the remarks of a handful of individuals, remarks that are not consistent with the actions and advocated policy of the Democratic Party. But that is evidence of those individuals' sentiments, and the remarks that I've asked for credible empirical evidence of are the following two:
  • "Ever realize how many closet racists are embedded in the Democratic Party." It's a simple question: how many are there. We know the Democratic party consists of some ~30M-40M individuals. The member made the statement, so I'm asking what are the numbers that give merit to the statement. Absent some numbers, more than handful you've provided, it's just an empty statement.
  • "The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists." There again, it's the same thing. What are the numbers that give teeth to the "overflowing" quantity/proportion of racists in the Democratic Party?
Moreover, not one of the persons you cited is the current banner carrier for the Democratic Party, which, happens, in addition, to have been the party to nominate and get elected the nation's first minority President. It is also the party that has seen installed in more positions of political power since Reconstruction.

You refuse to accept as scripture what your mind cannot grasp.

You win the "Vacuous Remark" award there. But don't get too comfortable with it for someone else will surely "fight" you for it.

When the word muslim is used then accordingly by discovery you've open the door to not only syrian muzzies, but any muzzie
btw: of course none of the woman in TF were sexually assaulted by syrians but they were by muslim refugees...period
You're playing word games.
And btw; your boy obama and holder are closet racist.

What you've provided is credible evidence of the remarks of a handful of individuals, remarks that are not consistent with the actions and advocated policy of the Democratic Party. But that is evidence of those individuals' sentiments, and the remarks that I've asked for credible empirical evidence of are the following two:
  • "Ever realize how many closet racists are embedded in the Democratic Party." It's a simple question: how many are there. We know the Democratic party consists of some ~30M-40M individuals. The member made the statement, so I'm asking what are the numbers that give merit to the statement. Absent some numbers, more than handful you've provided, it's just an empty statement.
  • "The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists." There again, it's the same thing. What are the numbers that give teeth to the "overflowing" quantity/proportion of racists in the Democratic Party?
Moreover, not one of the persons you cited is the current banner carrier for the Democratic Party, which, happens, in addition, to have been the party to nominate and get elected the nation's first minority President. It is also the party that has seen installed in more positions of political power since Reconstruction.

You refuse to accept as scripture what your mind cannot grasp.

You win the "Vacuous Remark" award there. But don't get too comfortable with it for someone else will surely "fight" you for it.
When the word muslim is used then accordingly by discovery you've open the door to not only syrian muzzies, but any muzzie
btw: of course none of the woman in TF were sexually assaulted by syrians but they were by muslim refugees...period
You're playing word games.
And btw; your boy obama and holder are closet racist.

Okay....That set of statements are so insipid that they are the last things you'll write in response to me that I'll be aware of.
FWIW, though there is a sizeable Muslim population in the S.F. Bay Area, there are very few in S.F. itself and of the Muslims there, they are mainly black American Muslims rather than Arab and Persian/Iranian Muslims. Accordingly, given the approach the non-profit organizations that determine where refugees settle, there is little likelihood that Syrian refugees will have some sort of connection with folks in the community.

As for no Syrian refugees having been settled in San Francisco, Mrs. Pelosi's district, the same can be said of lots of Congressperson's districts.

(click the map to access the source document: Where Syrian Refugees are Most Likely to Settle)

As noted before in post #4, the organizations that settle refugees in the U.S. look largely to settle them in places where the refugees have some sort of connection with other individuals there. That few to no Syrian refugees have a connection with S.F. residents is not surprising. After all, S.F. is not a large city, having under 1M residents.
We've had 3 assaults committed by muzzies in Twin Falls Idaho, and they aren't even listed on your stupid little map.

“There is a small group of people in Twin Falls County whose life goal is to eliminate refugees, and thus far they have not been constrained by the truth,” Loebs said. “They have not been constrained by the truth in the past, and I don’t expect them to be constrained by the truth in the future.”

An incident did occur, Loebs said, and two juveniles have been charged after authorities obtained video shot on a cellphone. But the details of the case don’t match what’s being reported by anti-refugee groups, the prosecutor said.

The criminal cases against those juveniles have been sealed, as is customary when children are charged. Although prosecutors and police are barred from discussing certain details in sealed juvenile cases, Loebs laid out the basics in an interview Monday with the Times-News. And Twin Falls Police Chief Craig Kingsbury briefed the public on the incident at a City Council meeting later in the evening, saying he wanted to clear up falsehoods circulating on social media.

According to those officials, three boys were involved, ages 7, 10 and 14, and the alleged victim was a 5-year-old girl. The boys are from Sudan and Iraq; none are Syrian. They are being held at a juvenile detention facility. Officials suspect the boys have been in the Uniteds States fewer than two years, but their refugee status wasn’t immediately clear to the police chief.

There were no adults involved, Loebs said, the boys didn’t have a knife, and the incident wasn’t a “gang-rape” instigated by the oldest boy.

Did you read the map title? Are you aware that the object of the discussion here is Syrian refugees?
Well there's 1 assault. Care to comment on the other 2 ?
Is anyone surprised by this?

Nope. Pelosi represents some of the wealthiest people in the country.

Wealth has nothing to do with it. My own neighborhood in D.C., a small section of a larger one called the Embassy Row area, has lots of Islamic embassies, residences and even the Islamic Center, which is a mosque, all in the neighborhood. Heck, from time to time, there are protests and other social movement gatherings at the Islamic Center. Even the suspended-since-2014 Syrian Embassy is in my section of the city. And remember, this is D.C. I'm talking about. This stuff, the places, the people who visit them, even though one can technically think of it as being in different neighborhoods, all of it all within walking distance, anywhere from two or three minutes to 20 minutes walking distance. It's not like going from Summerlin to the club at Red Rock.

I should be clear. I don't think wealth has anything to do with where folks are resettled other than that one can't very well expect to settle refugees into localities where there's no such thing as affordable housing. Indeed, one -- refugee or not -- can't expect to settle there at all if one can't afford to live there.

Dude, like I said in my last can not live in SF unless your making over $100.000 a year ... Getting a hamburger is $30.00

San Francisco Housing Crisis

I am in the South Bay, Taz is in the East Bay... We know what we are talking about...So stop thinking you know what you are talking about..


Is anyone surprised by this?

Nope. Pelosi represents some of the wealthiest people in the country.

Wealth has nothing to do with it. My own neighborhood in D.C., a small section of a larger one called the Embassy Row area, has lots of Islamic embassies, residences and even the Islamic Center, which is a mosque, all in the neighborhood. Heck, from time to time, there are protests and other social movement gatherings at the Islamic Center. Even the suspended-since-2014 Syrian Embassy is in my section of the city. And remember, this is D.C. I'm talking about. This stuff, the places, the people who visit them, even though one can technically think of it as being in different neighborhoods, all of it all within walking distance, anywhere from two or three minutes to 20 minutes walking distance. It's not like going from Summerlin to the club at Red Rock.

I should be clear. I don't think wealth has anything to do with where folks are resettled other than that one can't very well expect to settle refugees into localities where there's no such thing as affordable housing. Indeed, one -- refugee or not -- can't expect to settle there at all if one can't afford to live there.

Dude, like I said in my last can not live in SF unless your making over $100.000 a year ... Getting a hamburger is $30.00

San Francisco Housing Crisis

I am in the South Bay, Taz is in the East Bay... We know what we are talking about...So stop thinking you know what you are talking about..


I know that S.F. itself has lots of wealthy people. I'm well aware of the cost of living there. And, no, I don't live in CA. One of the partners in my firm does as does a social acquaintance of over 20 years. One of them lives in Mill Valley and the other in Sausalito, both of which I know are north of S.F. I presume you'd call it "North Bay?"

My point is that the wealth of the people living there has nothing to do with whether refugees are settled there, but the cost of living in S.F. does for it is so high that absent any compelling reason, no "fresh off the plane" refugees with no money and no means of earning a decent wage (something I'd have thought would needs to be well over $100K/year) are going to be settled there. So, no, I'm not disputing the wealth of the folks who live there. I'm merely saying that S.F. residents' being wealthy isn't why Syrian refugees won't be settled there.
Are you really that blind? Seriously? Do you not realize these are from the inner workings within the dnc? Or are you really one of those closet racists trying to convince otherss, for their needed vote, you and the dnc really aren't? Do you realize your party even lied on their home page, claiming for themselves what the gop had accomplished in civil rights? When they got caught, it tooks months before they would remove them. Did they correct the record? No, they just silently removed them, after they were called on it.
Your inner party is full of racists, since the beginning of time, only pandering for the votes they know they need. If you trruly are unaware, I am sorry you fell into their trap. Why do you think the millions they get to help the inner city never seem to do any good? Because it lines their and their friends pockets
How much do you want?

DNC Staffers Exposed for Making Fun of Black Woman's Name in Wikileaks Emails - Atlanta Black Star
Racist, Anti-Semitic DNC Opens Convention by Denouncing Trump’s ‘Bigotry’ - Black Community News
racist DNC emails

Want more? I've got 'em. just keep thinking the OP title is a credibly developed piece of empirical evidence of how many closet racists are in the Democratic party.

The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists. It is the liberal elites who think everyone with a vagina or non-white skin is a victim who can't achieve anything without almighty government coming to their rescue.

So you say, but I have yet to see any person who's made that claim produce credible empirical evidence of its veracity.

What you've provided is credible evidence of the remarks of a handful of individuals, remarks that are not consistent with the actions and advocated policy of the Democratic Party. But that is evidence of those individuals' sentiments, and the remarks that I've asked for credible empirical evidence of are the following two:
  • "Ever realize how many closet racists are embedded in the Democratic Party." It's a simple question: how many are there. We know the Democratic party consists of some ~30M-40M individuals. The member made the statement, so I'm asking what are the numbers that give merit to the statement. Absent some numbers, more than handful you've provided, it's just an empty statement.
  • "The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists." There again, it's the same thing. What are the numbers that give teeth to the "overflowing" quantity/proportion of racists in the Democratic Party?
Moreover, not one of the persons you cited is the current banner carrier for the Democratic Party, which, happens, in addition, to have been the party to nominate and get elected the nation's first minority President. It is also the party that has seen installed in more positions of political power since Reconstruction.
Are you really that blind? Seriously? Do you not realize these are from the inner workings within the dnc? Or are you really one of those closet racists trying to convince otherss, for their needed vote, you and the dnc really aren't? Do you realize your party even lied on their home page, claiming for themselves what the gop had accomplished in civil rights? When they got caught, it tooks months before they would remove them. Did they correct the record? No, they just silently removed them, after they were called on it.
Your inner party is full of racists, since the beginning of time, only pandering for the votes they know they need. If you trruly are unaware, I am sorry you fell into their trap. Why do you think the millions they get to help the inner city never seem to do any good? Because it lines their and their friends pockets
How much do you want?

DNC Staffers Exposed for Making Fun of Black Woman's Name in Wikileaks Emails - Atlanta Black Star
Racist, Anti-Semitic DNC Opens Convention by Denouncing Trump’s ‘Bigotry’ - Black Community News
racist DNC emails

Want more? I've got 'em. just keep thinking the OP title is a credibly developed piece of empirical evidence of how many closet racists are in the Democratic party.

The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists. It is the liberal elites who think everyone with a vagina or non-white skin is a victim who can't achieve anything without almighty government coming to their rescue.

So you say, but I have yet to see any person who's made that claim produce credible empirical evidence of its veracity.

What you've provided is credible evidence of the remarks of a handful of individuals, remarks that are not consistent with the actions and advocated policy of the Democratic Party. But that is evidence of those individuals' sentiments, and the remarks that I've asked for credible empirical evidence of are the following two:
  • "Ever realize how many closet racists are embedded in the Democratic Party." It's a simple question: how many are there. We know the Democratic party consists of some ~30M-40M individuals. The member made the statement, so I'm asking what are the numbers that give merit to the statement. Absent some numbers, more than handful you've provided, it's just an empty statement.
  • "The Democratic Party is overflowing with racists." There again, it's the same thing. What are the numbers that give teeth to the "overflowing" quantity/proportion of racists in the Democratic Party?
Moreover, not one of the persons you cited is the current banner carrier for the Democratic Party, which, happens, in addition, to have been the party to nominate and get elected the nation's first minority President. It is also the party that has seen installed in more positions of political power since Reconstruction.

I'm not so blind that I am unable to see that while I've asked for someone to quantitatively identify how many racists/closet racists are in the Democratic Party and nobody has. Neither am I so blind that I cannot tell that the statements made and that inspired my request necessarily need quantification in order for them to have "teeth."
Is anyone surprised by this?

Nope. Pelosi represents some of the wealthiest people in the country.

Wealth has nothing to do with it. My own neighborhood in D.C., a small section of a larger one called the Embassy Row area, has lots of Islamic embassies, residences and even the Islamic Center, which is a mosque, all in the neighborhood. Heck, from time to time, there are protests and other social movement gatherings at the Islamic Center. Even the suspended-since-2014 Syrian Embassy is in my section of the city. And remember, this is D.C. I'm talking about. This stuff, the places, the people who visit them, even though one can technically think of it as being in different neighborhoods, all of it all within walking distance, anywhere from two or three minutes to 20 minutes walking distance. It's not like going from Summerlin to the club at Red Rock.

I should be clear. I don't think wealth has anything to do with where folks are resettled other than that one can't very well expect to settle refugees into localities where there's no such thing as affordable housing. Indeed, one -- refugee or not -- can't expect to settle there at all if one can't afford to live there.

Dude, like I said in my last can not live in SF unless your making over $100.000 a year ... Getting a hamburger is $30.00

San Francisco Housing Crisis

I am in the South Bay, Taz is in the East Bay... We know what we are talking about...So stop thinking you know what you are talking about..


I know that S.F. itself has lots of wealthy people. I'm well aware of the cost of living there. And, no, I don't live in CA. One of the partners in my firm does as does a social acquaintance of over 20 years. One of them lives in Mill Valley and the other in Sausalito, both of which I know are north of S.F. I presume you'd call it "North Bay?"

My point is that the wealth of the people living there has nothing to do with whether refugees are settled there, but the cost of living in S.F. does for it is so high that absent any compelling reason, no "fresh off the plane" refugees with no money and no means of earning a decent wage (something I'd have thought would needs to be well over $100K/year) are going to be settled there. So, no, I'm not disputing the wealth of the folks who live there. I'm merely saying that S.F. residents' being wealthy isn't why Syrian refugees won't be settled there.

Many generations of families that live on a lesser income....Old, Spanish, Asian, ... were kicked out of San Francisco.....Many are homeless now.
Shelter waiting lists are a year long

Those people scrambled to the other area's for affordable housing.. My area in the South Bay has gotten crazy packed ... Now my area has become un-affordable...My boys can not afford to live here when they graduate unless if they live with me..
Why should it be any different for refugee's..

Is anyone surprised by this?

Nope. Pelosi represents some of the wealthiest people in the country.

Wealth has nothing to do with it. My own neighborhood in D.C., a small section of a larger one called the Embassy Row area, has lots of Islamic embassies, residences and even the Islamic Center, which is a mosque, all in the neighborhood. Heck, from time to time, there are protests and other social movement gatherings at the Islamic Center. Even the suspended-since-2014 Syrian Embassy is in my section of the city. And remember, this is D.C. I'm talking about. This stuff, the places, the people who visit them, even though one can technically think of it as being in different neighborhoods, all of it all within walking distance, anywhere from two or three minutes to 20 minutes walking distance. It's not like going from Summerlin to the club at Red Rock.

I should be clear. I don't think wealth has anything to do with where folks are resettled other than that one can't very well expect to settle refugees into localities where there's no such thing as affordable housing. Indeed, one -- refugee or not -- can't expect to settle there at all if one can't afford to live there.

Dude, like I said in my last can not live in SF unless your making over $100.000 a year ... Getting a hamburger is $30.00

San Francisco Housing Crisis

I am in the South Bay, Taz is in the East Bay... We know what we are talking about...So stop thinking you know what you are talking about..


I know that S.F. itself has lots of wealthy people. I'm well aware of the cost of living there. And, no, I don't live in CA. One of the partners in my firm does as does a social acquaintance of over 20 years. One of them lives in Mill Valley and the other in Sausalito, both of which I know are north of S.F. I presume you'd call it "North Bay?"

My point is that the wealth of the people living there has nothing to do with whether refugees are settled there, but the cost of living in S.F. does for it is so high that absent any compelling reason, no "fresh off the plane" refugees with no money and no means of earning a decent wage (something I'd have thought would needs to be well over $100K/year) are going to be settled there. So, no, I'm not disputing the wealth of the folks who live there. I'm merely saying that S.F. residents' being wealthy isn't why Syrian refugees won't be settled there.

Many generations of families that live on a lesser income....Old, Spanish, Asian, ... were kicked out of San Francisco.....Many are homeless now.
Shelter waiting lists are a year long

Those people scrambled to the other area's for affordable housing.. My area in the South Bay has gotten crazy packed ... Now my area has become un-affordable...My boys can not afford to live here when they graduate unless if they live with me..
Why should it be any different for refugee's..


Nope. Pelosi represents some of the wealthiest people in the country.

Wealth has nothing to do with it. My own neighborhood in D.C., a small section of a larger one called the Embassy Row area, has lots of Islamic embassies, residences and even the Islamic Center, which is a mosque, all in the neighborhood. Heck, from time to time, there are protests and other social movement gatherings at the Islamic Center. Even the suspended-since-2014 Syrian Embassy is in my section of the city. And remember, this is D.C. I'm talking about. This stuff, the places, the people who visit them, even though one can technically think of it as being in different neighborhoods, all of it all within walking distance, anywhere from two or three minutes to 20 minutes walking distance. It's not like going from Summerlin to the club at Red Rock.

I should be clear. I don't think wealth has anything to do with where folks are resettled other than that one can't very well expect to settle refugees into localities where there's no such thing as affordable housing. Indeed, one -- refugee or not -- can't expect to settle there at all if one can't afford to live there.

Dude, like I said in my last can not live in SF unless your making over $100.000 a year ... Getting a hamburger is $30.00

San Francisco Housing Crisis

I am in the South Bay, Taz is in the East Bay... We know what we are talking about...So stop thinking you know what you are talking about..


I know that S.F. itself has lots of wealthy people. I'm well aware of the cost of living there. And, no, I don't live in CA. One of the partners in my firm does as does a social acquaintance of over 20 years. One of them lives in Mill Valley and the other in Sausalito, both of which I know are north of S.F. I presume you'd call it "North Bay?"

My point is that the wealth of the people living there has nothing to do with whether refugees are settled there, but the cost of living in S.F. does for it is so high that absent any compelling reason, no "fresh off the plane" refugees with no money and no means of earning a decent wage (something I'd have thought would needs to be well over $100K/year) are going to be settled there. So, no, I'm not disputing the wealth of the folks who live there. I'm merely saying that S.F. residents' being wealthy isn't why Syrian refugees won't be settled there.

Many generations of families that live on a lesser income....Old, Spanish, Asian, ... were kicked out of San Francisco.....Many are homeless now.
Shelter waiting lists are a year long

Those people scrambled to the other area's for affordable housing.. My area in the South Bay has gotten crazy packed ... Now my area has become un-affordable...My boys can not afford to live here when they graduate unless if they live with me..
Why should it be any different for refugee's..



The link I provided is from 2014, so it is worse now and has now gotten the whole bay area changing with the HI-Tech Mega rich coming in..A bunch a snobs actually.

Quantifying the Changing Face of San Francisco
Wealth has nothing to do with it. My own neighborhood in D.C., a small section of a larger one called the Embassy Row area, has lots of Islamic embassies, residences and even the Islamic Center, which is a mosque, all in the neighborhood. Heck, from time to time, there are protests and other social movement gatherings at the Islamic Center. Even the suspended-since-2014 Syrian Embassy is in my section of the city. And remember, this is D.C. I'm talking about. This stuff, the places, the people who visit them, even though one can technically think of it as being in different neighborhoods, all of it all within walking distance, anywhere from two or three minutes to 20 minutes walking distance. It's not like going from Summerlin to the club at Red Rock.

I should be clear. I don't think wealth has anything to do with where folks are resettled other than that one can't very well expect to settle refugees into localities where there's no such thing as affordable housing. Indeed, one -- refugee or not -- can't expect to settle there at all if one can't afford to live there.

Dude, like I said in my last can not live in SF unless your making over $100.000 a year ... Getting a hamburger is $30.00

San Francisco Housing Crisis

I am in the South Bay, Taz is in the East Bay... We know what we are talking about...So stop thinking you know what you are talking about..


I know that S.F. itself has lots of wealthy people. I'm well aware of the cost of living there. And, no, I don't live in CA. One of the partners in my firm does as does a social acquaintance of over 20 years. One of them lives in Mill Valley and the other in Sausalito, both of which I know are north of S.F. I presume you'd call it "North Bay?"

My point is that the wealth of the people living there has nothing to do with whether refugees are settled there, but the cost of living in S.F. does for it is so high that absent any compelling reason, no "fresh off the plane" refugees with no money and no means of earning a decent wage (something I'd have thought would needs to be well over $100K/year) are going to be settled there. So, no, I'm not disputing the wealth of the folks who live there. I'm merely saying that S.F. residents' being wealthy isn't why Syrian refugees won't be settled there.

Many generations of families that live on a lesser income....Old, Spanish, Asian, ... were kicked out of San Francisco.....Many are homeless now.
Shelter waiting lists are a year long

Those people scrambled to the other area's for affordable housing.. My area in the South Bay has gotten crazy packed ... Now my area has become un-affordable...My boys can not afford to live here when they graduate unless if they live with me..
Why should it be any different for refugee's..



The link I provided is from 2014, so it is worse now and has now gotten the whole bay area changing with the HI-Tech Mega rich coming in..A bunch a snobs actually.

Quantifying the Changing Face of San Francisco

Okay....Nobody thinks the folks living in S.F. aren't financially comfortable. What I'm looking for is someone who's going to explain and demonstrate, credibly, not just anecdotally, that:
  • The wealth/income status of existing S.F. residents has something to do with why Syrian refugees have not been settled there.
I live in D.C. and it's quite similar in many ways to S.F. It's small, having a population well below 1M and it's geographically small. Poor to average income folks quite often move out because it's too expensive to live in the city. Like S.F., citations/measures of median income are practically meaningless because unless one is in one of the few areas in the city where modest income folks are clustered together in units in multiunit buildings, there simply is nobody living in the city who is not at least an upper middle income earner/wealth holder. It may or may not be as expensive as S.F., but whether it is or not is irrelevant because it's expensive enough.

Like S.F., I don't think there are any Syrian refugees that have been settled in D.C. proper. That's not surprising to me. Where the heck would they be placed in D.C? Think about it. Assume a Syrian refugee family of four.
  • What sort of residence must they be placed in? A two or three bedroom dwelling.
  • What will that cost in any part of the city other than what is literally the slums? Assuming there is a vacant unit they can be placed in**, it'll cost about $3K -$4K per month in the city.

    Look at that map and notice that it displays one-bedroom median prices. My family's business is rental real estate development and management, and based on our own occupancy rates, I can tell you for sure that the availability of two and three bedroom rental units is essentially zero. We've had none available for decades; on the rare occasion that someone moves out, it's re-rented before they've even left. We barely have time to clean and repaint the unit.
Now some folks may say "put them in the slums." Well, one can say that, one may even do it. The reality is that doing so just doesn't work. Other requirements, most notably transportation, and that's before even considering the safety factors. One has to be realistic. It's preposterous to think that one can plop a family of refugees into the most dangerous but also most affordable parts of a locality and think they won't be viewed as easy marks. There's no point in accepting them as refugees if they are going to get killed by the naer do wells here rather than by the ones where they came from.

It appears from the map I posted that shows where Syrian refugees have been settled some of them are in NYC. I doubt that many, if any, of them have been placed in Manhattan for exactly the same reason. It's just too expensive. Now if they happen to have a relative there who has room to take them in, well, that, like your son living with you, is a different matter.

Speaking of our kids, your son and my three....Would you encourage your son to live on his own -- meaning using his own resources, not subsidized by yours or his mother's -- in S.F? I know I wouldn't unless they happen to find a "share" situation that allows them to afford it. My own kids know damn well that it's too expensive for them to live in D.C. without some sort of arrangement that subsidizes the cost. That's all well and good, but a family of refugees isn't, for the most part, going to have any subsidy that results in lowering the cost of housing for the organizations that must pay for it for them. So basically, that means to house a refugee in S.F., D.C., Manhattan or any other pricey place, you, I and other taxpayers must foot that bill.

Now I don't mind being humanitarian enough to help them out by allowing some of my tax dollars to go to supporting them in a working class or lower middle class area where there's some good reason for them to be settled there, but I would not at all be keen about doing the same to put them into any of the most expensive places one can live in the U.S. That has nothing to do with how rich the residents of the place are. It's all about just not paying more than is really necessary and reasonable given the non-direct-cost factors that must be considered and accommodated.
Are you a paid instigators and fomenters of ill will? Or maybe you're just plain stupid, ignorant or both?

Come on, don't be ridiculous. You've seen bripat's postings. Would you pay to have that garbage associated with your cause?

Starkey spews the kind of stuff politicians are willing to pay for. It's mindless but utterly partisan.

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