Nancy wants the National Guard to stay in DC thru September, is that justified? (Poll)

Do you support keeping thousands of troops in DC through the summer?

  • Yes, I'll explain why

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • No, I'll explain why

    Votes: 18 81.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
Are we a "banana republic" now or what? The pols have fences topped with barbed-wire and troops with guns protecting their asses. They must know that the "consent of the governed" has been withdrawn. But what do they know is coming that we don't know yet? What new Laws are they suspecting will create more "unrest" that they need to keep the troops there?

"Robert Salesses who began Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security on January 20, 202, wrote in the e-mail:
"If it’s not possible to sustain at the current level with NG personnel, we need to establish the number of NG personnel (DCNG and out-of-state) we can sustain for an extended period – at least through Fall 2021 – and understand additional options for providing DoD support, to include use of reserve personnel, as well as active component."
No, it is NOT justified. These elected officials work for the People. It is totally unacceptable thst the politicians somehow feel they can create a buffer zone between them and the People they are elected to represent.
You never know when Trump might pop out of the woodworks and send his white supremers and Boogie Bois to take back the White House.

Hate to keep pointing this out but none of it would be necessary if you Trump supporters hadn't completely lost your minds and violently stormed the Capitol, threatening Representatives and Senators (and the VP) and ransacking the place..all because of the constantly parroted lie that your savior kept repeating over and over that the election was somehow stolen from him (it wasn't). As I understand it, there are constant threats being issued online to these politicians so I'm not surprised they would be asked to stay. You want to know why it's necessary, look no further than the mindless lemmings that make up Trump's base.
Walls dont work.

Let them keep 100,000 troops downtown for the rest of time. We all this is a bullshit show because the cowards are scared of Trump winning in 2024.

It is pathetic and transparent as fuck.
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Id like to point out that while these so called “leaders” clutched their pearls and crouched in the corner while people took selfies in the Capitol, these SAME PEOPLE showed NO SYMPATHY for the thousands of people who lost their homes and businesses and jobs and lives during the 6 straight months of ANTIFABLM riots.

They can piss off. They are frauds. They are hypocrites. They are cowards. They are not leaders.
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No, it is NOT justified. These elected officials work for the People. It is totally unacceptable thst the politicians somehow feel they can create a buffer zone between them and the People they are elected to represent.
You have an insurrection backed by one of your main parties. Its important that your institutions are protected from traitors.
Wanting Natl Guard to stay & protect Democrats for the rest of the year should tell you the American people won't like what the Democrats have in store...and the Democrats know it & fear the people they are suppose to represent.
No, it is NOT justified. These elected officials work for the People. It is totally unacceptable thst the politicians somehow feel they can create a buffer zone between them and the People they are elected to represent.
You have an insurrection backed by one of your main parties. Its important that your institutions are protected from traitors.
The 'Insurrection' was proven to be a pre-planned, Antifa/BLM-incited violent event Pelosi & the Capitol Police knew was coming...and let it happen to go after Trumpand demonize Conservativws and Trump-supporters.

All Intel agencies reported there was NO threat to the Inauguration, but still Democrats turned DC into the Baghdad 'Green Zone' guarded by more troops than we have in Afghanistan, Iraq, & Syria.

The FBI warned Pelosi and the Capitol Police EFIRE 6 Jan extremists were coming to DC to 'wage war', & they did NOTHING to protect the Capitol.

Pelosi & the Socialist Demicrats are engaged in political theatrics and manipulation to control and oppress the country. You are losing your country, and you don't even realize it yet. You're like a frog in a pit of water, and the temperature is being raised so gradually you don-t know you're in trouble.
You have an insurrection backed by one of your main parties. Its important that your institutions are protected from traitors.

The TRAITORS were the ones INSIDE the building BEFORE the attack started.

That building belongs to the American PEOPLE, not the Politicians. why that building is not open to the public at all times thst either chamber is in session makes no sense to me. They are OUR EMPLOYEES, not the other way around.

it is far better for the politicians to fear the People than the other way around.
This is Washington DC in 2020, not Berlin in 1936, or Moscow in 1964.
Nancy Pelosi is an idiot. Her two fruitless and pointless impeachments are only the most obvious manifestation of her idiocy.

But nobody points out that she is an idiot because she is an old woman, and they are afraid that they will be castigated as misogynistic for criticizing a helpless, enfeebled old crone.

Why am I the only one who points out that this woman, the third most exalted public official in the country, represents a congressional district that is possibly the most out of touch locale in the entire fifty states plus Puerto Rico and the Marshall Islands? It would be like the EU electing the crown prince of Monte Carlo to head the European Union.

Her holding the Speaker's position makes a mockery of the entire U.S. government. She is an idiot.
The NG is not Pelosi's or DC's private security force nor were they intended to be a pawn of partisan political agenda. NG troops signed up to defend their States and their States should tell Fed. gov. to kiss it. Especially since DC has not seen fit to properly provide for the troops they have been loaned.
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They don't need NG troops in DC. They should all be sent home.

More shit brought to you by imbecilic Dems.

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