Naomi Klein~the man made climate change cult finnaly being honest

What is crystal clear is that people like you that are complete ignoramouses that must be isolated from political power. We have a problem, and it must and will be addressed. Those in denial of reality will be told not to stand in the doorway, or block off the hall.

Naomi Klein has written a very thoughtful book on what is occuring, and the steps we need to take to prevent our actions from creating a degraded world for our descendants.

Thoughtful and Global Warming are parallel tracks that never meet

Mr. CrusaderFrank, because your mentality can only consider violence as an acceptable method of doing business, does not mean the sane citizens have the same mental perversion. Just as we did away with the indiscriminate use of DDT and CFC's, we will do what is neccessary to switch the economy to an energy base that does not create GHGs. It will be done the the democratic processes of this and other nations.

Don't dare you bring up CFC's in the same subject as a hoax of man made climate change...

It is intellectually dishonest.

We know your hatered of capitalism is now.
Really? Why? Give your reasons. This should be interesting.

I don't hate or love either capitalism or socialism. No more than I love or hate a crescent wrench or a socket wrench. They are both tools to be used where appropriate. That you have to label one or the other as evil simply indicates the paucity on intellect on your part.

One ideology resulted in untold millions dying in the last century and other brought prosperity to untold millions...yet you consider them the same.

Leftism really fucks up people's brains.

Progressive are mindless zombies
Zombies, EXACTLY
One ideology resulted in untold millions dying in the last century and other brought prosperity to untold millions...yet you consider them the same.

Holy shit, you're ignorant of history. But then, if you weren't, you couldn't be a conservative.

Go look up the body count of the British Empire sometime, and tell us about the gentle nature of capitalism.

Progressive are the most prolific mass murderers in human history, bar none
One ideology resulted in untold millions dying in the last century and other brought prosperity to untold millions...yet you consider them the same.

Holy shit, you're ignorant of history. But then, if you weren't, you couldn't be a conservative.

Go look up the body count of the British Empire sometime, and tell us about the gentle nature of capitalism.

Progressive are the most prolific mass murderers in human history, bar none
One wonders how many of today's progressives would accept mass murder and imprisonment, to get their way on climate change/Marxist one world government. After all, they must save the planet so anything can be justified.
One wonders how stupid asses like Gipper can get. We are getting our way on climate change through the application of R and D that has made wind and solar cheaper than fossil fuels and nukes. And the grid scale batteries coming online will make both solar and wind 24/7. Not Marxism, as for profit utilities are building these as rapidly as possible. And how does having a non-polluting source of electricity translate into one world government? Your ignorance is truly abysmal.
One wonders how stupid asses like Gipper can get. We are getting our way on climate change through the application of R and D that has made wind and solar cheaper than fossil fuels and nukes. And the grid scale batteries coming online will make both solar and wind 24/7. Not Marxism, as for profit utilities are building these as rapidly as possible. And how does having a non-polluting source of electricity translate into one world government? Your ignorance is truly abysmal.
Well my old deluded friend, history proves you wrong AGAIN.

Wherever radical leftism has taken hold, millions die and terrible suffering is inflected on most of those not murdered. You might do some book learning...even at your advanced age and senility, you might actually learn something.

Check out the recent history in the following nations, then get back to me.
E. Europe nations under communism
North Korea
Several African nations....look 'em up.

Why is it that the radical Left is 100% in agreement on AGW?
To be fair, it wasn't just Britain with a bloody history. All the European powers happily exterminated any brown person who resisted the formation of their colonial empires.

But then, in the eyes of Gipper and Frank and the other Stalinist ratfucks here, those victims were just wogs, so they don't count as actual people, and therefore the extermination of all those millions doesn't count as genocide.
One wonders how stupid asses like Gipper can get. We are getting our way on climate change through the application of R and D that has made wind and solar cheaper than fossil fuels and nukes. And the grid scale batteries coming online will make both solar and wind 24/7. Not Marxism, as for profit utilities are building these as rapidly as possible. And how does having a non-polluting source of electricity translate into one world government? Your ignorance is truly abysmal.
Well my old deluded friend, history proves you wrong AGAIN.

Wherever radical leftism has taken hold, millions die and terrible suffering is inflected on most of those not murdered. You might do some book learning...even at your advanced age and senility, you might actually learn something.

Check out the recent history in the following nations, then get back to me.
E. Europe nations under communism
North Korea
Several African nations....look 'em up.

Why is it that the radical Left is 100% in agreement on AGW?
I see. Wishing to prevent some rather severe effects from global warming translates as radical leftism? How so? Do you mean you cannot be a conservative and work for clean and pollution free sources of electricity? You cannot be a conservative and acknowledge the physics of how GHGs warm the atmosphere? You cannot be a conservative and acknowledge reality?

People like you are why many people think all conservatives are stupid.
Why is it that the Scientific Societies, National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities are in 100% agreement on AGW? Are they all radical leftists? Or perhaps you are just stupid enough to conflate a scientific issue with politics. No amount of politics is going to change the affects of putting over 40% more CO2 and over 250% more CH4 into the atmosphere.
One wonders how stupid asses like Gipper can get. We are getting our way on climate change through the application of R and D that has made wind and solar cheaper than fossil fuels and nukes. And the grid scale batteries coming online will make both solar and wind 24/7. Not Marxism, as for profit utilities are building these as rapidly as possible. And how does having a non-polluting source of electricity translate into one world government? Your ignorance is truly abysmal.
Well my old deluded friend, history proves you wrong AGAIN.

Wherever radical leftism has taken hold, millions die and terrible suffering is inflected on most of those not murdered. You might do some book learning...even at your advanced age and senility, you might actually learn something.

Check out the recent history in the following nations, then get back to me.
E. Europe nations under communism
North Korea
Several African nations....look 'em up.

Why is it that the radical Left is 100% in agreement on AGW?
I see. Wishing to prevent some rather severe effects from global warming translates as radical leftism? How so? Do you mean you cannot be a conservative and work for clean and pollution free sources of electricity? You cannot be a conservative and acknowledge the physics of how GHGs warm the atmosphere? You cannot be a conservative and acknowledge reality?

People like you are why many people think all conservatives are stupid.
Of course, you miss the point. The point is THERE ARE NO SEVERE EFFECTS FROM GLOBAL WARMING...YOU DUPE!

It is a fraud, but you are too blind to see it.

I am not a con....haven't been one of those since the 80s, but you can still hate me.
To be fair, it wasn't just Britain with a bloody history. All the European powers happily exterminated any brown person who resisted the formation of their colonial empires.

But then, in the eyes of Gipper and Frank and the other Stalinist ratfucks here, those victims were just wogs, so they don't count as actual people, and therefore the extermination of all those millions doesn't count as genocide.
I agree that the Euros have a terribly bloody past.

The problem you have is you won't admit that your commie buddies killed far more people, in a shorter period of time, than did the colonial powers. blame capitalism for the Euros actions, is typical left wing tripe...straight from the university professor watercooler, which of course means it is total ignorance.
So you say it's correct to blame socialist economics for killings, but it's not okay to blame capitalist economics.

And that sort of hypocrisy is why nobody takes you seriously.

Oh, the USA didn't miss out on the fun, being how we thought exterminating a million or so Filipinos was a great idea. The Native American depopulation was mostly over before the USA came about, so while we were very thorough in our killing there, there just weren't enough native Americans to start with to build up any impressive body count numbers.
So you say it's correct to blame socialist economics for killings, but it's not okay to blame capitalist economics.

And that sort of hypocrisy is why nobody takes you seriously.

Oh, the USA didn't miss out on the fun, being how we thought exterminating a million or so Filipinos was a great idea. The Native American depopulation was mostly over before the USA came about, so while we were very thorough in our killing there, there just weren't enough native Americans to start with to build up any impressive body count numbers.
You need to learn to read better.

I never stated "socialist economics."

You may not know this, but communism is far more than an economic system. It is also a political system...did I just blow you mind?
Since nobody here is a commie, why are you babbling about commies?

I that back. All the deniers here openly act like proud Stalinists. Every last one of them wants climate scientists executed or imprisoned for daring to do science that disagrees with the politics of TheParty.

You can show you're not a Stalinist like the rest of the deniers, by condemning the deniers for calling for the execution or imprisonment of scientists.

If you won't do that, then plainly you are a commie and a genocidal maniac, like all the other denier Stalinists here.
Folks here don't really matter. But Naomi Klein does and IS probably a commie sympathizer. Or at the least -- a progressive socialist.. Probably copped to that many times -- I'll wager..
Nothing wrong in being a progressive socialist. Many wealthy nations have had them in their governments for decades. Less damage than the "Conservatives" did in 2008 here.
One wonders how stupid asses like Gipper can get. We are getting our way on climate change through the application of R and D that has made wind and solar cheaper than fossil fuels and nukes. And the grid scale batteries coming online will make both solar and wind 24/7. Not Marxism, as for profit utilities are building these as rapidly as possible. And how does having a non-polluting source of electricity translate into one world government? Your ignorance is truly abysmal.
facts not in evidence.
One wonders how stupid asses like Gipper can get. We are getting our way on climate change through the application of R and D that has made wind and solar cheaper than fossil fuels and nukes. And the grid scale batteries coming online will make both solar and wind 24/7. Not Marxism, as for profit utilities are building these as rapidly as possible. And how does having a non-polluting source of electricity translate into one world government? Your ignorance is truly abysmal.
Well my old deluded friend, history proves you wrong AGAIN.

Wherever radical leftism has taken hold, millions die and terrible suffering is inflected on most of those not murdered. You might do some book learning...even at your advanced age and senility, you might actually learn something.

Check out the recent history in the following nations, then get back to me.
E. Europe nations under communism
North Korea
Several African nations....look 'em up.

Why is it that the radical Left is 100% in agreement on AGW?
I see. Wishing to prevent some rather severe effects from global warming translates as radical leftism? How so? Do you mean you cannot be a conservative and work for clean and pollution free sources of electricity? You cannot be a conservative and acknowledge the physics of how GHGs warm the atmosphere? You cannot be a conservative and acknowledge reality?

People like you are why many people think all conservatives are stupid.
again, facts not in evidence. Although, they have been requested repeatedly.
Why is it that the Scientific Societies, National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities are in 100% agreement on AGW? Are they all radical leftists? Or perhaps you are just stupid enough to conflate a scientific issue with politics. No amount of politics is going to change the affects of putting over 40% more CO2 and over 250% more CH4 into the atmosphere.
explained and discussed in previous posts, move on to something new.
Since nobody here is a commie, why are you babbling about commies?

I that back. All the deniers here openly act like proud Stalinists. Every last one of them wants climate scientists executed or imprisoned for daring to do science that disagrees with the politics of TheParty.

You can show you're not a Stalinist like the rest of the deniers, by condemning the deniers for calling for the execution or imprisonment of scientists.

If you won't do that, then plainly you are a commie and a genocidal maniac, like all the other denier Stalinists here.
please post one link where anyone on here made any such statement.
The next Texas energy boom, Solar!

August 24, 2015/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by GuyMacNeill
That’s the headline from a recent Wall Street Journal article. Next Texas Energy Boom: Solar

Below are just a few of the compelling facts from the article that indicate that the rush is on for utility scale solar in West Texas

  • Companies are currently spending over a billion dollars on new solar projects in Texas
  • OCI Solar is already installing solar panels for a solar farm that is the size of 900 football fields in Pecos County
  • SunEdison has presented plans for its own utility-scale solar farm to county officials and Recurrent Energy, a subsidiary of Canadian Solar, Inc. is readying a nearby site for construction
  • The Texas Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) expects solar energy production to increase from the current 193MW to between 10,000 to 12,500 MWs by 2029 which is roughly the size of all current US solar farms in existence
  • West texas is flat, the land is open, available and cheap
  • Texas has just finished an investment of $6.9 billion in new transmission lines initially developed for wind producers but now available to solar energy generators
  • The production of solar energy is highest during the middle of the day when typically there are lulls in wind generation making wind and solar power generation complementary
  • Today the average price of energy in west texas is $35 per mwh with current solar bids are coming in around $43, but with wholesale prices expected to rise and because energy prices can float to as high as $9,000 per mwh in high demand periods there is large potential upside for solar generators.
  • Local counties are providing significant tax abatements to attract big developers
At Beam Energy we are focused on delivering solar and foundation solutions to this fast growing market.

The Next Texas Energy Boom: Solar
  • Facts in evidence.

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