Narcan approved for over the counter sale. What happened to don't do drugs?

Oxycotton? WTF is that? Is that like a shirt laced with oxycodone ?
you sound like the expert. all i know is limbaugh used to take a lot of it.

i think this oxycodone is the last drug hysteria, right after the crack babies and before fox discovered fentanyl.
Gee, I missed the part of the Bible where Jesus said to judge others and presume to know God’s eternal judgement
Saying truthful things is Judgemental? The bible doesn't say don't Judge it says don't be a hypocrite in a nut shell
You are encouraging drug usage and overdosing by doing this, if there is no reason not to OD do as much as you want. How about just don't do drugs moron
How about you just do as your told and pay your taxes? I doubt anyone is seeking your advice on drug policy. 😄
What do you know about fixing drug habits?

Evidently the people responsible don't know anything either, because there are never any presented metrics showing successes or failures. Just money thrown into useless agencies that work on enabling the problem instead of fixing it.

Fixed problems result in government asshats losing their jobs, can't have that.
Treatment won't work. No matter how forceful, until the afflicted WANT to change. Till then, you are merely pissing up a rope.

Then until they want to change ship them off to so nice camps where they can kill themselves as they see fit.
Evidently the people responsible don't know anything either, because there are never any presented metrics showing successes or failures. Just money thrown into useless agencies that work on enabling the problem instead of fixing it.

Fixed problems result in government asshats losing their jobs, can't have that.
So you don't know shit?
Then until they want to change ship them off to so nice camps where they can kill themselves as they see fit.

If I had my way I would house all of them in a hotel. They can't leave it until they are clean and sober. They are fed, medically cared for, and provided whatever drugs they need. They don't get to vote, or have children. They are literally treated like children. If they die, so be it. But that way they aren't committing crimes, and they cost to house them in that way is far, far less than what we are doing now.
If I had my way I would house all of them in a hotel. They can't leave it until they are clean and sober. They are fed, medically cared for, and provided whatever drugs they need. They don't get to vote, or have children. They are literally treated like children. If they die, so be it. But that way they aren't committing crimes, and they cost to house them in that way is far, far less than what we are doing now.

Why keep them in the cities?

Plenty of land available outside most major cities.
Why keep them in the cities?

Plenty of land available outside most major cities.

Easier access to whatever they need. They can't leave so there is no security issue.
Churches worth their salt teach about accountability, and being responsible for yourself
Something something good Samaritan something.

Dude, this is literally just making it easier to get something that can you can have in case there's an emergency, just like the Israeli bandages, tourniquets, and emergency aspirin. Its literally what we were advised to put into our bag, but without a prescription its probably cheaper.

If you're in a restaurant and someone has an attack, you have this in your kit, you're not going to give it to them? If I am in the same restaurant and someone suddenly stabs themself, I don't see the efficacy in discussing a moral ethics while the person is bleeding out.
Treatment won't work. No matter how forceful, until the afflicted WANT to change. Till then, you are merely pissing up a rope.

I've seen it. I have seen junkies who are taken by the hand and given every possible thing useful in life, all the comforts a human being needs and all the practical and spiritual support a human can possibly use -- and they blew it. Pissed it all away and went back to their slow suicide.

I have nothing left to give to a junkie and I wholly support their path of self destruction so they can get off the planet as quickly as possible and make room for a real and worthy person.


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