Narcissist In Chief Bemoans Magnificence Not Appreciated


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[The C In C who has brought us thus far to the edge of the Second Great Depression was busy, when not reminding business owners that their business success is not due to anything the business owners imparted to their operations, acumen, intelligence, diligence, or industry, but rather something Obama or others in power like him supplied instead, is now bewailing the apparent public lack of recognition of his eminent greatness. Yeah!]

"Comic relief at the White House: Obama regrets his magnificence has not been appreciated

During an interview with longtime ally, CBS News’ anchor Charlie Rose, Barack Obama (and Michelle) lamented having failed to adequately relate the true extent of the President’s genius to the American public. “The nature of this office is … to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism,” not just “to [think] about getting the policy right” said Obama to the reliably sympathetic Rose. In Obama’s mind, this means that though he has worked to add trillions to the debt, keep unemployment high and destroy any chance of economic recovery, if only he had done a better job packaging and presenting these willful disasters as triumphs, his campaign wouldn’t be in trouble and the American people would properly appreciate his tireless efforts on their behalf."

Comic relief at the White House: Obama regrets his magnificence has not been appreciated « « Coach is RightCoach is Right
Obviously, you're too busy clinging to your guns and religion to notice the jaw-dropping awesomeness of The One!

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